Sintered Diamond Faceting Laps
Når det kommer til at skære facetter på sarte og sprøde materialer som glas, keramik og krystaller eller ultrahårde materialer, har du brug for en sintret diamant flad lap, der kan levere præcision og holdbarhed. Vores S intered facettering Laps er designet til at opfylde kravene fra poler- og slibeindustrien til disse materialer. Med en diamantmatrixdybde på 3,5 mm eller 5 mm og præcisionsslebne stålkerner er vores sintrede laps de mest holdbare og langtidsholdbare på markedet.
Sammenlignet med andre sintrede Laps på markedet har vores Laps en dybere diamantmatrix , som afslører nye skærepunkter , efterhånden som hjulene bruges. Det betyder, at vores Laps skærer lige så aggressivt på den første facet som den sidste, og kan klædes på for at eksponere yderligere krystaller for et mere aggressivt snit. Påklædning er dog ikke altid nødvendig, hvis du følger et "side til side"-mønster ved slibning for at sikre ensartet slid.
Vores sintrede diamantskøder kommer i en række størrelser, fra 4" til 12", med diamantmatrixbredder på 40 mm, 50 mm, 60 mm, 90 mm og 100 mm. Vi sætter en ære i vores dynamiske balancering på fabrikken, hvilket sikrer koncentricitet for jævn og stille slibning.
Uanset om du er professionel eller hobbyist, er vores sintrede diamantskøder det perfekte valg for alle, der har brug for at skære flere facetter , end de kan tælle. Vores 600 korn sintrede lap og andre sintrede laps er designet til at give den højeste kvalitet og mest holdbare ydeevne i branchen.
diamantmasker : 60 80 100 180 220 360 600 korn

Sintered Faceting Laps
When it comes to cutting facets on delicate and brittle materials like glass, ceramics, and crystals, or ultra-hard materials, you need a sintered diamond flat lap. Our Sintered Faceting Laps are designed to meet the demands of the polishing and grinding industry for these materials. With a diamond matrix depth of 3.5mm or 5mm, and precision-ground steel cores, our sintered laps are the most durable and long-lasting on the market.

Sintered Faceting Laps
When it comes to cutting facets on delicate and brittle materials like glass, ceramics, and crystals, or ultra-hard materials, you need a sintered diamond flat lap. Our Sintered Faceting Laps are designed to meet the demands of the polishing and grinding industry for these materials. With a diamond matrix depth of 3.5mm or 5mm, and precision-ground steel cores, our sintered laps are the most durable and long-lasting on the market.

Sintered Faceting Laps
When it comes to cutting facets on delicate and brittle materials like glass, ceramics, and crystals, or ultra-hard materials, you need a sintered diamond flat lap. Our Sintered Faceting Laps are designed to meet the demands of the polishing and grinding industry for these materials. With a diamond matrix depth of 3.5mm or 5mm, and precision-ground steel cores, our sintered laps are the most durable and long-lasting on the market.

Sintered Faceting Laps
When it comes to cutting facets on delicate and brittle materials like glass, ceramics, and crystals, or ultra-hard materials, you need a sintered diamond flat lap. Our Sintered Faceting Laps are designed to meet the demands of the polishing and grinding industry for these materials. With a diamond matrix depth of 3.5mm or 5mm, and precision-ground steel cores, our sintered laps are the most durable and long-lasting on the market.

Sintered Faceting Laps
When it comes to cutting facets on delicate and brittle materials like glass, ceramics, and crystals, or ultra-hard materials, you need a sintered diamond flat lap. Our Sintered Faceting Laps are designed to meet the demands of the polishing and grinding industry for these materials. With a diamond matrix depth of 3.5mm or 5mm, and precision-ground steel cores, our sintered laps are the most durable and long-lasting on the market.

Sintered Faceting Laps
When it comes to cutting facets on delicate and brittle materials like glass, ceramics, and crystals, or ultra-hard materials, you need a sintered diamond flat lap. Our Sintered Faceting Laps are designed to meet the demands of the polishing and grinding industry for these materials. With a diamond matrix depth of 3.5mm or 5mm, and precision-ground steel cores, our sintered laps are the most durable and long-lasting on the market.

Sintered Faceting Laps
When it comes to cutting facets on delicate and brittle materials like glass, ceramics, and crystals, or ultra-hard materials, you need a sintered diamond flat lap. Our Sintered Faceting Laps are designed to meet the demands of the polishing and grinding industry for these materials. With a diamond matrix depth of 3.5mm or 5mm, and precision-ground steel cores, our sintered laps are the most durable and long-lasting on the market.

Sintered Faceting Laps
When it comes to cutting facets on delicate and brittle materials like glass, ceramics, and crystals, or ultra-hard materials, you need a sintered diamond flat lap. Our Sintered Faceting Laps are designed to meet the demands of the polishing and grinding industry for these materials. With a diamond matrix depth of 3.5mm or 5mm, and precision-ground steel cores, our sintered laps are the most durable and long-lasting on the market.
sintered diamond faceting Laps are known for their exceptional performance in the field of gemstone faceting and polishing. Their performance attributes make them highly sought after by gem cutters, lapidaries, and jewelry manufacturers. Here are the key performance characteristics of sintered diamond faceting Laps :
Precision Cutting: sintered diamond faceting Laps excel in precision cutting of gemstones. They allow gem cutters to create facets with exact angles and dimensions, resulting in symmetrical and well-proportioned gemstones.
High-Quality Polishing: These Laps are equally adept at polishing gemstone facets to achieve a brilliant and reflective surface. They produce a mirror-like finish that enhances a gemstone's optical properties, including its sparkle and fire.
Durable and Long-Lasting: sintered diamond Laps are renowned for their durability and longevity. They can withstand extended use without significant wear, reducing the need for frequent replacement. This durability is essential in maintaining consistent performance over time.
Reduced Heat Generation: These Laps are designed to minimize heat generation during the faceting and polishing processes. This feature is crucial because excessive heat can damage or fracture gemstones, particularly heat-sensitive varieties.
Uniform Facet Geometry: sintered diamond faceting Laps maintain consistent facet geometry throughout the cutting and polishing processes. This uniformity ensures that each facet is precisely aligned and contributes to the gem's overall brilliance.
Versatility: They are versatile tools that can be used with various gemstone materials, including diamonds , sapphires, rubies, emeralds, and other precious and semi-precious stones. Their adaptability to different hardness levels and gem types is a key performance advantage.
Enhanced Optical Properties: sintered diamond faceting Laps enhance a gemstone's optical properties by producing facets that reflect and refract light effectively. This results in a gemstone that exhibits exceptional brilliance, dispersion, and scintillation.
Consistency: These Laps offer consistency in facet dimensions and surface finishes across multiple gemstones. This consistency is crucial for producing gemstones that match in size and appearance for use in jewelry.
Ease of Use: While expertise is required for gemstone faceting and polishing, sintered diamond faceting Laps are designed to be user-friendly. They allow lapidaries to work efficiently and effectively.
Quality Control: sintered diamond Laps play a significant role in maintaining high-quality standards in gem cutting and jewelry manufacturing. They help ensure that gemstones meet specific criteria for symmetry, dimensions, and surface finish.
Optimal Performance: Gem cutters can achieve optimal performance with these Laps when selecting the appropriate lap type, grit size, and lubrication method for the gemstone material being worked on.
Grit Range
Sintret diamant facettering Laps fås i forskellige kornstørrelser for at imødekomme forskellige krav til slibning og overfladefinish. Kornstørrelsen bestemmer grovheden eller finheden af de slibende partikler på skødernes overflade. Her er de typiske kornstørrelsesklassifikationer for sintrede diamantfacetterede omgange :
Grove gryn (f.eks. 60, 80, 100):
Mellemstore korn (f.eks. 180, 220):
Fine korn (f.eks. 360, 600):
Laps med finkornet korn bruges til præcisionsslibning, hvor overfladefinish er kritisk.
De udmærker sig ved at producere glatte og fine overfladefinisher, mens de stadig fjerner materiale effektivt.
Laps med fint korn bruges almindeligvis til applikationer, der kræver høj præcision og snævre tolerancer.
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Q: What are sintered laps for faceting?