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Magnetic Backing Plate

This magnetic system makes changing from one grit to the next extremely easy, the magnetic base platen stays in place, while the support plates are quickly and easily changed during the grinding and polishing sequence. It can use with Iron or steel support plate except the Aluminium support lap(Plate).Important!

(1) If Aluminium or other Non-Ferris Backing Plate the adhesive sticker will permanently adhere to your Plate.

(2) If metal or iron master lap the non adhesive  style is may be used.. The magnetic will do its job holding firmly in place.Welcome to a new level of convenience and efficiency in your grinding and polishing sequences, thanks to our revolutionary Magnetic System. Designed to simplify your processes and enhance your workflow, this system redefines how you transition between different grits and support plates.

Key Features:

Seamless Grit Transitions: Our Magnetic System ensures that switching from one grit to another is a breeze. No more struggling with cumbersome changes—simply let the Magnetic technology do the work for you.

Stable Base Platen: The Magnetic base platen stays securely in place, providing a stable foundation for your grinding and polishing operations. Say goodbye to unnecessary movement and instability.

Quick Support Plate Changes: The support Plates can be swiftly and easily changed during the grinding and polishing sequence. This means you can focus on your work without interruptions, increasing overall efficiency.

Compatibility Information:

The Magnetic system is compatible with Iron or steel support Plates, except for Aluminium support lap (plates).

Important Notes:

Adhesive Sticker: If you're using an Aluminium or other Non-Ferris Backing Plate, please be aware that the adhesive sticker will permanently adhere to your Plate.

Non-Adhesive Style: If you're using a metal or iron master lap, the non-adhesive style can be used. The magnet will securely hold the components in place, ensuring stability during your work.

Experience the future of lapidary craftsmanship with our Magnetic System. Embrace the ease of grit transitions and the stability of our design, all aimed at enhancing your grinding and polishing processes. At HANS Inc., we're committed to providing innovative solutions that make a difference. Choose convenience. Choose efficiency. Choose HANS Inc.

Magnetic Backing Plates


This magnetic system makes changing from one grit to the next extremely easy, the magnetic base platen stays in place, while the support plates are quickly and easily changed during the grinding and polishing sequence. It can use with Iron or steel support plate except the Aluminium support lap(Plate)

Magnetic Backing Plates


This magnetic system makes changing from one grit to the next extremely easy, the magnetic base platen stays in place, while the support plates are quickly and easily changed during the grinding and polishing sequence. It can use with Iron or steel support plate except the Aluminium support lap(Plate)

Magnetic Backing Plates


This magnetic system makes changing from one grit to the next extremely easy, the magnetic base platen stays in place, while the support plates are quickly and easily changed during the grinding and polishing sequence. It can use with Iron or steel support plate except the Aluminium support lap(Plate)

Magnetic Backing Plates


This magnetic system makes changing from one grit to the next extremely easy, the magnetic base platen stays in place, while the support plates are quickly and easily changed during the grinding and polishing sequence. It can use with Iron or steel support plate except the Aluminium support lap(Plate)

Magnetic Backing Plates


This magnetic system makes changing from one grit to the next extremely easy, the magnetic base platen stays in place, while the support plates are quickly and easily changed during the grinding and polishing sequence. It can use with Iron or steel support plate except the Aluminium support lap(Plate)

Magnetic Backing Plates


This magnetic system makes changing from one grit to the next extremely easy, the magnetic base platen stays in place, while the support plates are quickly and easily changed during the grinding and polishing sequence. It can use with Iron or steel support plate except the Aluminium support lap(Plate)

Magnetic Backing Plates


This magnetic system makes changing from one grit to the next extremely easy, the magnetic base platen stays in place, while the support plates are quickly and easily changed during the grinding and polishing sequence. It can use with Iron or steel support plate except the Aluminium support lap(Plate)

Magnetic Backing Plates


This magnetic system makes changing from one grit to the next extremely easy, the magnetic base platen stays in place, while the support plates are quickly and easily changed during the grinding and polishing sequence. It can use with Iron or steel support plate except the Aluminium support lap(Plate)

Magnetic Backing Plates


This magnetic system makes changing from one grit to the next extremely easy, the magnetic base platen stays in place, while the support plates are quickly and easily changed during the grinding and polishing sequence. It can use with Iron or steel support plate except the Aluminium support lap(Plate)

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Q: Hvordan virker magnetiske plader?
The magnetic backing plate contains strong magnets embedded within its structure. These magnets create a powerful magnetic field on the surface of the plate, allowing diamond discs or laps with magnetic backing to securely attach to it. This magnetic attachment provides stability and ensures that the abrasive tool remains firmly in place during use.
Q: What are the advantages of using a magnetic backing plate?
Nogle fordele ved at bruge en magnetisk bagplade inkluderer: Nemt og hurtigt værktøjsskift: Den magnetiske fastgørelse giver mulighed for hurtig og ubesværet udskiftning af slibende værktøjer uden behov for ekstra værktøj eller hardware. Sikker fastgørelse: Den stærke magnetiske kraft sikrer, at diamantskiverne eller lapserne forbliver sikkert fastgjort til bagpladen under drift, hvilket reducerer risikoen for at glide eller løsne sig. Alsidighed: Magnetiske bagplader kan rumme en række diamantskiver eller laps med magnetisk bagside, hvilket giver fleksibilitet til forskellige polerings- eller slibeopgaver. Kompatibilitet: De er kompatible med en lang række polerings- eller slibemaskiner udstyret med magnetiske pladeholdere, hvilket gør dem velegnede til forskellige industrielle og kommercielle applikationer.
Q: Hvordan skal en magnetisk bagplade vedligeholdes?
To ensure optimal performance and longevity, it's essential to keep the magnetic backing plate clean and free from debris that could interfere with the magnetic attachment. Periodically inspect the plate and remove any buildup of dust, dirt, or residue. Avoid exposing the plate to excessive heat, moisture, or corrosive substances that could damage the magnets or the plate's surface.
Q: What is a magnetic backing plate?
A magnetic backing plate is a tool used in various industries, particularly in the lapidary and diamond cutting and polishing fields. It serves as a base or support for attaching diamond discs, laps, or other abrasive tools that feature a magnetic backing.
Q: What types of abrasive tools can be used with a magnetic backing plate?
Slibende værktøjer, der har en magnetisk bagside, kan bruges med en magnetisk bagplade. Disse kan omfatte diamantskiver, laps, polerpuder, slibeskiver og andre lignende værktøjer, der bruges til at skære, slibe, forme eller polere hårde materialer såsom sten, glas, keramik og metaller.
Q: Where can magnetic backing plates be purchased?
Magnetiske bagplader er tilgængelige fra forskellige leverandører med speciale i lapidærudstyr, diamantværktøj og slibende tilbehør. De kan købes fra isenkræmmere, online-forhandlere, leverandører af specialværktøjer og producenter, der opfylder de specifikke behov i lapidær- og diamantskæringsindustrien. Når du køber en magnetisk bagplade, skal du overveje faktorer som størrelse, magnetisk styrke og kompatibilitet med dit eksisterende slibeværktøj og udstyr.
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