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Fleksibel Diamond Flap Wheel Disc

Diamond flap wheel discs are versatile, high-performance grinding tools that are ideal for a wide range of applications. They are available in various sizes, including the popular 100mm,115mm and 125mm diamond flap disc. These discs are designed to be used with angle grinders and are suitable for grinding and polishing a variety of materials, including concrete, steel, and carbide.
One of the most popular types of diamond flap
wheel discs is the  hybrid diamond flap disc. This disc is made with a unique combination of diamond and ceramic abrasive grains, which provides superior performance and longer life than traditional diamond discs. The hybrid diamond flap disc is ideal for grinding and polishing hard materials like concrete and stone.
For those working with pottery, a diamond grinding disc for pottery is an essential tool. These discs are designed to be gentle on delicate materials, while still providing excellent grinding performance. They are also suitable for use on other soft materials, like glass and ceramics.
When it comes to grinding and polishing concrete, a diamond grinding disc for concrete is the tool of choice. These discs are designed to be used with angle grinders and are available in a range of sizes and grits. They are ideal for preparing concrete surfaces for coatings or polishing to a high shine.
For grinding and sharpening steel and carbide, a diamond grinding
wheel for steel or carbide is the best option. These wheels are designed to be used with bench grinders and offer excellent performance and long life. They are available in a range of sizes and grits to suit different applications.
Overall, diamond flap
wheel discs are an essential tool for anyone working with hard materials. They offer superior performance, long life, and excellent value for money. Whether you are grinding and polishing concrete, steel, or pottery, there is a diamond flap wheel disc that is right for your needs.

115mm (4-1/2") Diamond flap Disc 22.23mm Bore

For rapid sanding of all types of masonry. Great for removal of coatings, sealers and cleaning stone. 

Amazing honing speed on marble.

Aluminium body for rapid cooling and light weight.

The pattern we can supply: Dot,Arrow and wave

22.23mm 7/8" bore fits popular grindersSpecifications of Diamond flap Disc Wheel

key features and benefits of diamond flap wheel discs:

1. Diamond Grit:The diamond particles on the flap wheel are extremely hard and durable, making them highly effective for grinding and polishing hard materials like metal, concrete, stone, and ceramics.

2. Versatility: Diamond flap wheel discs can be used on a wide range of materials, making them versatile tools in various applications.

3. Consistent Abrasion: The arrangement of the flaps ensures consistent abrasion across the workpiece, resulting in uniform finishes.

4. Ease of Use: They can be easily mounted on tools like angle grinders or bench grinders, making them convenient for both handheld and stationary applications.

5. Longevity: Diamond abrasive materials are known for their long lifespan, reducing the frequency of replacement.

6. Various Grit Sizes:  These discs are available in different grit sizes, allowing users to choose the level of abrasiveness suitable for their specific task, from coarse grinding to fine polishing.

7. Shape and Size Options:  Diamond flap wheel discs come in various shapes and sizes to suit different grinding and polishing requirements.

8. Cooler Operation:  Compared to traditional abrasive discs, diamond flap wheel discs tend to run cooler, reducing the risk of overheating the workpiece.

When using diamond flap wheel discs, it's essential to follow safety guidelines and wear appropriate protective gear, such as safety glasses and gloves, as they generate dust and can be abrasive. Additionally, always ensure that the disc you choose matches the specific requirements of your application.

Flexible Diamond Flap Wheel


Flexible Diamond Flap Wheel

Diamond flap wheel discs are versatile, high-performance grinding tools that are ideal for a wide range of applications. They are available in various sizes, including the popular 100mm,115mm and 125mm diamond flap discs. These discs are designed to be used with angle grinders and are suitable for grinding and polishing a variety of materials, including concrete, steel, and carbide.One of the most popular types of diamond flap wheel discs is the  hybrid diamond flap discs.

Flexible Diamond Flap Wheel


Flexible Diamond Flap Wheel

Diamond flap wheel discs are versatile, high-performance grinding tools that are ideal for a wide range of applications. They are available in various sizes, including the popular 100mm,115mm and 125mm diamond flap discs. These discs are designed to be used with angle grinders and are suitable for grinding and polishing a variety of materials, including concrete, steel, and carbide.One of the most popular types of diamond flap wheel discs is the  hybrid diamond flap discs.

Flexible Diamond Flap Wheel


Flexible Diamond Flap Wheel

Diamond flap wheel discs are versatile, high-performance grinding tools that are ideal for a wide range of applications. They are available in various sizes, including the popular 100mm,115mm and 125mm diamond flap discs. These discs are designed to be used with angle grinders and are suitable for grinding and polishing a variety of materials, including concrete, steel, and carbide.One of the most popular types of diamond flap wheel discs is the  hybrid diamond flap discs.

Flexible Diamond Flap Wheel


Flexible Diamond Flap Wheel

Diamond flap wheel discs are versatile, high-performance grinding tools that are ideal for a wide range of applications. They are available in various sizes, including the popular 100mm,115mm and 125mm diamond flap discs. These discs are designed to be used with angle grinders and are suitable for grinding and polishing a variety of materials, including concrete, steel, and carbide.One of the most popular types of diamond flap wheel discs is the  hybrid diamond flap discs.

Flexible Diamond Flap Wheel


Flexible Diamond Flap Wheel

Diamond flap wheel discs are versatile, high-performance grinding tools that are ideal for a wide range of applications. They are available in various sizes, including the popular 100mm,115mm and 125mm diamond flap discs. These discs are designed to be used with angle grinders and are suitable for grinding and polishing a variety of materials, including concrete, steel, and carbide.One of the most popular types of diamond flap wheel discs is the  hybrid diamond flap discs.

Flexible Diamond Flap Wheel


Flexible Diamond Flap Wheel

Diamond flap wheel discs are versatile, high-performance grinding tools that are ideal for a wide range of applications. They are available in various sizes, including the popular 100mm,115mm and 125mm diamond flap discs. These discs are designed to be used with angle grinders and are suitable for grinding and polishing a variety of materials, including concrete, steel, and carbide.One of the most popular types of diamond flap wheel discs is the  hybrid diamond flap discs.


  1. Material Removal Efficiency: Flexible diamond flap wheel discs are highly efficient at removing material from a wide range of surfaces. The embedded diamond particles provide aggressive cutting action, allowing for rapid material removal. This efficiency is particularly advantageous in tasks that involve shaping, leveling, or removing imperfections from surfaces.

  2. Consistent Abrasion: These discs deliver consistent abrasive action throughout their use. The diamond particles maintain their sharpness, ensuring even wear and preventing surface irregularities. This consistent abrasion contributes to achieving uniform and high-quality results.

  3. Surface Finish Quality: Flexible diamond flap wheel discs are renowned for producing smooth and polished surface finishes. They minimize surface imperfections, such as scratches and roughness, resulting in surfaces with a fine, refined appearance. This is essential in applications where surface quality matters, such as metal, stone, and glass polishing.

  4. Longevity and Durability: These discs are known for their durability and long service life. The diamond abrasive material remains effective over extended periods, reducing the need for frequent replacements. This durability makes them cost-effective tools, especially for projects involving extensive grinding and polishing.

  5. Versatility: Flexible diamond flap wheel discs are versatile tools suitable for various materials and applications. They are commonly used in metalworking, woodworking, glass, ceramics, and stone fabrication. Their adaptability to different surfaces and materials enhances their performance across a wide range of tasks.

  6. Flexibility: The flexible nature of these discs allows them to conform to curved and contoured surfaces, making them ideal for applications involving irregular shapes or intricate workpieces. This flexibility ensures that the entire surface is effectively treated.

  7. Minimal Clogging: Flexible diamond flap wheel discs are less prone to clogging compared to conventional abrasive tools. This feature prevents the accumulation of debris and maintains the disc's cutting efficiency throughout its use.

  8. Precision: These discs are essential for achieving precision in grinding and polishing tasks. Whether it's refining the shape of metal components or smoothing the edges of glass, their consistent performance contributes to accurate and controlled results.

  9. Safety: Flexible diamond flap wheel discs are designed to operate safely, with reduced heat generation and minimal vibration. This enhances user comfort and reduces the risk of overheating the workpiece.

  10. Grit Range: These discs are available in various grit sizes, allowing users to choose the appropriate grit for specific applications. The grit range includes coarse grits for material removal and fine grits for polishing and finishing.

Grit Range

  1. Grove korn (60 til 120): Diamantflap hjulskiver med groft korn bruges til aggressiv materialefjernelse. De er velegnede til opgaver, der involverer formning, slibning og fjernelse af ufuldkommenheder eller grater fra overflader. Almindelige anvendelser omfatter indledende overfladeforberedelse, afgratning og fjernelse af tungt materiale.

  2. Medium Grits (240 til 400): Medium Grit Diamond Flap Wheel Discs skaber en balance mellem materialefjernelse og overfladefinish. De bruges ofte til opgaver, der kræver moderat lagerfjernelse og udjævning. Anvendelser omfatter raffinering af ru overflader, blanding af svejsninger og klargøring af overflader til yderligere efterbehandling.

  3. Fine Grits (600 til 1200): Fine Grits Diamond Flap Wheel Disks bruges primært til efterbehandling og polering. De er velegnede til at opnå glatte, raffinerede overflader og fjerne finere ufuldkommenheder. Typiske anvendelser omfatter opnåelse af en poleret finish på metaller, træ og andre materialer.

  4. Meget fine korn (1500 til 1800 ) : Meget finkornede diamantklapskiver er forbeholdt højpræcisionspoleringsopgaver. De er ideelle til at opnå en spejllignende finish på overflader og eliminere selv de mindste ufuldkommenheder. Anvendelser omfatter endelig polering af metaller, glas, keramik og sten.


  1. 4inch,4.5inch,5inch,6inch,7inch

  2. Customized:customized to meet specific size requirements based on your particular needs and applications. Customized sizes offer the flexibility to adapt to various projects and surfaces. Whether you require smaller sheets for precision work or larger sheets for more extensive tasks, Our factory can often accommodate your requests for diamond sandpaper sheets in the size that best suits your requirements. When ordering customized sizes, be sure to provide the dimensions and quantity needed to ensure you receive the tailored product you require.

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Q: What are the advantages of a flap wheel?

Advantages. The advantages of a flapwheel over a traditional disk are twofold: The separate flaps each attack the workpiece surface at a slightly different angle, and this varies slightly with tool angle. This avoids the common problem with flat sheets, where they produce repeated identical scratches.

Q: Hvad er forskellen mellem klaphjul og slibeskive?

Klapskiver er ideelle til slibning, blanding, efterbehandling og polering af overflader samt fjernelse af rust, maling og svejsesømme. Slibeskiver bruges typisk til kraftig materialefjernelse, såsom fjernelse af store svejsninger og formning og udglatning af metalkanter.

Q: Hvad er den bedste klapskive til slibning af svejsninger?

Klapskiver er gode til at fjerne tunge svejsesømme og overskydende materiale, mens de giver en lang levetid: Til almindelig brug er anbefalingen en 60-korns keramisk klapskive. For større hastighed og snavsfjernelse er en Type 29 konisk det bedste valg.

Q: What is a flap disc grinding wheel used for?

En klapskive er et slibende produkt, der bruges til at konturere og forme metal. Den består af overlappende slibende klapper limet til en bagplade og bruges regelmæssigt til svejsning, bearbejdning, tungt udstyrsarbejde og industriel vedligeholdelse. Almindelige anvendelser omfatter: Rengøring af flash fra forme og støbegods.

Q: What is the best grit for flap discs?

Deburring and deflashing: 60 grit abrasive grain is ideal for deburring and deflashing work. Rust removal and blending: Abrasive grit in the more expansive range from 60 to 80 is optimal for finer work like rust removal and blending.

Q: Which grit flap disc would leave the smoothest finish on metal?

Til efterbehandling og slibning af metal kan en 120-korn klapskive være din bedste mulighed. Fladskive med flade hoved passer bedst til formålet med efterbehandling af metal.

Q: Hvad er det bedste klaphjul til rustfrit stål?

Designet til både mildt og rustfrit stål, klaphjul lavet af zirconia (eller zirconium) slibebånd (blå/grøn i farven) er ideelle til brug på de fleste metaller, inklusive rustfrit stål. Andre klapskiver på markedet fremstillet af slibebånd af aluminiumoxid er ikke egnede til brug på rustfrit stål.

Q: Can you put a flap disc on a bench grinder?

Unmounted large flap wheels can conform to most shapes and are especially effective on pipes, tubes and other cylindrical items and are designed to be used on a bench grinder, pedestal grinder, or straight finishing tool with a 1 inch arbor.

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