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Diamond Wire Loop Saw Cut Foam

Foam Cutting Diamond Wire Loop Saw is an exceptional tool for cutting brittle materials that require low-stress and high-precision cutting. The Loop Diamond Wire is particularly suitable for expensive materials that are prone to cracking due to its small cutting force, narrow kerfs, and high cutting efficiency performance. This innovative tool is designed to meet the unique needs of our customers and provide them with personalized recommendations for diamond wire loop with diamond wire saw.

At Hans, we understand the importance of providing complete technical and long-term support to our customers. That's why we offer a comprehensive range of services to ensure that our customers have all the necessary resources to achieve their desired results. Our team of experts is always available to assist with any queries or concerns that our customers may have, and we work closely with them to provide customized solutions that meet their specific needs.

Our Foam Cutting Diamond Wire Loop Saw is a perfect example of our commitment to innovation and customer satisfaction. With its superior cutting performance and precision, it is an ideal tool for cutting a wide range of brittle materials, including foam, ceramics, glass, and more. Whether you are a professional in the manufacturing industry or a DIY enthusiast, our Foam Cutting Diamond Wire Loop Saw is an essential tool that you can rely on for all your cutting needs.


When using Diamond Wire Loop Saws to cut foam materials, their performance is characterized by several key factors that make them suitable for this application:

  1. Precision Cutting: Diamond Wire Loop Saws excel in precision cutting tasks. They can achieve clean and accurate cuts, allowing for the creation of custom shapes and sizes with tight tolerances in foam materials.

  2. Clean Edges: These saws produce clean and burr-free edges on foam, reducing the need for additional finishing processes and ensuring a polished appearance.

  3. Efficient Material Removal: Diamond Wire Loop Saws are efficient at removing material while minimizing material wastage. This is particularly valuable when cutting foam, which can be expensive and should be used efficiently.

  4. Minimal Dust and Debris: Foam cutting with Diamond Wire Loop Saws generates minimal dust and debris compared to other cutting methods, leading to a cleaner and safer working environment.

  5. Versatility: These saws are versatile and can cut various types of foam materials, including polyethylene foam, foam rubber, polyurethane foam, and more. They can handle a range of foam densities and thicknesses.

  6. High Cutting Speed: Diamond Wire Loop Saws can operate at relatively high cutting speeds, allowing for efficient production processes when working with foam.

  7. Longevity: Diamond-coated wires used in these saws have a longer lifespan compared to traditional cutting blades, reducing maintenance and replacement costs over time.

  8. Reduced Vibration: Diamond Wire Loop Saws typically produce less vibration during cutting, enhancing cutting accuracy and operator comfort.

  9. Ease of Use: These saws are relatively easy to operate, making them accessible to a wide range of users, including professionals and hobbyists.

  10. Customization: Diamond Wire Loop Saws allow for customization and intricate cuts, making them suitable for artistic and creative foam-cutting projects.

  11. Safety: When used correctly, Diamond Wire Loop Saws are considered safe tools for cutting foam materials. However, proper safety precautions should be followed, including the use of personal protective equipment (PPE).

  12. Low Maintenance: These saws require minimal maintenance, primarily focused on keeping the wire loop in good condition.

Overall, the performance of Diamond Wire Loop Saws when cutting foam materials is characterized by their precision, efficiency, and versatility. They are valuable tools for industries and applications that require precise foam cutting, whether for packaging, manufacturing, artistic endeavors, or other purposes.


When using Diamond Wire Loop Saws to cut foam materials, several features and characteristics make them well-suited for this application:

  1. Diamond-Coated Wire: The wire loop used in these saws is coated with industrial-grade diamond particles. Diamond is one of the hardest substances on Earth, ensuring efficient and precise cutting of foam.

  2. Precision Cutting: Diamond Wire Loop Saws excel in precision cutting tasks. They can achieve clean and accurate cuts, making them suitable for creating custom shapes and intricate designs in foam materials.

  3. Clean and Smooth Edges: These saws produce clean and burr-free edges on foam, resulting in a polished and professional finish. Minimal post-cutting finishing work is required.

  4. Efficient Material Removal: Diamond Wire Loop Saws efficiently remove material while minimizing waste. This is essential when cutting foam, as it can be costly, and efficient material usage is desirable.

  5. Low Heat Generation: These saws generate minimal heat during the cutting process. For foam, which can be sensitive to heat and may melt or deform, low heat generation is advantageous.

  6. Versatility: Diamond Wire Loop Saws can cut various types of foam materials, including polyethylene foam, foam rubber, polyurethane foam, and more. They can handle different foam densities and thicknesses.

  7. Customization: These saws allow for precise customization and intricate cuts in foam, making them suitable for creative and artistic foam-cutting projects.

  8. High Cutting Speed: Diamond Wire Loop Saws can operate at relatively high cutting speeds, contributing to efficient production processes when working with foam.

  9. Reduced Dust and Debris: Cutting foam with Diamond Wire Loop Saws generates minimal dust and debris compared to other cutting methods, creating a cleaner and safer working environment.

  10. Longevity: The diamond-coated wires used in these saws have a longer lifespan compared to traditional cutting blades, reducing maintenance and replacement costs over time.

  11. Reduced Vibration: Diamond Wire Loop Saws typically produce less vibration during cutting, enhancing cutting accuracy and operator comfort.

  12. Ease of Use: These saws are relatively user-friendly and can be operated by a wide range of users, including professionals and hobbyists.

  13. Safety: When used correctly and with proper safety precautions, Diamond Wire Loop Saws are considered safe tools for cutting foam materials.

  14. Low Maintenance: These saws require minimal maintenance, primarily focused on keeping the wire loop in good condition.

Overall, the features of Diamond Wire Loop Saws make them valuable tools for foam cutting applications where precision, efficiency, and versatility are essential. They are used in various industries, including packaging, manufacturing, arts and crafts, and more.


Diamond Wire Loop Save er alsidige skæreværktøjer, der finder anvendelse i forskellige industrier. Når det kommer til at skære skummaterialer, kan de bruges til flere formål:

  1. Emballageindustri: Diamond Wire Loop Save bruges til at skære skummaterialer, såsom polyethylenskum eller skumgummi, i tilpassede former og størrelser til emballeringsapplikationer. Dette giver mulighed for at skabe beskyttende skumindsatser, der sikkert holder og dæmper sarte eller skrøbelige genstande under forsendelse.

  2. Konstruktion og isolering: Skummaterialer bruges som isolering i byggeri. Diamond Wire Loop Save kan bruges til at skære skumpaneler og plader til, så de passer til specifikke dimensioner, hvilket sikrer en tæt pasform og effektiv isolering.

  3. Kunst og skulptur: Kunstnere og billedhuggere bruger Diamond Wire Loop Saws til at forme skumblokke og skabe indviklede skulpturer, rekvisitter og arkitektoniske modeller. Præcisionen af disse værktøjer giver mulighed for detaljeret og præcist arbejde.

  4. Møbelfremstilling: I møbelproduktionen bruges skum i hynder og polstring. Diamond Wire Loop Save kan bruges til at skære skumstykker til den nøjagtige størrelse og form, der kræves til møbelkomponenter.

  5. Bilindustrien: Skummaterialer bruges i bilindustrien til forskellige formål, herunder sædehynder og interiør. Diamond Wire Loop Save hjælper med at skære skumkomponenter til præcise specifikationer.

  6. Rumfart: Skummaterialer bruges i rumfartsapplikationer til isolering og strukturelle komponenter. Diamond Wire Loop Save hjælper med at forme og skære skummaterialer, der bruges i fly og rumfartøjer.

  7. Prototyping og modellering: Skum bruges ofte til prototyping og modelfremstilling. Diamond Wire Loop Save muliggør skabelsen af nøjagtige skumprototyper og modeller til produktudvikling og designverifikation.

  8. Emballageindlæg: Ud over beskyttende emballage bruges skum til at skabe brugerdefinerede indsatser til etuier og æsker, der bruges i industrier som fotografering, medicinsk udstyr og præcisionsinstrumenter. Diamond Wire Loop Save sikrer en tæt pasform og beskyttelse af emnerne.

  9. Arkitektoniske modeller: Arkitekter og modelmagere bruger skum til at skabe skalamodeller af bygninger og landskaber. Diamond Wire Loop Save hjælper med at opnå præcise snit til indviklede arkitektoniske modeller.

  10. Teater- og scenografi: I teater- og scenografi bruges skum til at skabe rekvisitter og sceniske elementer. Diamond Wire Loop Save hjælper med at forme skum til forskellige kunstneriske og teatralske formål.

  11. Alsidigheden og præcisionen af Diamond Wire Loop Saves gør dem til værdifulde værktøjer til skumskæring. De muliggør rene og præcise snit, hvilket gør dem velegnede til industrier og kreative bestræbelser, der kræver præcision og tilpasning, når der arbejdes med skummaterialer.


Length Options:

  1. 840 mm  ;1600 mm;1870 mm;2000 mm;2100 mm;2250mm;2950mm;3000 mm;3200mm;3980mm;4000 mm;4200mm;4430 mm;4500mm;4780mm;5000mm;6740mm;7040mm;8000mm;9300mm.

  2. Diameter of Wire Saw:

  • The diameter of the wire saw can range from 0.35 mm to 2.5 mm, depending on the specific requirements of the cutting application. Different diameters may be chosen for different materials and cutting needs.

Grit Size Options:

  1. 70/80;140/170;170/200;200/230;270/325

Grit size options determine the coarseness or fineness of the diamond particles on the wire loop and are selected based on the material and the desired cutting characteristics.

With these length, diameter, and grit size options, you can choose the most suitable Diamond Wire Loop for your specific cutting application.

Customized:customized to meet specific size requirements based on your particular needs and applications. Customized sizes offer the flexibility to adapt to various projects and surfaces. Whether you require smaller sheets for precision work or larger sheets for more extensive tasks, Our factory can often accommodate your requests for diamond sandpaper sheets in the size that best suits your requirements. When ordering customized sizes, be sure to provide the dimensions and quantity needed to ensure you receive the tailored product you require.

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