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Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc

Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc

Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc og Roloc Flexible Diamond Disc er to produkter af høj kvalitet, der tilbyder enestående ydeevne til kantpolering og slibning. Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc er specielt designet til brug med enkelt- eller flerhovede automatiske kantpoleringsmaskiner, hvilket gør den ideel til lige og skrå kantpolering. Med en maksimal kornstørrelse på 3000 kan denne disk nemt polere kanter til en ensartet finish af høj kvalitet.
Fabrikanter vil sætte pris på den brugervenlighed, der følger med den almindelige sneglelåsadapter, da SL-puderne hurtigt og nemt kan fastgøres til kantpoleringsmaskiner. "Twist and lock"-designet af puderne sparer tid og øger produktiviteten, så du hurtigt kan skifte mellem gryn for optimale resultater.

Begge Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc har en metalbelagt binding, der sikkert forankrer mikrongraderede diamanter til en vandafvisende polyesterbagside. Dette sikrer ensartet ydeevne og holdbarhed, selv i krævende slibe- og poleringsopgaver.

Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc

4 inches

Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc

Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc and Roloc Flexible Diamond Disc are two high-quality products that offer exceptional performance for edge polishing and grinding applications. The Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc is specifically designed for use with single- or multiple-head automatic edge polishing machines, making it ideal for straight and beveled edge polishing.

Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc

5 inches

Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc

Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc and Roloc Flexible Diamond Disc are two high-quality products that offer exceptional performance for edge polishing and grinding applications. The Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc is specifically designed for use with single- or multiple-head automatic edge polishing machines, making it ideal for straight and beveled edge polishing.

Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc

7 inches

Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc

Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc and Roloc Flexible Diamond Disc are two high-quality products that offer exceptional performance for edge polishing and grinding applications. The Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc is specifically designed for use with single- or multiple-head automatic edge polishing machines, making it ideal for straight and beveled edge polishing.

Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc

4.5 inches

Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc

Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc and Roloc Flexible Diamond Disc are two high-quality products that offer exceptional performance for edge polishing and grinding applications. The Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc is specifically designed for use with single- or multiple-head automatic edge polishing machines, making it ideal for straight and beveled edge polishing.

Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc

6 inches

Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc

Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc and Roloc Flexible Diamond Disc are two high-quality products that offer exceptional performance for edge polishing and grinding applications. The Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc is specifically designed for use with single- or multiple-head automatic edge polishing machines, making it ideal for straight and beveled edge polishing.


  1. Material Removal Rate: Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc are designed for efficient material removal. The rate at which they remove material, whether it's concrete, stone, or other hard surfaces, can be quite high. This makes them effective for tasks like grinding, shaping, and removing imperfections.

  2. Surface Finish: The performance of these Discs can vary based on their grit size. Coarser grits are used for aggressive material removal and can leave a rough surface texture, while finer grits are used for polishing and achieving a smooth, glossy finish. The choice of grit size can significantly impact the final surface appearance.

  3. Flexibility: These Discs are known for their flexibility, which allows them to conform to the contours of the surface being worked on. This feature is particularly useful when dealing with uneven or curved surfaces.

  4. Diamond Abrasives:Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Discs are embedded with diamond abrasive particles. Diamond is one of the hardest materials on Earth, making it highly effective for cutting, grinding, and polishing hard materials like stone and concrete. The quality and concentration of diamond abrasives on the Disc can affect its performance.

  5. Longevity: The lifespan of these Discs can vary depending on the quality of the Disc and the hardness of the material being worked on. Proper care and maintenance, such as cleaning the disc and using it at the appropriate speed and pressure, can extend its life.

  6. Speed and Efficiency: When used correctly, these Discs are designed to work efficiently and provide consistent performance. They can reduce the time and effort required to complete tasks compared to traditional abrasive tools.

  7. Attachment System: Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Discs are specifically designed for use with the Snail-Lock attachment system, which allows for quick and easy Disc changes on certain grinding machines. The performance of the attachment system can impact the overall performance of the Disc.

Grit Range

Diamantskivens kornstørrelse bestemmer deres niveau af grovhed eller finhed, med lavere tal repræsenterer grovere korn og højere tal repræsenterer finere korn. Valget af kornstørrelse afhænger af den specifikke anvendelse og den ønskede overfladefinish. Almindelige kornstørrelser for Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Disc inkluderer:

  1. 30 grit

  2. 50 grit

  3. 100 grit

  4. 200 grit

  5. 400 grit

  6. 800 grit

  7. korn 1500

  8. 3000 grit

Igen kan tilgængeligheden af kornstørrelser variere baseret på producenten og den specifikke produktlinje. Når du vælger en kornstørrelse, skal du overveje det materiale, du arbejder på, og den finish, du ønsker at opnå. Grovere korn bruges typisk til indledende materialefjernelse og formning, mens finere korn bruges til at polere og opnå en glattere overflade.


The diameter and grit size options for Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Discs can vary depending on the manufacturer and the specific product line. However, here are some common diameter and grit size options that you may encounter:

  1. Diameter Options:

  2. 4 inches (100 mm)

  3. 4.5 inches (115 mm)

  4. 5 inches (125 mm)

  5. 6 inches (150 mm)

  6. 7 inches (180 mm)

  7. Customized:customized to meet specific size requirements based on your particular needs and applications. Customized sizes offer the flexibility to adapt to various projects and surfaces. Whether you require smaller sheets for precision work or larger sheets for more extensive tasks, Our factory can often accommodate your requests for diamond sandpaper sheets in the size that best suits your requirements. When ordering customized sizes, be sure to provide the dimensions and quantity needed to ensure you receive the tailored product you require.

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Q: Hvad er Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Discs?
Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Discs er specialiserede slibeværktøjer designet til slibning, formning og polering af en række forskellige materialer. De har diamantslibende partikler af høj kvalitet indlejret i en fleksibel bagside, der giver mulighed for præcist arbejde på buede overflader. Det innovative Snail-Lock fastgørelsessystem letter hurtige skiveskift på kompatible elværktøjer.
Q: Hvilke materialer kan jeg bruge Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Discs på?
These discs are versatile and can be used on a wide range of materials, including: Stone (Granite, Marble, etc.) Glass Metal Composites And more (depending on the specific disc)
Q: Can I use Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Discs wet or dry?
Nogle skiver kan være velegnede til både våde og tørre anvendelser. Se altid producentens anbefalinger for den specifikke disk, du bruger. Vådslibning kan minimere støv og forlænge skivens levetid for visse materialer.
Q: What are the benefits of using Snail-Lock Flexible Diamond Discs?
Forbedret kontrol og formning: Den fleksible bagside tilpasser sig konturerne, giver overlegen kontrol og muliggør præcis formgivning på buede overflader. Hurtig materialefjernelse og fejlfri finish: Diamantslibemidler leverer aggressiv skærekraft til effektiv slibning, mens en række kornmuligheder giver dig mulighed for at opnå en glat, poleret finish. Ubesværede skiveskift: Snail-Lock-systemet sikrer hurtige og nemme skiveskift, minimerer nedetid og maksimerer produktiviteten. Bred kompatibilitet: Disse skiver fungerer problemfrit med forskellige elværktøjer udstyret med kompatible Snail-Lock-underlag.
Q: What grit sizes are available?
Snail-Lock discs typically come in a range of grit sizes, usually indicated by a number followed by a capital "X" (e.g., 60X, 120X, 320X). Higher grit numbers indicate finer abrasives for polishing, while lower grits are coarser for heavier grinding tasks.
Q: Hvordan vælger jeg den rigtige Snail-Lock Disc?
Material: Consider the material you'll be working with (stone, glass, metal, etc.) and choose a disc designed for that material. Grit Size: Select the appropriate grit size based on your desired outcome. Coarser grits for heavy material removal, finer grits for polishing. Compatibility: Ensure the disc is compatible with your power tool's Snail-Lock backing pad.
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