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HANS Flexible Diamond Abrasive Products blev udviklet af vores ingeniører til at kombinere den lange levetid og aggressive skæring af diamanter med ikke-metallisk klud og stærke bagsidematerialer med styrke og fleksibilitet. Dette gør det nemt at polere og polere forskellige hårde materialer såsom naturlige og syntetiske sten, konstruktion, kompositter, superhårde belægninger, keramik, glas, operationer, metallografisk og anden fladslibning , Stof, hardware og andre hårde metaller på en økonomisk måde, vi også har alternativer til elektropletterede fleksible mønstre , der er særligt effektive, når de bruges som skiver og bælter til hurtig fjernelse. Diamantslibebånd i alle specifikationer og dimensioner til specielle applikationer som center-mindre slibning af molybdæn varmeelementer. Fleksibel diamant slibebånd til specielle anvendelser såsom center-mindre slibende molybdæn varmeelementer.
Hans diamantværktøj er præcisionsslibeværktøj , der er skræddersyet til mange industrielle anvendelser. Hans tilbyder fleksible diamant- og CBN- slibe- og poleringsværktøjer i forskellige størrelser, herunder slibebånd , slibeskive , slibepapir og slibebåndsrulle . Kombinationen af tekniske fordele og unikke produkter gør det muligt for fleksibilitet at levere en slibe- og poleringsløsning med høj værditilvækst innovation og perfekt koordinering med markedets efterspørgsel. Fremragende ydeevne og pålidelighedsteknologi er det bedste valg til diamantværktøj med forskellige strukturer.
Større marked

• Arkitektonisk glas, videnskabeligt glas og krystalglas
• Bordserviceproducenter, ildfast industri, producenter af keramiske fliser
• Kompositindustri
• Luftfart, transport, olie og gas, papirfremstilling
Diamant er det hårdeste materiale og kan give forudsigelige, konsistente og gentagelige overfladebehandlingsskemaer for forskellige materialer. Velegnet til slibning og polering af glas, keramik, keramik, kompositmaterialer, superhårdt stål, titanium, epoxyharpiks, termiske sprøjtebelægninger og tekstiler

Bemærk: Fordobling af fugebredden fra 0,5 mm til 1,0 mm betyder, at 4 gange emnet skal fjernes.

Generelle tekniske data

Performance life
Synthetic diamond always performs well, and Diamond tools have long service life, consistent surface finish and continuous high grinding rate.
product constract
Hans diamond Flexible grinding and polishing tool is composed of three main elements: Diamond , bonding and backing. The multiple combinations of these elements provide the highest efficiency to meet the diversified requirements of industrial grinding and polishing .
Diamond is composed of carbon with crystal structure. For grinding tools, the Diamond used is usually synthetic and produced under high temperature and pressure. Diamond particle size data based on average particle size( μ m). Coarse Diamond will increase the material removal rate and surface roughness of the workpiece. The choice of the appropriate particle size depends on various factors: application, material, drive, wet grinding (water, abrasive) or dry grinding (wet grinding is generally used).
Grain size range
All grain sizes have corresponding color codes, which can be selected: 251 µ m (60 – 80), 126 µ m 120), 91 µ m 180, 64 µ m 240 – 320, 46 µ m 400, 30 µ m 600, 20 µ m 800, 15 µ m 1200, 12 µ m 1800
Hans has flexible Diamond tools available in metal bondedelectroplated nickel and resin bond versions.
Hans has electroplated nickel and resin bond, and two kinds of Diamond flexible grinding and polishing tools.
Nickel Bond

The electroplated nickel layer with special electroplating process is used to wrap Diamond, which is mainly used for applications with coarse and medium particle sizes and requiring high material removal rate. First, metallize the fabric surface. The pattern is electroformed by nickel plating. By scattering Diamond on its surface, and then conducting electroplating treatment according to the specifications required by customers, the corresponding finished products are produced
Resin bond

Resin products are mainly used for fine grinding and polishing. Because of the continuous resin layer, the Diamond is embedded in the resin layer, so the product must be used after destroying the surface resin layer in advance to obtain the best performance.

Sintered bonded diamond is a type of composite material where Diamond particles are bonded together using a sintering process. Diamonds are incredibly hard and have exceptional wear resistance, making them valuable in various industrial applications, including cutting, grinding and polishing. Sintered bonded diamond tools and materials are used to take advantage of these properties.
Sintered bonded diamond materials are renowned for their extreme hardness and abrasive properties, making them ideal for cutting, grinding and polishingapplications in industries like construction, mining, metalworking, and stone fabrication. These tools are capable of cutting through hard materials like concrete, metal, and ceramics with precision and durability.
The specific properties of Sintered bonded diamond materials can vary depending on the Diamond particle size, the type of metal binder used, and the sintering conditions, allowing for customization to suit different applications.
The backing of diamond flexible grinding and polishing tools is a special fabric made according to special needs. Compared with our competitors, this unique process provides control and flexibility. This fabric has good dimensional stability, high wear resistance and excellent heat dissipation. This unique sheet can be combined with many different types of backing according to the application needs. Various backings (from fast grindingto flexible polishing are designed for optimal Diamond holding force, excellent workpiece edge wear, and can be combined with many different patterns and grain sizes to adapt to complex and diverse applications under harsh conditions.
Big dots: rough polishing for rapid surface removal. Particle size: 250um and 300um.
Medium dot: about 17 particles per inch, used for strong cutting, to improve surface grinding removal rate by improving coolant flow
Small dots: about 25 particles per inch, applied to special coating finish. Provides the fastest surface removal on very hard materials such as thermal spraying and ceramics.
Sturdy arrow pattern, specially developed for rapid material removal and finishing. It is very suitable for grinding when the belt is loose and for grinding surfaces with sharp edges. This structure has a working face in all directions, always in contact with the workpiece, to ensure that high level, fast and flexible grinding can be achieved without welding. The structure of the pattern also ensures good heat dissipation performance.
Nickel metal bonding agent - connecting arrow - closed type - medium fine particle - mainly used for discs.
Nickel bond - open line pattern - no connecting arrow - with higher flexibility and deburring ability - used for high-performance abrasive belt grinding and glass edging.
Flexible Diamond belt glass edging solutionSolution of glass edge grinding with flexible Diamond tape
It is specially developed in cooperation with the original equipment manufacturer and is designed to be equipped with an automatic glass abrasive beltpolishing machine.
The unique electroplating technology makes the Diamond electroplating layer firm and durable, avoiding scratches caused by the loose sand grain design of the standard traditional electroplating abrasive belt, and making the service life longer.
Selection of Diamond particle size
The most commonly used granularity is 120GGrit and 200Grit
Coarse grain size 60 or fine grain size 320 is occasionally required for special roughing or finishing.
Edge and corner treatment:
The 200 mesh shall be used for polishing the edge of 3-5 mm thick glass plate to achieve an edge angle of 0.5 mm.
120 mesh shall be used for polishing edges and corners of 6-10 mm thick or thicker glass plates to achieve 1.0 mm or larger edges and corners.
Use of wet grinding and dry grinding:
The automatic production line always uses coolant to improve the performance of Diamond tape and maximize its service life. Unless otherwise specified, use Diamond tape for grinding and polishing under wet grinding conditions.
Recommended working speed: 25 – 32m/s, maximum speed: 45m/s. The conventional belt runs at a speed of about 12-15m/s, and the Diamond abrasive belt grinds and polishes at a speed of about 25-32m/s and performs best. To provide the highest productivity, please run at a speed of about 25-32m/s
Technical Tips
The following precautions are recommended for optimum performance and service life. The parameter settings comply with the machine instructions and operating conditions:
Coolant: Use solvent free clean water and additives. Keep the flow constant at the grinding and polishing point.
Pressure condition: Apply correct pressure to the belt setting. Too low pressure will lead to varnish, and too high pressure will lead to uneven wear on the surface of Diamond abrasive belt. The tensile deformation of the sand belt is about 20mm.
Timing: Once the panel is transferred to the middle of the conveyor belt , the grinding surface of the abrasive belt should contact the glass. Align the center of the grinding surface to obtain the minimum contact point and the longest service life of the abrasive belt, and reduce unnecessary wear.
Belt guide pulley: clean belt guide pulley with flat surface shall be used to ensure smooth operation of the belt.
Configuration instructions - normal belt crown - or slightly inclined outer edge.
Equipment maintenance: regularly check the setting parameters of belt grinder to avoid unnecessary abrasion of abrasive belt caused by inaccurate parameter setting.

Advantages of Patterns

The choice of grit size depends on the specific material you're working with, the level of surface finish required, and the stage of the polishing or grinding process. Coarser grits are used initially to remove material efficiently, while finer grits are employed for progressively finer finishing and polishing . Having access to a range of grit sizes allows for greater control and precision in achieving the desired surface quality and appearance.

  1. Coarse Grits (60 to 120): Coarse grit Flexible Diamond products are used for aggressive material removal. They are suitable for tasks that involve shaping , grinding, and removing imperfections or burrs from surfaces. Common applications include initial surface preparation, deburring, and heavy stock removal.

  2. Medium Grits (240 to 400): Medium grit FlexibleDiamond products strike a balance between material removal and surface finish. They are often used for tasks that require moderate stock removal and smoothing. Applications include refining rough surfaces, blending welds, and preparing surfaces for further finishing.

  3. Fine Grits (600 to 1200): Fine grit Flexible Diamond products are primarily used for finishing and polishing applications. They are suitable for achieving smooth, refined surfaces and removing finer imperfections. Typical uses include achieving a polished finish on metals, wood, and other materials.

  4. Very Fine Grits (1500 to 1800): Very fine grit Flexible Diamond products are reserved for high-precision polishing tasks. They are ideal for achieving a mirror-like finish on surfaces and eliminating even the smallest imperfections. Applications include final polishing of metals, glass, ceramics, and stone.

Flexible Diamond products offer several advantages when it comes to their pattern design

1. Big Dots (Rough Polishing ):

  • Advantages:

    • Rapid Material Removal: Big dots are designed for quick surface removal. They contain larger Diamond particles, making them highly effective for removing material rapidly.

    • Suitable for Coarser Grits: Big dots are often used with coarser grits where high material removal rates are required.

    • Efficient for Rough grinding: These patterns excel in rough grinding applications where you need to level or flatten a surface quickly.

2. Medium Dots (Strong Cutting):

  • Advantages:

    • Improved Material Removal Rate: Medium dots, with around 17 particles per inch, provide strong Cutting action. They enhance the surface grindingremoval rate by improving coolant flow.

    • Versatile: Medium dots strike a balance between rapid material removal and surface quality, making them suitable for various applications.

    • Effective for Intermediate grinding: Use medium dots when you need to remove material efficiently while achieving good surface quality.

3. Small Dots (Special Coating Finish):

  • Advantages:

    • Fast Surface Removal: Small dots, with about 25 particles per inch, offer the fastest surface removal on very hard materials, such as thermal spraying and ceramics.

    • Ideal for Special Coatings: These patterns are designed for achieving a specific coating finish, ensuring precise results on specialized coatings or materials.

    • Excellent for Detail Work: Small dots can be beneficial when working on intricate details where precision is essential.

4. Arrow Patterns (Rapid Material Removal and Finishing):

  • Advantages:

    • Rapid Material Removal: Arrow patterns are developed for quick material removal, especially when the belt is loose or on surfaces with sharp edges.

    • All-Directional Contact: The structure of arrow patterns ensures that the working face is in contact with the workpiece from all directions. This allows for high-level, fast, and flexible grinding without welding.

    • Good Heat Dissipation: Arrow patterns typically provide excellent heat dissipation performance, making them suitable for applications where heat buildup is a concern.

5. Nickel Metal Bond (Various Applications):

  • Advantages:

    • Versatility: Nickel metal bonds come in various patterns, such as connecting arrows for discs and open-line patterns for high-performance abrasive belt grinding. They offer flexibility and can be used in a wide range of applications.

    • Durable: Nickel metal bonds are durable and can withstand the rigors of abrasive processes.

6. Resin Bond (Fine grindingand polishing ):

  • Advantages:

    • Fine grinding and Polishing : Resin bond patterns are primarily used for fine grinding and polishing applications, providing a smooth and refined finish.

    • Continuous Resin Layer: The Diamond particles in Resin bond  are embedded within a continuous resin layer, ensuring precise results when working on delicate surfaces.

Teknisk datablad

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Q: What are Flexible Diamond Tools used for?
Flexible Diamond Tools are versatile abrasive tools used for a wide range of applications, including grinding, polishing, and surface finishing on various materials such as glass, ceramics, metals, composites, and more.
Q: What are the different types of Flexible Diamond Tools available?

Fleksible diamantværktøjer omfatter bælter, skiver, plader, håndpuder og strimler med forskellige konfigurationer og kornstørrelser, der passer til forskellige applikationer og udstyr.

Q: Hvad er de vigtigste bindingstyper, der bruges i fleksible diamantværktøjer ?

Flexible Diamond Tools are available with metal and resin bond types. Metal bonds are often used for coarser applications, while resin bonds are suitable for fine grinding and polishing.

Q: Hvordan vedligeholder jeg fleksible diamantværktøjer for at forlænge deres levetid?

Regular maintenance includes cleaning the tools to remove accumulated debris and inspecting them for wear. Proper care and maintenance can help extend the tools' service life.

Q: Can these tools be used on different types of equipment?

Yes, Flexible Diamond Tools can be used on a variety of equipment, including hand-held machines, stationary machines, and more. Different backing types and configurations allow for versatility in application.

Q: What is the advantage of using synthetic diamonds in these tools?

Hvad er fordelen ved at bruge syntetiske diamanter i disse værktøjer?

Q: Hvad er de primære anvendelser af Flexible Diamond ?

These tools find applications in various industries, including architectural and scientific glass, ceramics, composites, aerospace, transportation, and more. They are used for grinding, polishing, and surface finishing.

Q: Kan disse værktøjer bruges til både våd- og tørslibning?

Selvom disse værktøjer kan bruges til tørslibning, fungerer de ofte bedst, når de bruges sammen med kølevæske eller vand under vådslibning. Vådslibning hjælper med at reducere varme og friktion, forbedre ydeevnen og forlænge værktøjets levetid.

Q: What is the recommended working speed for these tools?

Den anbefalede arbejdshastighed varierer typisk fra 25 til 32 meter pr. sekund (m/s), med en maksimal hastighed på 45 m/s. Højere hastigheder bruges ofte for at forbedre produktiviteten.

Q: What are the advantages of using specific patterns (e.g., big dots, medium dots, arrow patterns) on Flexible Diamond Tools?

Patterns are designed for specific purposes, such as rapid material removal, strong cutting, or efficient grinding on surfaces with sharp edges. The choice of pattern depends on the application and desired results.

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