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Fleksible diamantdornbånd

Diamond Spiral Sanding Bands

Vores udvalg af fleksible diamantbånd er den perfekte løsning til alle dine behov for let slibning , formning og polering , især til de svært tilgængelige områder og konturer. Disse bånd er fremstillet af materialer af høj kvalitet og er specielt designet til at arbejde på en række forskellige materialer, herunder granit, marmor, natursten, konstruerede sten, glas, keramik og hårde metaller.
Vores fleksible diamantbånd kommer i en række kvaliteter, hver farvekodet for nem identifikation. De er fremstillet til at passe til ekspanderende gummidorne , hvilket sikrer en sikker og effektiv pasform hver gang. Med vores fleksible diamantbånd kan du nemt opnå en glat og poleret finish på dine materialer.
Vores udvalg omfatter fleksible diamanttrommebånd og fleksible diamantbånd, som alle fås i Flex Diamond Bands og *3M Flex Diamond Bands. Disse produkter er perfekte til professionelle inden for sten- og metalbearbejdningsindustrien, såvel som gør-det-selv-entusiaster, der leder efter værktøjer af høj kvalitet til at opnå professionelle resultater.
Invester i vores fleksible diamantprodukter i dag og oplev forskellen i kvalitet og ydeevne.

Flexible Diamond Drum Band


Flexible Diamond Drum Band

Our range of flexible diamond bands is the perfect solution for all your light grinding, shaping, and polishing needs, especially for those hard-to-reach areas and contours. Made from high-quality materials, these bands are specially designed to work on a variety of materials, including granite, marble, natural stone, engineered stone, glass, ceramics, and hard metals.

Our flexible diamond bands come in a range of grades, each color-coded for easy identification. They are manufactured to fit expanding rubber mandrels, ensuring a secure and efficient fit every time. With our flexible diamond bands, you can achieve a smooth and polished finish on your materials with ease.

Flexible Diamond Drum Band


Flexible Diamond Drum Band

Our range of flexible diamond bands is the perfect solution for all your light grinding, shaping, and polishing needs, especially for those hard-to-reach areas and contours. Made from high-quality materials, these bands are specially designed to work on a variety of materials, including granite, marble, natural stone, engineered stone, glass, ceramics, and hard metals.

Our flexible diamond bands come in a range of grades, each color-coded for easy identification. They are manufactured to fit expanding rubber mandrels, ensuring a secure and efficient fit every time. With our flexible diamond bands, you can achieve a smooth and polished finish on your materials with ease.

Flexible Diamond Drum Band


Flexible Diamond Drum Band

Our range of flexible diamond bands is the perfect solution for all your light grinding, shaping, and polishing needs, especially for those hard-to-reach areas and contours. Made from high-quality materials, these bands are specially designed to work on a variety of materials, including granite, marble, natural stone, engineered stone, glass, ceramics, and hard metals.

Our flexible diamond bands come in a range of grades, each color-coded for easy identification. They are manufactured to fit expanding rubber mandrels, ensuring a secure and efficient fit every time. With our flexible diamond bands, you can achieve a smooth and polished finish on your materials with ease.

Flexible Diamond Drum Band


Flexible Diamond Drum Band

Our range of flexible diamond bands is the perfect solution for all your light grinding, shaping, and polishing needs, especially for those hard-to-reach areas and contours. Made from high-quality materials, these bands are specially designed to work on a variety of materials, including granite, marble, natural stone, engineered stone, glass, ceramics, and hard metals.

Our flexible diamond bands come in a range of grades, each color-coded for easy identification. They are manufactured to fit expanding rubber mandrels, ensuring a secure and efficient fit every time. With our flexible diamond bands, you can achieve a smooth and polished finish on your materials with ease.

Flexible Diamond Drum Band


Flexible Diamond Drum Band

Our range of flexible diamond bands is the perfect solution for all your light grinding, shaping, and polishing needs, especially for those hard-to-reach areas and contours. Made from high-quality materials, these bands are specially designed to work on a variety of materials, including granite, marble, natural stone, engineered stone, glass, ceramics, and hard metals.

Our flexible diamond bands come in a range of grades, each color-coded for easy identification. They are manufactured to fit expanding rubber mandrels, ensuring a secure and efficient fit every time. With our flexible diamond bands, you can achieve a smooth and polished finish on your materials with ease.

Flexible Diamond Drum Band


Flexible Diamond Drum Band

Our range of flexible diamond bands is the perfect solution for all your light grinding, shaping, and polishing needs, especially for those hard-to-reach areas and contours. Made from high-quality materials, these bands are specially designed to work on a variety of materials, including granite, marble, natural stone, engineered stone, glass, ceramics, and hard metals.

Our flexible diamond bands come in a range of grades, each color-coded for easy identification. They are manufactured to fit expanding rubber mandrels, ensuring a secure and efficient fit every time. With our flexible diamond bands, you can achieve a smooth and polished finish on your materials with ease.

Flexible Diamond Drum Band


Flexible Diamond Drum Band

Our range of flexible diamond bands is the perfect solution for all your light grinding, shaping, and polishing needs, especially for those hard-to-reach areas and contours. Made from high-quality materials, these bands are specially designed to work on a variety of materials, including granite, marble, natural stone, engineered stone, glass, ceramics, and hard metals.

Our flexible diamond bands come in a range of grades, each color-coded for easy identification. They are manufactured to fit expanding rubber mandrels, ensuring a secure and efficient fit every time. With our flexible diamond bands, you can achieve a smooth and polished finish on your materials with ease.


  1. Præcision: Fleksible diamantbånd giver præcis kontrol og nøjagtighed, hvilket gør dem velegnede til indviklet arbejde og detaljerede efterbehandlingsopgaver.

  2. Holdbarhed: De er kendt for deres holdbarhed og lange levetid. Diamantslibemidler bevarer deres skæreydelse over tid, hvilket resulterer i omkostningseffektive løsninger til længerevarende brug.

  3. Alsidighed: Disse bånd er alsidige og kan bruges våde eller tørre, afhængigt af anvendelseskravene. De tilpasser sig godt til forskellige materialer og tilbyder ensartet ydeevne.

  4. Reduceret nedetid: Deres holdbarhed og langvarige ydeevne reducerer nedetiden på grund af værktøjsskift, hvilket resulterer i øget produktivitet.

  5. Kølig skæring: Fleksible diamantbånd giver typisk en kølig skæring, hvilket minimerer risikoen for varmerelateret skade på emnet.

  6. Tilpasning: De fås i forskellige størrelser og kornmuligheder for at imødekomme specifikke projektbehov og opnå forskellige overfladefinisher.

  7. Designet til let slibning , formning og polering .

  8. Velegnet til en lang række materialer, herunder granit, marmor, natursten, konstruerede sten, glas, keramik og hårde metaller.

  9. Fås i forskellige kvaliteter, farvekodet for nem identifikation.

  10. Kompatibel med ekspanderende gummidorne for sikker og effektiv montering.

  11. Designet til at levere en glat og poleret finish på materialer.

  12. Udvalget omfatter fleksible diamanttrommebånd og fleksible diamantbånd.

  13. Tilbydes i Flex Diamond Bands og 3M Flex Diamond Bands varianter.

  14. Ideel til fagfolk inden for sten- og metalbearbejdningsindustrien.

  15. Velegnet til gør-det-selv-entusiaster, der søger værktøjer af høj kvalitet til resultater på professionelt niveau.

Grit Range

Flexible Diamond bands are indeed available in a variety of grit sizes, offering versatility for various polishing and grinding tasks. Here's a breakdown of the typical grit sizes and their applications:

Coarse Grits (60 to 120):

  • These grits are ideal for aggressive material removal and rough grinding.

  • Suitable for tasks that require significant stock removal or shaping.

  • Commonly used in initial stages of the grinding process when refining the shape of the workpiece.

Medium Grits (240 to 400):

  • Medium grits provide a balanced performance between stock removal and surface finish.

  • Effective for grinding tasks that require a moderate level of material removal while achieving smoother surfaces.

  • Used for transitioning from coarse grindingto finer polishing stages.

Fine Grits (600 to 1200):

  • Fine grits excel in providing a smoother surface finish.

  • Suitable for achieving a polished or semi-polished surface on various materials.

  • Commonly used for intermediate polishing stages.

Very Fine Grits (1500 to 1800):

  • Very fine grits are designed for fine polishing and achieving a high-gloss finish.

  • Ideal for the final stages of polishing to refine the workpiece's surface to a mirror-like shine.

  • Used when precision and a flawless finish are required.

The selection of the appropriate grit size depends on factors such as the material being worked on, the desired surface finish, and the stage of the grinding or polishing process. Starting with a coarser grit for material removal and progressively moving to finer grits for surface refinement is a common approach.

Flexible Diamond bands offer the advantage of adaptability, allowing professionals to tailor their abrasive tools to the specific needs of their projects, resulting in precise and high-quality finishes.


  1. Størrelse (diameter): Båndene kommer i forskellige størrelser for at rumme forskellige værktøjer og applikationer, med diametre inklusive 10x20 mm, 15x30 mm, 22x20 mm, 25x25 mm, 30x30 mm, 45x30 mm og 50x40 mm.

  2. Tilpasset: tilpasset til at opfylde specifikke størrelseskrav baseret på dine særlige behov og applikationer. Tilpassede størrelser giver fleksibilitet til at tilpasse sig forskellige projekter og overflader. Uanset om du har brug for mindre plader til præcisionsarbejde eller større plader til mere omfattende opgaver, kan vores fabrik ofte imødekomme dine ønsker om diamantslibepapir i den størrelse, der passer bedst til dine krav. Når du bestiller tilpassede størrelser, skal du sørge for at angive de nødvendige dimensioner og mængder for at sikre, at du modtager det skræddersyede produkt, du har brug for.

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Q: Hvad er fordelene ved et klaphjul?

Advantages. The advantages of a flapwheel over a traditional disk are twofold: The separate flaps each attack the workpiece surface at a slightly different angle, and this varies slightly with tool angle. This avoids the common problem with flat sheets, where they produce repeated identical scratches.

Q: What is the difference between flap wheel and grinding wheel?

Flap discs are ideal for grinding, blending, finishing, and polishing surfaces, as well as removing rust, paint, and weld seams. Grinding discs are typically used for heavy-duty material removal, such as removing large welds, and shaping and smoothing metal edges.

Q: What is the best flap disc for grinding welds?

Klapskiver er gode til at fjerne tunge svejsesømme og overskydende materiale, mens de giver en lang levetid: Til almindelig brug er anbefalingen en 60-korns keramisk klapskive. For større hastighed og snavsfjernelse er en Type 29 konisk det bedste valg.

Q: Hvad bruges en klapskive-slibeskive til?

A flap disc is an abrasive product used to contour and shape metal. It consists of overlapping abrasive flaps glued to a backing plate and is regularly used for welding, machining, heavy-duty equipment work, and industrial maintenance. Common applications include: Cleaning flash from molds and castings.

Q: Hvad er det bedste korn til klapskiver?

Deburring and deflashing: 60 grit abrasive grain is ideal for deburring and deflashing work. Rust removal and blending: Abrasive grit in the more expansive range from 60 to 80 is optimal for finer work like rust removal and blending.

Q: Which grit flap disc would leave the smoothest finish on metal?

For finishing and sanding metal, a 120-grit flap disc could be your best option. Flat head flap discs best suit the purpose of finishing metal.

Q: Hvad er det bedste klaphjul til rustfrit stål?

Designed for both mild and stainless steel, flap wheels made from zirconia (or zirconium) abrasive ribbon (blue / green in colour) are ideal for use on most metals including stainless steel. Other flap discs on the market made from using aluminium oxide abrasive ribbon are not suitable for use on stainless steel.

Q: Can you put a flap disc on a bench grinder?

Umonterede store klaphjul kan tilpasse sig de fleste former og er særligt effektive på rør, rør og andre cylindriske genstande og er designet til at blive brugt på en bænk-sliber, piedestal-sliber eller lige efterbehandlingsværktøj med en 1 tomme slibe.

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