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HANS is a leading provider of metal bonded superabrasives that are specially designed to withstand wear and tear. Our Metal Bonded Diamond Tools are made by embedding diamonds into specific metal alloys in a way that allows them to cut through a variety of materials, including tile, glass, and sapphire.
During the creation process, we carefully mix the diamonds with the Metal alloys to ensure that the tool is optimized for cutting efficiency. As the tool is used, the material that the diamonds are embedded into must wear away in the correct proportion to the diamonds themselves, allowing them to continue cutting optimally.

Metal Boned and Sintered Diamond Wheels was a Professional Grade Wheels for Vertical Cabbing Machines,It has a Full mm deep diamond matrix exposes new cutting points as the Wheels are used.Sintered Wheels can be dressed to expose additional crystals for a more aggressive cut, but dressing is not always needed if you follow a "side to side" pattern when grinding to ensure even wear. Dynamic balancing at the factory ensures concentricity for smooth and quiet grinding .Generally order one grit size larger for sintered diamond tools as compared to plated or brazed parts.

Metal Bonded Diamond Core Drills made with our exclusive Metal bond developed for high strength and longevity,Metal bond diamond core Drills are the finest core Drills manufactured in the world. Diamonds held in a Metal matrix bond for core drilling glass, alumina quartz, ruby yag, silicon and other hard abrasive non-metallic ceramics.Sintered diamond drill bits are heavy-duty bits designed for long life.  Generally, sintered bits will have a long life of 20 to 30 or more times the life of a bonded diamond drill bit, if used properly.  The heavy-duty design provides long life when drilling in very hard materials such as porcelain tile, granite and hard stones. 

Metal Bonded Diamond Saw Blades are the Professional will provide smooth surface finish and is designed for cutting all types of lapidary materials (precious & semi precious stones) when waste must be held to a minimum and speed of cut is essential.Diamond saw Blades incorporate diamonds into the blade edges to cut to help make fast, clean cuts through glass,Lapidary,ceramic tile, concrete, brick and other hard materials,There are many types of diamond blade, and they have many uses, including cutting stone, concrete, asphalt, bricks, coal balls, glass, and ceramics in the construction industry; cuttingsemiconductor materials in the IT industry; and cutting gemstones, including diamonds, in the gem industry.

Types of Metal Bonded Diamond Tools:

Metal Bonded Diamond grinding Wheels:

  • Specification:

    • Diameter: Typically ranging from 4 inches (100 mm) to 12 inches (300 mm) or more.

    • Thickness: Varies depending on the wheel's design and intended use.

    • Arbor Hole Size: The center hole that fits onto the spindle of a grinding machine typically ranges from 0.5 inches (12.7 mm) to 2 inches (50 mm) or more.

  • Applications:

    • Precision grinding and sharpening of cutting tools.

    • Grinding ceramics, glass, and hard Metal .

    • Surface grinding and profiling in various industries.

    • Material removal and shaping.

Metal Bonded Diamond Saw Blades:

  • Specification:

    • Diameter: Common sizes include 4 inches (100 mm), 7 inches (180 mm), 10 inches (250 mm), 14 inches (350 mm), and larger.

    • Blade Thickness: Varies based on the Blades's intended use and material to be cut.

    • Arbor Hole Size: Similar to grinding wheels, the hole that fits onto the saw machine's spindle can vary in size.

  • Applications:

    • Cutting stone, concrete, asphalt, ceramics, and glass.

    • Precision cutting in construction and masonry.

    • Fabrication of countertops, tiles, and monuments.

    • Masonry and concrete cutting in the construction industry.

Metal Bonded Diamond Core Drills:

  • Specification:

    • Diameter: Drills sizes can range from very small, such as 0.25 inches (6 mm), to several inches (100 mm) or more.

    • Length: The length of the Drills depends on the depth of the hole required.

    • Shank Size: The shank diameter varies and should match the chuck size of the drilling equipment.

  • Applications:

    • Drilling holes in hard and abrasive materials, including concrete, stone, and ceramics.

    • Geological drilling for exploration.

    • Construction and architectural drilling.

    • Creating precise holes for plumbing and electrical installations.

Metal Bonded Diamond grinding Discs:

  • Specification:

    • Diameter: Typically available in sizes similar to grinding wheels, ranging from a few inches to larger diameters.

    • Thickness: The thickness can vary based on the design and application.

  • Applications:

    • grinding and smoothing surfaces, including stone, concrete, and glass.

    • Surface preparation and leveling in construction.

    • Material removal and profiling in various industries.

Metal Bonded Diamond Burrs:

  • Specification:

    • Burs Diameter: The diameter of diamond Burs can range from a few millimeters to several centimeters, depending on the specific type and application.

    • Length: The length of the Burs  depends on the design and intended use, with lengths ranging from a few centimeters to several centimeters.

  • Applications:

    • Precision grinding , shaping, and carving in various materials.

    • Engraving, deburring, and chamfering.

    • Jewelry making, woodworking, and Metalworking applications.


Metalbundne diamantværktøjer bruges i vid udstrækning i forskellige industrier til skæring, slibning og formning af hårde og slibende materialer. Deres ydeevne er kendetegnet ved flere nøglefaktorer, der gør dem velegnede til specifikke applikationer. Ydeevneaspekterne ved metalbundne diamantværktøjer:

  1. Høj hårdhed og slidstyrke: Metalbundne diamantværktøjer er designet til at modstå den ekstreme hårdhed og slibeevne af materialer som beton, sten, keramik og glas. Metalbindingen holder diamantpartiklerne sikkert og sikrer, at de bevarer deres skære- eller slibekanter i længere perioder.

  2. Levetid: Metalbundne diamantværktøjer har typisk en længere levetid sammenlignet med andre typer limede diamantværktøjer, såsom harpiksbundne værktøjer. Denne forlængede levetid reducerer hyppigheden af værktøjsudskiftning, hvilket fører til omkostningsbesparelser og øget produktivitet.

  3. Præcision og nøjagtighed: Disse værktøjer tilbyder enestående præcision og nøjagtighed i skære- og slibeopgaver. De kan opnå snævre tolerancer og fine overfladefinisher, hvilket gør dem velegnede til applikationer, hvor præcision er kritisk.

  4. Høj materialefjernelseshastighed: Metalbundne diamantværktøjer er kendt for deres høje materialefjernelseshastigheder, hvilket gør dem effektive til hurtigt at fjerne store mængder materiale. Dette er især vigtigt i applikationer som betonslibning og stenskæring.

  5. Alsidighed: Metalbundne diamantværktøjer er alsidige og kan bruges på en lang række materialer, herunder beton, granit, marmor, keramik og endda nogle metaller. De er velegnede til forskellige industrier, herunder byggeri, stenfremstilling, rumfart og bilindustrien.

  6. Varmebestandighed: Metalbindingen giver god varmebestandighed, hvilket gør det muligt for værktøjerne at arbejde ved høje hastigheder uden overophedning. Dette er vigtigt for at forhindre slid på værktøjet og opretholde skære- eller slibeydelsen.

  7. Reduceret tilstopning: Metalbundne værktøjer er mindre tilbøjelige til tilstopning sammenlignet med harpiksbundne modparter, især når der arbejdes med materialer som beton. Denne funktion sikrer kontinuerlig og effektiv materialefjernelse.

  8. Konsistens: Metalbundne diamantværktøjer leverer ensartet ydeevne gennem hele deres levetid. Denne konsistens er afgørende for at opnå ensartede resultater i fremstillings- og konstruktionsapplikationer.

  9. Forbedret produktivitet: På grund af deres høje materialefjernelseshastigheder og lang levetid bidrager metalbundne diamantværktøjer til øget produktivitet, reduceret nedetid og lavere arbejdsomkostninger.

  10. Forskellige former og størrelser: Disse værktøjer er tilgængelige i forskellige former og størrelser, herunder slibeskiver, savklinger, kernebor og mere. Denne alsidighed giver brugerne mulighed for at vælge det rigtige værktøj til deres specifikke anvendelse.

  11. Miljøhensyn: Metalbundne diamantværktøjer anses generelt for at være miljøvenlige, fordi de producerer minimalt affald under drift og ikke frigiver skadelige stoffer til miljøet.


Metal-bonded diamond tools find a wide range of applications across various industries due to their exceptional hardness and abrasion resistance. These tools are designed to cut, grind, and shape hard and abrasive materials.Applications for metal-bonded diamond tools:

  1. Stone Cutting and Profiling: Metal-bonded diamond saw blades are extensively used in the stone industry for cutting and shaping natural and engineered stones such as granite, marble, quartz, and slate. They are employed in the fabrication of countertops, tiles, monuments, and sculptures.

  2. Concrete Grinding and Polishing: Diamond grinding discs with metal bonds are essential in the construction and concrete polishing industries. They are used to grind and polish concrete floors, producing a smooth and glossy finish. Metal-bonded tools can also remove coatings and adhesives from concrete surfaces.

  3. Glass and Ceramic Processing: Diamond wheels and drill bits with metal bonds are employed for precision cutting, drilling, and profiling of glass and ceramic materials. These tools are used in the production of glass panels, mirrors, tiles, and electronic components.

  4. Stone Quarrying: Metal-bonded diamond wire saws are used in stone quarrying operations to extract large stone blocks. They offer high cutting efficiency and minimize waste during the extraction process.

  5. Aerospace Industry: Diamond tools with metal bonds are used to machine and shape hard and abrasive materials in the aerospace sector. This includes cutting and drilling operations on composite materials, ceramics, and advanced alloys.

  6. Metalworking: Metal-bonded diamond grinding wheels are used for precision grinding and sharpening of hard metals, carbide tools, and high-speed steel. They are common in the manufacturing of cutting tools and precision parts.

  7. Electronic and Semiconductor Industry: Diamond blades and drills with metal bonds are used to cut and shape silicon wafers and other semiconductor materials with precision. These tools play a crucial role in semiconductor device fabrication.

  8. Automotive Industry: Metal-bonded diamond tools are used for machining and profiling hard and abrasive materials in the automotive sector. This includes applications such as grinding engine components and cutting glass.

  9. Oil and Gas Drilling: Diamond drill bits with metal bonds are employed in the oil and gas industry for drilling through hard rock formations during exploration and drilling operations.

  10. Jewelry and Gem Cutting: Metal-bonded diamond saw blades and wheels are used for cutting, shaping, and faceting precious gemstones and jewelry materials like diamonds, sapphires, and rubies.

  11. Construction and Masonry: Diamond blades with metal bonds are used in construction and masonry applications for cutting concrete, asphalt, bricks, and other building materials.

  12. Woodworking: In some specialized applications, metal-bonded diamond tools are used for cutting and shaping wood, especially when the wood contains embedded abrasive materials or is mixed with resin.

  13. Art and Sculpture: Metal-bonded diamond tools are employed by artists and sculptors for creating intricate sculptures and artworks from hard and abrasive materials.


Dimensionerne af metalbundne diamantværktøjer, såsom slibeskiver, savklinger, kernebor, slibeskiver og grater, kan variere meget afhængigt af den specifikke anvendelse og producent. Disse værktøjer fås i forskellige størrelser og former for at passe til forskellige skære- og slibekrav. Her er nogle typiske dimensioner for hver type værktøj:

Metalbundne diamantslibeskiver:

  • Diameter: Typisk fra 4 tommer (100 mm) til 12 tommer (300 mm) eller mere.

  • Tykkelse: Varierer afhængigt af hjulets design og påtænkte anvendelse.

  • Størrelse på arborhul: Det midterste hul, der passer på spindlen på en slibemaskine, varierer typisk fra 0,5 tommer (12,7 mm) til 2 tommer (50 mm) eller mere.

Metalbundne diamantsavklinger:

  • Diameter: Almindelige størrelser inkluderer 4 tommer (100 mm), 7 tommer (180 mm), 10 tommer (250 mm), 14 tommer (350 mm) og større.

  • Bladtykkelse: Varierer baseret på bladets tilsigtede brug og materiale, der skal skæres.

  • Størrelse på arborhul: I lighed med slibeskiver kan hullet, der passer på savmaskinens spindel, variere i størrelse.

Metalbundet diamantkernebor:

  • Diameter: Kerneborstørrelser kan variere fra meget små, såsom 0,25 tommer (6 mm), til flere tommer (100 mm) eller mere.

  • Længde: Længden af kerneboret afhænger af dybden af det ønskede hul.

  • Skaftstørrelse: Skaftdiameteren varierer og skal passe til boreudstyrets borepatronstørrelse.

Metalbundne diamantslibeskiver:

  • Diameter: Fås typisk i størrelser svarende til slibeskiver, der spænder fra nogle få tommer til større diametre.

  • Tykkelse: Tykkelsen kan variere baseret på design og anvendelse.

Metalbundne diamantgrater:

  • Bordiameter: Diameteren af diamantgrater kan variere fra nogle få millimeter til flere centimeter, afhængigt af den specifikke type og anvendelse.

  • Længde: Længden af graten afhænger af designet og den påtænkte anvendelse, med længder fra nogle få centimeter til flere centimeter.

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Q: Hvordan bruger du en diamantpude?

En diamanthåndpude er et håndholdt slibeværktøj med en fleksibel overflade belagt med diamantpartikler. Det bruges til slibning, udglatning og polering af forskellige materialer, herunder sten, beton, glas og metal.

Q: Hvordan vælger jeg den rigtige kornstørrelse til mit projekt?

Select the grit size based on the initial condition of your workpiece and the desired level of surface finish. Coarse grits are suitable for rough grinding, while finer grits are used for smoothing and polishing.

Q: Hvilke sikkerhedsforanstaltninger skal jeg tage, når jeg bruger diamanthåndpuder?

Bær beskyttelsesbriller, støvmaske og handsker for at beskytte dig mod støv og snavs. Arbejd desuden i et godt ventileret område eller brug åndedrætsværn, hvis du arbejder med fine støvpartikler.

Q: How do I maintain and clean my diamond hand pad?

Efter brug skylles diamanthåndpuden med rent vand for at fjerne snavs og rester. Dup det forsigtigt tørt eller lad det lufttørre. Korrekt vedligeholdelse kan forlænge pudens levetid.

Spørgsmål: Hvad er nogle almindelige anvendelser for håndpuder med diamanter?

Bær beskyttelsesbriller, støvmaske og handsker for at beskytte dig mod støv og snavs. Arbejd desuden i et godt ventileret område eller brug åndedrætsværn, hvis du arbejder med fine støvpartikler.

Q: What are the common grit sizes for diamond hand pads?

Diamond hand pads come in a range of grit sizes, from coarse (e.g., 50 grit) to fine (e.g., 3000 grit). The choice of grit depends on the specific task, with coarser grits used for material removal and finer grits for polishing.

Spørgsmål: Skal jeg bruge vand eller smøremiddel med en diamanthåndpude?

Ja, det er ofte nødvendigt at bruge vand eller et specifikt smøremiddel. Det hjælper med at holde overfladen kølig, forhindrer overophedning og forbedrer effektiviteten af diamantpartiklerne ved slibning og polering. Nogle materialer kræver tørslibning, så det er vigtigt at tjekke producentens anbefalinger.

Q: Can I use a diamond hand pad for dry grinding and wet grinding?

The suitability of a diamond hand pad for dry or wet grinding depends on the material and the pad itself. Some diamond hand pads are designed for wet use, while others are suitable for dry grinding. Check the manufacturer's specifications for guidance.

Q: Kan diamanthåndpuder bruges på buede eller uregelmæssige overflader?

Ja, diamanthåndpuder er alsidige og kan bruges på flade, buede eller uregelmæssige overflader. Deres fleksibilitet giver mulighed for konturering og formning af forskellige arbejdsemner.

Spørgsmål: Kan jeg opnå en højpoleret finish med en diamanthåndpude?

Yes, with the right technique and progression through finer grits, you can achieve a high-polish finish on various materials using diamond hand pads. The finest grits are typically used for the polishing stage.

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