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Diamond Wire Loop Saw Cut Graphite

The Graphite Cutting Diamond Wire Loop Saw is a highly versatile tool that can be used for a variety of applications. Graphite, which is commonly used as electrodes and targets, comes in different shapes and sizes that can be easily cut using this diamond wire Loop saw.
The Loop diamond wire saw is an ideal cutting tool for shaping and cutting any workpiece with a thickness of 100-200mm. It boasts of high cutting speed, reaching up to 50-60m/s, and a feed speed of 80mm/min, making it a highly efficient tool for dry cutting .
Whether you are working on a small or large project, the Graphite cutting Diamond wire Loop Saw is perfect for creating intricate shapes and designs with ease. Its unique design allows for precise cuts and clean edges, making it an ideal tool for professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike.
In addition to its cutting capabilities, the Graphite cutting Diamond wire Loop Saw is also durable and long-lasting. Its diamond wire Loop is made of high-quality materials that can withstand heavy use and wear, ensuring that it will last for years to come.
Overall, the Graphite cutting Diamond wire Loop Saw is a must-have tool for anyone who works with graphite or other materials that require precise cutting . Its versatility, efficiency, and durability make it an excellent investment for any workshop or project.


  • Application: Versatile cutting tool for various materials, including graphite

  • Workpiece Thickness: Suitable for workpieces with a thickness of 100-200mm

  • Cutting Speed: High cutting speed of 50-60m/s

  • Feed Speed: Efficient feed speed of 80mm/min

  • Material: Diamond wire Loop made of high-quality, durable materials


The Graphite cutting Diamond wire Loop Saw is a versatile and indispensable tool suitable for a wide range of applications. It is specifically designed for cutting and shaping graphite, a material commonly used as electrodes and targets in various industries. This tool is ideal for professionals and DIY enthusiasts who need precise and efficient cutting capabilities for their projects.


  1. Versatility: This diamond wire Loop saw is highly versatile and can be used for cutting and shaping graphite materials in various shapes and sizes. It's suitable for a wide range of applications, making it a valuable addition to any workshop or project.

  2. Efficiency: The saw boasts a high cutting speed, reaching up to 50-60 meters per second, and an efficient feed speed of 80 millimeters per minute. This efficiency makes it perfect for dry cutting , ensuring rapid and precise results.

  3. Precision: The unique design of the diamond wire Loop saw allows for precise cuts and clean edges. It is capable of creating intricate shapes and designs with ease, making it an excellent tool for achieving professional-level results.

  4. Durability: The diamond wire Loop is crafted from high-quality materials, ensuring its durability and longevity. It can withstand heavy use and wear, making it a reliable tool that will last for years, even in demanding cutting applications.


In summary, the Graphite cutting Diamond wire Loop Saw is an indispensable tool for anyone working with graphite or materials that require precise cutting . Its versatility, efficiency, and durability make it a valuable investment for professionals and DIY enthusiasts alike. Whether you are working on a small project or a large-scale endeavor, this tool will help you achieve precise cuts and clean edges with ease, ensuring the success of your cutting tasks.


Diamond wire Loop Cutters are highly effective tools for cutting sapphire, a hard and brittle material used in various industries, particularly in electronics and optics.

  • Precision Cutting : Diamond wire Loop Cutters excel in precision cutting of sapphire. They can achieve extremely accurate cuts with tight tolerances, ensuring that the desired dimensions and shapes are achieved.

  • Clean and Smooth Edges: These cutters produce clean and smooth edges on sapphire workpieces. The quality of the cut is excellent, often requiring minimal or no additional finishing processes.

  • Minimized Material Loss: Diamond wire Loop Cutters are designed to minimize material wastage. The narrow kerf width of the wire Loop ensures that very little material is removed during cutting , optimizing material utilization.

  • Low Heat Generation: These cutters generate minimal heat during the cutting process, which is crucial for sapphire since it is sensitive to temperature changes. Low heat minimizes the risk of thermal damage or cracking.

  • Reduced Chipping and Microcracking: Diamond wire Loop Cutters are effective at reducing chipping and microcracking in sapphire, resulting in high-quality finished products with minimal defects.

  • High Cutting Speed: Diamond wire Loop Cutters can operate at relatively high cutting speeds, allowing for efficient production processes. This is particularly valuable in industries where productivity is a priority.

  • Longevity: Diamond-coated wire used in these cutters have a longer lifespan compared to traditional abrasive cutting methods, reducing maintenance and replacement costs.

  • Versatility: While sapphire is a primary application, these cutters can also be used for other hard and brittle materials, making them versatile tools in various industries.

  • Environmental Benefits: The efficiency and reduced material wastage associated with Diamond wire Loop Cutters contribute to environmental sustainability by minimizing material consumption and waste generation.

Overall, Diamond wire Loop Cutters are highly regarded for their ability to provide precise, efficient, and cost-effective cutting solutions for sapphire and similar hard and brittle materials. They are essential tools in industries where precision cutting is crucial for achieving high-quality end products.


The Diamond wire Loop used in the Loop should be made of high-quality diamond grits, which are known for their hardness and cutting ability. The diameter of the wire can vary depending on the application and machine, but typical diameters range from 0.2 to 0.5 millimeters.

  1. Wire Tension: The tension of the wire Loop should be adjustable to optimize cutting performance. Proper tension ensures a straight and clean cut.

  2. Loop Length: The length of the diamond wire Loop can vary depending on the specific machine and application. Longer loops may be required for cutting larger graphite blocks.

  3. Feed Rate: The machine should allow for adjustable feed rates to control the speed at which the wire cuts through the graphite. Different feed rates may be required for different graphite materials and thicknesses.

  4. Coolant System: To prevent overheating and to flush away debris, a coolant system is often integrated into the saw. Water or other coolants may be used to keep the wire and the graphite cool during cutting .

  5. Machine Control: The saw should have controls that allow for precise adjustments of parameters such as wire tension, feed rate, and coolant flow.

  6. Safety Features: Safety features such as emergency stop buttons, protective guards, and safety interlocks should be incorporated into the machine to ensure safe operation.

  7. Cutting Capacity: The machine should have specifications regarding its maximum cutting capacity in terms of graphite block size and thickness. This will vary depending on the specific model.

  8. Accuracy: The machine should provide accurate and consistent cuts, especially if precision is required for the application.

  9. Maintenance Requirements: Information about maintenance requirements, such as wire replacement intervals and routine maintenance procedures, should be provided.

  10. Power Requirements: The machine's power requirements, including voltage and phase, should be specified to ensure compatibility with the facility's electrical supply.

  11. Dimensions and Weight: The physical dimensions and weight of the machine should be provided for space planning and transportation considerations.

  12. Optional Features: Some machines may offer optional features such as automatic wire tensioning systems, programmable cutting patterns, or computer numerical control (CNC) capabilities for automated and precise cutting .

  13. Manufacturer's Guidelines: It's essential to follow the manufacturer's guidelines and recommendations for the specific model of the diamond wire Loop saw to ensure safe and efficient operation.

These specifications can vary depending on the specific model and manufacturer of the diamond wire Loop saw. It's crucial to select a saw that meets your cutting requirements and follows all safety guidelines for handling graphite and diamond cutting tools.


Diamond Wire Loop Cutters bruges i vid udstrækning til at skære safir, et hårdt og skørt materiale kendt for dets brug i forskellige industrier, især inden for elektronik og optik. Anvendelsen af Diamond Wire Loop Cutters til skæring af safir omfatter:

  1. Waferproduktion: I halvlederindustrien bruges safirwafers som substrater til vækst af galliumnitrid (GaN) eller siliciumcarbid (SiC) krystaller. Diamond Wire Loop Cutters bruges til at skære store safir-bouler i tynde wafere med præcise dimensioner til brug ved fremstilling af halvlederanordninger.

  2. LED-produktion: Safir er et almindeligt substratmateriale til lysemitterende dioder (LED'er) på grund af dets fremragende termiske og elektriske egenskaber. Diamond Wire Loop Cutters bruges til at skære safir i LED-substrater i forskellige størrelser og tykkelser.

  3. Urkrystaller: Safir bruges som en beskyttende krystal til avancerede ure. Diamond Wire Loop Cutters bruges til at skære og forme safirkrystaller, så de passer til urkasser, hvilket sikrer en ridsefast og holdbar urskive.

  4. Optiske komponenter: Sapphire bruges til produktion af optiske komponenter såsom vinduer, linser og prismer. Diamond Wire Loop Cutters bruges til at skære og forme safiremner til præcise optiske elementer.

  5. Sensorvinduer: Sapphire bruges i sensorer for dets holdbarhed og optiske egenskaber. Diamond Wire Loop Cutters bruges til at skære og forme safirsensorvinduer, hvilket sikrer høj optisk klarhed og modstand mod barske miljøer.

  6. Kunstige smykker: Syntetisk safir bruges ofte til fremstilling af kunstige smykker. Diamond Wire Loop Cutters hjælper med at skære og forme syntetiske safir ædelstene til brug i ringe, halskæder og andre smykker.

  7. Videnskabelig forskning: Safir bruges i forskellige videnskabelige applikationer, herunder optik og spektroskopi af forskningskvalitet. Diamond Wire Loop Cutters bruges til at tilpasse safirkomponenter til eksperimentelle opsætninger.

  8. Luftfart: Sapphire bruges i rumfartsapplikationer på grund af dets holdbarhed og modstandsdygtighed over for ekstreme forhold. Diamond Wire Loop Cutters bruges til at skære og forme safirkomponenter til rumfartsudstyr og -instrumenter.

  9. Medicinsk udstyr: Safir bruges i nogle medicinske anordninger og instrumenter på grund af dets biokompatibilitet og hårdhed. Diamond Wire Loop Cutters hjælper med at forme safirkomponenter til medicinske anvendelser.

  10. Industrielle værktøjer: Nogle skæreværktøjer til industrielle anvendelser bruger safirspidser. Diamond Wire Loop Cutters bruges til at skære og forme disse safirværktøjskomponenter.

Samlet set spiller Diamond Wire Loop Cutters en afgørende rolle i forskellige industrier, hvor præcisionsskæring af safir er påkrævet for at producere komponenter og produkter af høj kvalitet. Deres evne til at opnå rene, præcise snit med minimalt materialetab gør dem til værdifulde værktøjer til at arbejde med dette udfordrende materiale.


Length Options:

  1. 840 mm  ;1600 mm;1870 mm;2000 mm;2100 mm;2250mm;2950mm;3000 mm;3200mm;3980mm;4000 mm;4200mm;4430 mm;4500mm;4780mm;5000mm;6740mm;7040mm;8000mm;9300mm.

  2. Diameter of Wire Saw:

  • The diameter of the wire saw can range from 0.35 mm to 2.5 mm, depending on the specific requirements of the cutting application. Different diameters may be chosen for different materials and cutting needs.

Grit Size Options:

  1. 70/80;140/170;170/200;200/230;270/325

Grit size options determine the coarseness or fineness of the diamond particles on the wire loop and are selected based on the material and the desired cutting characteristics.

With these length, diameter, and grit size options, you can choose the most suitable Diamond Wire Loop for your specific cutting application.

Customized:customized to meet specific size requirements based on your particular needs and applications. Customized sizes offer the flexibility to adapt to various projects and surfaces. Whether you require smaller sheets for precision work or larger sheets for more extensive tasks, Our factory can often accommodate your requests for diamond sandpaper sheets in the size that best suits your requirements. When ordering customized sizes, be sure to provide the dimensions and quantity needed to ensure you receive the tailored product you require.

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