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Flexible Diamond QRS Disc


Automotive Industry Perspective Take your automotive grinding to the next level with our Flexible Diamond QRS Discs. Designed for grinding metal and other materials, these discs feature a durable diamond-coated surface for efficient grinding and polishing. Available in various sizes and grades, they're perfect for both machine and manual polishing.Our Flexible Diamond QRS Discs are specially designed for grinding natural and synthetic stone, glass, ceramics, and hard metal. These quick-release (Velcro) flexible diamond discs are available in all sizes and grades, and are color-coded for easy identification. They can be used for both machine and manual polishing, but should be used with wet grinding.

These discs are available with various backing options, including M14 fixing members, snail locking, self-adhesive, plastic, and magnetic. They are perfect for wet polishing of glass, ceramic, hard metal, natural stone (including granite, marble, and sandstone), and artificial stone.

Our Flexible Diamond QRS discs come in a range of colors, including green, black, red, yellow, white, blue, and orange, making it easy to identify the different grades. They are the perfect choice for anyone looking for high-quality, flexible diamond sanding pads that are easy to use and provide excellent results.

In addition to our Flexible Diamond QRS discs, we also offer a range of other flexible diamond products, including flexible Diamond Finishing discs Hook & Loop, and Flexible Diamond Bands. These products are all designed to provide excellent results and are made from high-quality materials to ensure maximum durability and performance.

If you're looking for flexible diamond products that are easy to use and provide excellent results, look no further than our range of products. With our flexible diamond sanding pads, you can achieve a perfect finish every time.

Flexible Diamond QRS (Quick Release System) Discs are versatile and commonly used in industries like metalworking, woodworking, and stone fabrication for various applications such as  grinding, polishing, and shaping. The grit sizes you mentioned (60, 120, 240, 400, and 600) are indicative of the abrasive quality of these discs, and the diameter options (75mm, 100mm, 115mm, 125mm, and 150mm) reflect the range of sizes available. The velcro backing makes these discs easy to attach and remove from compatible backing pads or tools.

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Q: What is a Flexible Diamond QRS Sanding Disc?

The Flexible Diamond QRS Sanding Disc is a high-performance abrasive tool designed for grinding, shaping, and finishing various materials on both flat and contoured surfaces. Unlike traditional sandpaper that uses silicon carbide, this disc utilizes micron-graded diamonds for superior cutting power and a consistent finish.
Q: What Materials Can You Use a Flexible Diamond QRS Sanding Disc On?

Vælg kornstørrelse baseret på dit emnes begyndelsestilstand og det ønskede niveau af overfladefinish. Grove korn er velegnede til grovslibning, mens finere korn bruges til udglatning og polering.

Q: Hvilke sikkerhedsforanstaltninger skal jeg tage, når jeg bruger diamanthåndpuder?
Denne disk er effektiv på forskellige materialer, herunder: Sten (granit, marmor, fedtsten) Glas Keramik (fliser, keramik) Carbider (wolframcarbid) Kompositter
Q: What are the Advantages of a Flexible Diamond QRS Sanding Disc?
Aggressiv skæring og lang levetid: Diamantpartikler indlejret i skiven giver hurtig materialefjernelse og enestående holdbarhed sammenlignet med sandpapir. Overlegen finish: De mikrongraderede diamanter leverer et ensartet ridsemønster for en finish af høj kvalitet. Fleksibilitet til konturer: Den semi-fleksible bagside tilpasser sig buede overflader, hvilket gør den ideel til konturslibning og indviklet detaljearbejde. Åbent prikmønster: Dette design forhindrer tilstopning ved at tillade spåner (materialespåner) at undslippe effektivt. Quick Release Attachment (QRS): Krog-og-løkke-bagsiden muliggør nem og hurtig fastgørelse og fjernelse fra slibemaskinen. Materiale alsidighed: Disse skiver kan bruges på en lang række materialer, herunder sten, glas, keramik, karbider og kompositter.
Q: Do I need to use water or lubricant with a diamond hand pad?

Yes, using water or a specific lubricant is often necessary. It helps keep the surface cool, prevents overheating, and improves the effectiveness of the diamond particles in grinding and polishing. Some materials require dry grinding, so it's essential to check the manufacturer's recommendations.

Spørgsmål: Hvad er de forskellige kornmuligheder?
Fleksible Diamond QRS-slibeskiver kommer i forskellige kornniveauer, lige fra grove (for hurtig materialefjernelse) til fine (for at opnå en glat finish). Her er en generel retningslinje: Grove gryn (f.eks. 60 - 120): Til indledende formning og spånfjernelse. Mellemstore korn (f.eks. 220 - 400): Til forfining af former og fjernelse af ridser fra tidligere korn. Fine korn (f.eks. 600 - 1200): For at opnå en glat, poleret finish.
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