Fleksibel diamant QRS-skive
Research and Development Perspective Improve your research and development process with our Flexible Diamond QRS Discs. Designed for grinding various materials, these discs feature a durable diamond-coated surface for efficient grinding and polishing. Available in various sizes and grades, they're perfect for both machine and manual polishing.
Design your grinding process with ease using our Flexible Diamond QRS Discs.Our Flexible Diamond QRS Discs are specially designed for grinding natural and synthetic stone, glass, ceramics, and hard metal. These quick-release (Velcro) flexible diamond discs are available in all sizes and grades, and are color-coded for easy identification. They can be used for both machine and manual polishing, but should be used with wet grinding.
These discs are available with various backing options, including M14 fixing members, snail locking, self-adhesive, plastic, and magnetic. They are perfect for wet polishing of glass, ceramic, hard metal, natural stone (including granite, marble, and sandstone), and artificial stone.
Our Flexible Diamond QRS discs come in a range of colors, including green, black, red, yellow, white, blue, and orange, making it easy to identify the different grades. They are the perfect choice for anyone looking for high-quality, flexible diamond sanding pads that are easy to use and provide excellent results.
In addition to our Flexible Diamond QRS discs, we also offer a range of other flexible diamond products, including flexible Diamond Finishing discs Hook & Loop, and Flexible Diamond Bands. These products are all designed to provide excellent results and are made from high-quality materials to ensure maximum durability and performance.
If you're looking for flexible diamond products that are easy to use and provide excellent results, look no further than our range of products. With our flexible diamond sanding pads, you can achieve a perfect finish every time.
Flexible Diamond QRS (Quick Release System) Discs are versatile and commonly used in industries like metalworking, woodworking, and stone fabrication for various applications such as grinding, polishing, and shaping. The grit sizes you mentioned (60, 120, 240, 400, and 600) are indicative of the abrasive quality of these discs, and the diameter options (75mm, 100mm, 115mm, 125mm, and 150mm) reflect the range of sizes available. The velcro backing makes these discs easy to attach and remove from compatible backing pads or tools.
Flexible Diamond QRS Disc
Our Flexible Diamond QRS Discs are specially designed for grinding natural and synthetic stone, glass, ceramics, and hard metal. These quick-release (Velcro) flexible diamond discs are available in all sizes and grades, and are color-coded for easy identification. They can be used for both machine and manual polishing, but should be used with wet grinding.
Flexible Diamond QRS Disc
Our Flexible Diamond QRS Discs are specially designed for grinding natural and synthetic stone, glass, ceramics, and hard metal. These quick-release (Velcro) flexible diamond discs are available in all sizes and grades, and are color-coded for easy identification. They can be used for both machine and manual polishing, but should be used with wet grinding.
Flexible Diamond QRS Disc
Our Flexible Diamond QRS Discs are specially designed for grinding natural and synthetic stone, glass, ceramics, and hard metal. These quick-release (Velcro) flexible diamond discs are available in all sizes and grades, and are color-coded for easy identification. They can be used for both machine and manual polishing, but should be used with wet grinding.
Flexible Diamond QRS Disc
Our Flexible Diamond QRS Discs are specially designed for grinding natural and synthetic stone, glass, ceramics, and hard metal. These quick-release (Velcro) flexible diamond discs are available in all sizes and grades, and are color-coded for easy identification. They can be used for both machine and manual polishing, but should be used with wet grinding.
Flexible Diamond QRS Disc
Our Flexible Diamond QRS Discs are specially designed for grinding natural and synthetic stone, glass, ceramics, and hard metal. These quick-release (Velcro) flexible diamond discs are available in all sizes and grades, and are color-coded for easy identification. They can be used for both machine and manual polishing, but should be used with wet grinding.
Flexible Diamond QRS Disc
Our Flexible Diamond QRS Discs are specially designed for grinding natural and synthetic stone, glass, ceramics, and hard metal. These quick-release (Velcro) flexible diamond discs are available in all sizes and grades, and are color-coded for easy identification. They can be used for both machine and manual polishing, but should be used with wet grinding.
Flexible Diamond QRS Disc
Our Flexible Diamond QRS Discs are specially designed for grinding natural and synthetic stone, glass, ceramics, and hard metal. These quick-release (Velcro) flexible diamond discs are available in all sizes and grades, and are color-coded for easy identification. They can be used for both machine and manual polishing, but should be used with wet grinding.
Flexible Diamond QRS Disc
Our Flexible Diamond QRS Discs are specially designed for grinding natural and synthetic stone, glass, ceramics, and hard metal. These quick-release (Velcro) flexible diamond discs are available in all sizes and grades, and are color-coded for easy identification. They can be used for both machine and manual polishing, but should be used with wet grinding.
Flexible Diamond QRS Disc
Our Flexible Diamond QRS Discs are specially designed for grinding natural and synthetic stone, glass, ceramics, and hard metal. These quick-release (Velcro) flexible diamond discs are available in all sizes and grades, and are color-coded for easy identification. They can be used for both machine and manual polishing, but should be used with wet grinding.
Flexible Diamond QRS Disc
Our Flexible Diamond QRS Discs are specially designed for grinding natural and synthetic stone, glass, ceramics, and hard metal. These quick-release (Velcro) flexible diamond discs are available in all sizes and grades, and are color-coded for easy identification. They can be used for both machine and manual polishing, but should be used with wet grinding.
Flexible Diamond QRS Disc
Our Flexible Diamond QRS Discs are specially designed for grinding natural and synthetic stone, glass, ceramics, and hard metal. These quick-release (Velcro) flexible diamond discs are available in all sizes and grades, and are color-coded for easy identification. They can be used for both machine and manual polishing, but should be used with wet grinding.
Flexible Diamond QRS Disc
Our Flexible Diamond QRS Discs are specially designed for grinding natural and synthetic stone, glass, ceramics, and hard metal. These quick-release (Velcro) flexible diamond discs are available in all sizes and grades, and are color-coded for easy identification. They can be used for both machine and manual polishing, but should be used with wet grinding.
Fleksible Diamond QRS-skiver (Quick Release System) er alsidige og almindeligvis brugt i industrier som metalbearbejdning, træbearbejdning og stenfremstilling til forskellige applikationer såsom slibning, polering og formning. De kornstørrelser, du nævnte (60, 120, 240, 400 og 600) er vejledende for den slibende kvalitet af disse skiver, og diametermulighederne (75 mm, 100 mm, 115 mm, 125 mm og 150 mm) afspejler de tilgængelige størrelser. Velcro-bagsiden gør disse skiver nemme at fastgøre og fjerne fra kompatible underlag eller værktøj.
Opgrader dit slibende værktøjsarsenal med vores Flexible Diamond QRS Discs og oplev forskellen i ydeevne og effektivitet. Uanset om du er en professionel i branchen eller en gør-det-selv-entusiast, vil disse diske hjælpe dig med at opnå overlegne resultater på dine projekter. Vælg den kornstørrelse og -diameter, der passer bedst til dine behov, og løft dine polerings- og slibeevner i dag!
Størrelsesområde (diameter): Fleksible Diamond QRS-skiver fås i forskellige diametre for at imødekomme forskellige opgaver og udstyrsstørrelser. Fælles diameter muligheder inkluderer:
75 mm (3 tommer)
100 mm (4 tommer)
115 mm (4,5 tommer)
125 mm (5 tommer)
150 mm (6 tommer)
200 mm (8 tommer)
250 mm (10 tommer)
300 mm (12 tommer)
350 mm (14 tommer)
400 mm (16 tommer)
450 mm (18 tommer)
600 mm (24 tommer)
Disse størrelser dækker en bred vifte af applikationer, fra små, detaljerede arbejder til større overfladearealer.
Hulstørrelse: Nogle Flexible Diamond QRS-skiver kommer med huller eller perforeringer designet til støvudsugning eller vandkølingssystemer. Hulstørrelserne og konfigurationerne kan variere mellem producenterne. Almindelige hulstørrelser inkluderer 6 mm, 8 mm eller andre konfigurationer, der passer til specifikke støttepuder eller værktøjer. Det er vigtigt at vælge den passende størrelse, hulkonfiguration (hvis nødvendigt)
Tilpasset: tilpasset til at opfylde specifikke størrelseskrav baseret på dine særlige behov og applikationer. Tilpassede størrelser giver fleksibilitet til at tilpasse sig forskellige projekter og overflader. Uanset om du har brug for mindre plader til præcisionsarbejde eller større plader til mere omfattende opgaver, kan vores fabrik ofte imødekomme dine ønsker om diamantslibepapir i den størrelse, der passer bedst til dine krav. Når du bestiller tilpassede størrelser, skal du sørge for at angive de nødvendige dimensioner og mængder for at sikre, at du modtager det skræddersyede produkt, du har brug for.
Coarse Grits (60 to 120): Coarse grit Flexible Diamond QRS Discs are ideal for tasks that require substantial material removal and shaping. They excel in the initial stages of surface preparation, such as removing rough spots or leveling surfaces.
Medium Grits (240 to 400): Medium grit Flexible Diamond QRS Discs offer a balance between material removal and surface refinement. They are suitable for applications where you need to achieve a smoother surface while still removing a moderate amount of material. This includes tasks like smoothing rough surfaces and blending welds.
Fine Grits (600 to 1200): Fine grit Flexible Diamond QRS Discs are primarily used for finishing and polishing applications. They are adept at creating smooth, refined surfaces and eliminating finer imperfections. Common uses involve achieving polished finishes on metals, wood, and other materials.
Very Fine Grits (1500 to 1800): Very fine grit Flexible Diamond QRS Discs are reserved for high-precision polishing tasks. They are perfect for achieving mirror-like finishes on surfaces and eliminating even the tiniest imperfections. Typical applications include the final polishing of metals, glass, ceramics, and stone.
Backing: Flexible Diamond QRS Discs typically feature a hook-and-loop (Velcro) backing. This backing allows for quick and easy attachment to compatible backing pads or tools, making disc changes efficient during projects. The Velcro backing provides a secure grip while allowing for straightforward removal and replacement.
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Fleksible løsninger, der hjælper dig med at tackle enhver udfordring
Q: Hvad bruges Flexible Diamond QRS-skiver til?
Flexible Diamond QRS Discs are versatile abrasive tools used for various applications, including grinding, polishing, shaping, and smoothing surfaces. They are commonly used in industries like metalworking, woodworking, stone fabrication, and more.
Q: How do I choose the right grit size for my application?
The choice of grit size depends on your specific task. Coarser grits are suitable for material removal and shaping, while finer grits are used for polishing and achieving a smoother finish. Choose a grit size that matches your material and the desired level of surface refinement.
Q:Hvordan identificerer og bestiller jeg de rigtige Flexible Diamond QRS Discs?
Du kan typisk identificere og bestille disse diske ved hjælp af en ordrekode, såsom "QRS". Overvej desuden den nødvendige diameter og kornstørrelse, når du afgiver din ordre, for at sikre, at du modtager det korrekte produkt til din specifikke anvendelse.
Q: How do I maintain and prolong the life of Flexible Diamond QRS Discs?
Korrekt vedligeholdelse omfatter rengøring af skiverne for at fjerne ophobet snavs og periodisk inspektion for slid. Udskiftning af diske, når de bliver slidte eller beskadigede, er afgørende for at bevare deres ydeevne.
Q: What is the grit range available for these discs?
Flexible Diamond QRS Discs come in a range of grit sizes, including coarse, medium, fine, and very fine grits. The specific grit sizes may vary by manufacturer, but they typically cover a range from coarse (e.g., 30 or 60 grit) to very fine (e.g., 1200 or 3000 grit).
Q: Kan Flexible Diamond QRS Discs bruges våde eller tørre?
Many Flexible Diamond QRS Discs are designed for wet use, which involves using water or a coolant during the grinding or polishing process. Wet use helps reduce heat and friction, extends the disc's lifespan, and improves performance. However, some discs can also be used dry, but wet use is often recommended for better results.
Q: Hvilke materialer kan jeg arbejde på med Flexible Diamond QRS Discs?
Disse skiver er alsidige og kan bruges på forskellige materialer, herunder metaller (såsom stål, aluminium), træ, sten (granit, marmor), beton, glas, keramik, plast og meget mere.
Q: Can these discs be used by both professionals and DIY enthusiasts?
Ja, Flexible Diamond QRS Discs er velegnede til en bred vifte af brugere, fra professionelle i forskellige brancher til gør-det-selv-entusiaster og hobbyfolk. De er brugervenlige og giver ensartede resultater, når de bruges korrekt.