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Diamond Standard Lap


Elevate your lapidary work with our Diamond Standard Lap, meticulously crafted for precision and durability. Engineered with high-quality diamond grit, this lap ensures efficient grinding and polishing of stones, ceramics, glass, and more. Experience smooth and consistent results with our reliable Diamond Standard Lap.Diamond Standard Lap was Quality diamond replacement disks 6", 8" Facet Lap Machine or other lapidary equipment using a 6" and 8" Master Lap. Available in a comprehensive series of grits for all your sanding, shaping and polishing needs. Secured to a master lap by mechanically clamping them. They are not pressure sensitive backs. Grinding and shaping lapidary cabochons ;Grinding and shaping stone for intarsia projects ;Create gemstone perform sanding and pre-polishing. 1/2" Standard Hole size.Diamond Abrasive: All these laps have a Diamond Abrasive coating, which is one of the hardest known materials, making it ideal for cutting and polishing gemstones.Precise Faceting: Diamond Faceting Laps allow lapidaries to create Precise facets with specific angles and dimensions, enhancing the brilliance and fire of gemstones.Water and Lubrication: During the Faceting process, water and abrasive slurry are typically used to keep the Laps and gemstone cool and to remove debris.Specialized Textures: The unique textures on Ripple Faceting Lap and Dot Laps enable lapidaries to create customized facet patterns and effects on gemstones.Gemstone Compatibility: These Lap can be used with a wide range of gemstone materials, including quartz, sapphire, ruby, and many others.Lapidaries often use a sequence of different Faceting laps, starting with a rough cut on a Diamond Standard Lap and progressing to more specialized laps for finer facets and finishes. The choice of lap depends on the desired result and the type of gemstone being cut. Each lap contributes to the final appearance and quality of the faceted gemstone, allowing lapidaries to achieve a variety of facet designs and effects.



Grit Size

6 inch

Aluminum Master


8 inch

Aluminum Master


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