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Diamond Wire Loop Saw Machine

Revolutionizing the cutting industry, we proudly introduce our innovative portable diamond wire saw, a groundbreaking technology that redefines the cutting experience. By utilizing a diamond wire Loop saw and a diamond wire saw bed, our cutting -edge tool enables high-quality cutting with unparalleled speed. Whether you need to cut metal, stone, or concrete, our saw is engineered to deliver effortless cutting performance. Specifically designed for cutting magnetic materials, sapphires, and wafers, our machine is a game-changer in the industry.

Committed to customer satisfaction, we offer a comprehensive range of services, including trial cutting , customer training, customization, and after-sales support. Our diamond wire saw operates on an infinite Loop, significantly enhancing cutting speed and quality. With a line speed of up to 60 meters per second, our machine greatly improves cutting efficiency. Ditch traditional cutting methods and switch to our diamond wire saw for a faster and more efficient cutting experience.

Introducing the diamond wire Loop saw machine , a cutting-edge tool designed to precision-cut hard and brittle materials using a diamond-coated wire Loop . This innovative machine automates the cutting process, ensuring unparalleled accuracy and efficiency in various applications. Our key features and applications include:

  • Precision cutting of hard and brittle materials

  • Automation of the cutting process

  • High-speed cutting capabilities

  • Compatibility with various materials

  • Comprehensive customer support

With our diamond Wire Loop saw machine , industries can now enjoy increased productivity, reduced cutting time, and improved quality. This cutting-edge technology is designed to revolutionize the way we cut, empowering businesses to achieve greater efficiency and success.

diamond wire saw machine
Loop diamond wire saw machines


  1. Præcisionsskæring: Diamond Wire Loop -savmaskiner udmærker sig i præcisionsskæringsopgaver. De kan opnå exceptionelt nøjagtige snit med snævre tolerancer.

  2. Rene og glatte kanter: Disse maskiner producerer rene og glatte kanter på emnet, hvilket minimerer behovet for yderligere efterbehandlingsprocesser.

  3. Minimeret materialetab: Diamond Wire Loop- savmaskiner er designet til at minimere materialespild. Deres smalle snitbredde sikrer, at meget lidt materiale fjernes under skæringen.

  4. Alsidighed: De er alsidige og velegnede til en bred vifte af materialer, hvilket gør dem værdifulde i forskellige industrier.

  5. Lav varmeudvikling: På grund af deres effektive skæremekanisme genererer disse maskiner minimal varme under skæreprocessen, hvilket forhindrer materielle skader.

  6. Lang levetid: Diamantbelagte tråde har en længere levetid sammenlignet med traditionelle slibende skæremetoder.

  7. Reduceret vibration: Disse maskiner producerer typisk mindre vibrationer under skæring sammenlignet med andre metoder, hvilket forbedrer skærenøjagtigheden.

  8. Høj skærehastighed: Diamond Wire Loop -savmaskiner kan arbejde ved relativt høje skærehastigheder, hvilket muliggør effektive produktionsprocesser.

  9. Miljømæssige fordele: Deres effektivitet og reducerede materialespild bidrager til miljømæssig bæredygtighed ved at minimere materialeforbrug og affaldsgenerering.

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Q: How does a diamond wire saw work?
Wire saws are most comparable in principle to that of a reciprocating saw or bandsaw. The Diamond wire is placed around a material that needs to be cut, or threaded through a bore hole, and is then run at speed to utilise abrasion to effectively cut through slab or reinforced steel.
Q: How thick is diamond wire?
The thickness of the diamond wire loop varies depending on the type. Here are the specifications: DW.050-T: Outer diameter ranges from 0.05 to 0.055 millimeters with a core wire diameter of 40 micrometers. DW.080-L: Outer diameter ranges from 0.08 to 0.085 millimeters with a core wire diameter of 60 micrometers. DW.150-L: Outer diameter ranges from 0.13 to 0.15 millimeters with a core wire diameter of 110 micrometers. DW.200-L: Outer diameter ranges from 0.18 to 0.20 millimeters with a core wire diameter of 150 micrometers. DW.250-L: Outer diameter ranges from 0.23 to 0.26 millimeters with a core wire diameter of 180 micrometers. CBN.250: Outer diameter ranges from 0.23 to 0.26 millimeters with a core wire diameter of 180 micrometers. DW.250-K: Outer diameter ranges from 0.23 to 0.26 millimeters with a core wire diameter of 180 micrometers. DW.350-L: Outer diameter ranges from 0.33 to 0.36 millimeters with a core wire diameter of 250 micrometers. CBN.350: Outer diameter ranges from 0.33 to 0.36 millimeters with a core wire diameter of 250 micrometers. DW.370-K: Outer diameter ranges from 0.35 to 0.38 millimeters with a core wire diameter of 280 micrometers. CBN.400: Outer diameter ranges from 0.38 to 0.41 millimeters with a core wire diameter of 300 micrometers. DW.450-L: Outer diameter ranges from 0.43 to 0.46 millimeters with a core wire diameter of 350 micrometers. DW.500-L: Outer diameter ranges from 0.48 to 0.52 millimeters with a core wire diameter of 400 micrometers. CBN-500: Outer diameter ranges from 0.48 to 0.52 millimeters with a core wire diameter of 400 micrometers.
Q: Hvad er diamanttråd lavet af?
The diamond wire type L is a nickel-plated core wire with a high concentration of nickel-coated diamonds. The diamonds are extremely firmly bonded to the core wire via an electroplating process. The nickel bonding is resistant to corrosion and has a very high bonding or holding force and thus a long service life.
Q: Hvordan laver man diamanttråd?
Fremgangsmåden til fremstilling af diamantperlestrengen omfatter følgende trin: jævn blanding af metalpulver, diamant og et organisk bindemiddel; fremstilling af et groft emne af diamantperlestrengen gennem for-varmpressning eller metalsprøjtestøbning (MIM); at placere det ru emne i en høj temperatur ...
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