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The 5" Diamond Grinder Disc is a must-have tool for anyone who wants to achieve fast and efficient grinding and shaping. It is designed specifically for use with the Inland Twin Spin Grinder, and features a diamond-coated outer edge that allows for quick and precise grinding and shaping of various materials, including glass, tile, stone, and other hard materials.Each disc is carefully inspected for quality before any diamond is applied to ensure that it will spin properly on the motor shaft. This guarantees that you will achieve the best possible results every time you use the disc.With the inland 5 diamond grinder disc replacement, you can straight edge grind and remove flares, quickly grind and shape using the disc's outer edge, miter and bevel edges for flat and 3-D projects, and shape ceramic, tile, and stone for home and hobby projects. The disc is perfect for improving the fit of your projects for a more finished and professional look.The SuperFine disc is ideal for very fine edge or delicate grinding needs and materials. The image above shows the Medium, FineGrit, and SuperFine Grit disks.Investing in the 5" Diamond Grinder Disc is a smart choice for anyone who wants to achieve superior results in their grinding and shaping projects. Its diamond-coated outer edge ensures fast and efficient grinding, while its versatility makes it ideal for a wide range of materials and applications.

Please note that safety precautions should always be followed when working with power tools and glass. Ensure that the Grinder is unplugged and take necessary safety measures, such as wearing protective eyewear and gloves, before proceeding.

  1. Obtain a Replacement Disc: Purchase a replacement diamond Grinder disc that matches the specifications of your Inland glass Grinder. The size and grit of the disc should match the model of your grinder.

  2. Disconnect the Grinder: Unplug the Inland glass Grinder from the power source to ensure safety during the replacement process.

  3. Remove the Old Disc:

    • If your Grinder has a water reservoir, remove it and set it aside.

    • Most Inland grinders have a retaining nut or collar that holds the Grinder head in place. Loosen this nut using the appropriate tool (usually a wrench or pliers) to release the old disc.

    • Carefully remove the old diamond Grinder disc from the Grinder head assembly.

  4. Clean and Inspect: Inspect the Grinder head assembly and clean any debris or residue from the assembly. Ensure that there are no damaged or worn parts that may affect the replacement.

  5. Install the Replacement Disc:

    • Place the new diamond Grinder disc onto the Grinder head assembly.

    • Reattach the retaining nut or collar and tighten it securely to hold the new disc in place.

  6. Reassemble the Grinder:

    • If you removed the water reservoir, reattach it securely to the Grinder.

    • Ensure that all components are properly assembled and secured.

  7. Test the Grinder: Plug the Grinder back into the power source and turn it on. Run the grinder with the new disc briefly to ensure that it's functioning correctly and that the disc is spinning smoothly.

  8. Fine-Tune and Adjust: If necessary, fine-tune and adjust the Grinder settings to achieve the desired grinding and shaping results.

By following these steps, you can effectively replace the diamond Grinder disc on your Inland glass Grinder, ensuring that your grinder continues to perform effectively for your glasswork and grinding needs. Always refer to your Grinder's user manual for specific instructions and safety guidelines provided by the manufacturer.

5" Diamond Grinder Disc


Inland Twin Grinder Disk

The 5" Diamond Grinder Disc is a must-have tool for anyone who wants to achieve fast and efficient grinding and shaping. It is designed specifically for use with the Inland Twin Spin Grinder, and features a diamond-coated outer edge that allows for quick and precise grinding and shaping of various materials, including glass, tile, stone, and other hard materials.

5" Diamond Grinder Disc


Inland Twin Grinder Disk

The 5" Diamond Grinder Disc is a must-have tool for anyone who wants to achieve fast and efficient grinding and shaping. It is designed specifically for use with the Inland Twin Spin Grinder, and features a diamond-coated outer edge that allows for quick and precise grinding and shaping of various materials, including glass, tile, stone, and other hard materials.

5" Diamond Grinder Disc


Inland Twin Grinder Disk

The 5" Diamond Grinder Disc is a must-have tool for anyone who wants to achieve fast and efficient grinding and shaping. It is designed specifically for use with the Inland Twin Spin Grinder, and features a diamond-coated outer edge that allows for quick and precise grinding and shaping of various materials, including glass, tile, stone, and other hard materials.

5" Diamond Grinder Disc


Inland Twin Grinder Disk

The 5" Diamond Grinder Disc is a must-have tool for anyone who wants to achieve fast and efficient grinding and shaping. It is designed specifically for use with the Inland Twin Spin Grinder, and features a diamond-coated outer edge that allows for quick and precise grinding and shaping of various materials, including glass, tile, stone, and other hard materials.


Den 5" erstatningsdiamantslibeskive designet til Inland Twin Spin Grinder tilbyder enestående ydeevne. Det er et uundværligt værktøj til at opnå effektiv slibning og formning af forskellige materialer, herunder glas, fliser, sten og andre holdbare stoffer. Her er grunden til, at dens ydeevne står ved magt. ud:

  1. Præcision: Den diamantbelagte ydre kant af skiven giver mulighed for præcis og præcis slibning, hvilket sikrer, at du nemt kan opnå dine ønskede resultater.

  2. Hastighed og effektivitet: Denne skive er designet til hurtig materialefjernelse, hvilket gør dine slibe- og formningsopgaver mere effektive. Det sparer dig for tid og kræfter.

  3. Holdbarhed: Diamantbelægningen på skiven sikrer dens levetid, selv når der arbejdes med hårde materialer. Den bevarer sin banebrydende kant ved længere tids brug.

  4. Kompatibilitet: Specielt udviklet til Inland Twin Spin Grinder sikrer den en perfekt pasform og jævn rotation på motorakslen, hvilket eliminerer eventuelle problemer med ydeevnen.

  5. Kvalitetssikring: Hver skive gennemgår en streng kvalitetsinspektion før diamantpåføring, hvilket sikrer, at den opfylder de højeste standarder for ydeevne og pålidelighed.

Sammenfattende er den 5" erstatningsdiamantslibeskive til Inland Twin Spin Grinder et højtydende værktøj, der leverer præcision, hastighed, holdbarhed og pålidelighed til dine slibe- og formningsbehov.

Grit Range

The 5" Replacement Diamond Grinder Disc for the Inland Twin Spin Grinder is available in three different grit ranges: 60, 180, and 360. These grit ranges cater to various grinding and shaping needs and offer different levels of coarseness and fineness for different materials and tasks:

  1. 60 Grit: This is a coarse grit and is ideal for initial shaping and material removal. It's suitable for tasks where you need to remove a significant amount of material quickly, such as rough shaping or grinding down thick surfaces.

  2. 180 Grit: This is a medium grit and strikes a balance between material removal and surface smoothing. It's commonly used for general grinding and shaping tasks and provides a smoother finish compared to 60-grit discs.

  3. 360 Grit: This is a fine grit and is best for finishing and polishing surfaces. It's used for tasks where a high level of precision and a smooth, polished finish are required. This grit is suitable for final touches and fine detailing.

The choice of grit depends on the specific material you're working with, the level of precision required, and the stage of your grinding or shaping process. Having multiple grit options allows you to adapt the tool to your particular needs and achieve the desired results effectively.


Den 5" erstatningsdiamantslibeskive til Inland Twin Spin Grinder har forskellige anvendelser inden for glaskunst, specielt i farvet glas og glassmeltning. Her er nogle almindelige anvendelser:

  1. Farvede glaskunst: Glaskunstnere bruger ofte disse diske til at forme og forfine stykker af farvet glas. De kan skabe indviklede mønstre, glatte kanter og opnå præcise tilpasninger mellem glasstykker til samling af farvede glasvinduer, paneler eller andre kunstneriske projekter.

  2. Glassmeltning: Ved glassmeltning smelter kunstnere flere stykker glas sammen ved hjælp af varme. Disse skiver bruges til at forme og forberede glaskomponenterne før smeltningsprocessen. De sikrer, at stykkerne passer præcist sammen og kan smeltes sammen.

  3. Glasskulptur: Glasskulptører bruger disse skiver til at forme og forfine glasskulpturer. Den diamantbelagte kant giver mulighed for detaljeret og præcist arbejde, og hjælper kunstnere med at opnå de ønskede former og teksturer i deres skulpturer.

  4. Fremstilling af glassmykker: Når de laver glassmykker, kan kunstnere bruge disse diske til at skære, forme og færdiggøre glasstykker til øreringe, vedhæng og andre smykker.

  5. Glasrestaurering: Disse diske er værdifulde værktøjer til at restaurere og reparere beskadigede glasmosaikvinduer eller kunstgenstande. De kan bruges til at fjerne beskadigede sektioner og skabe erstatningsstykker, der problemfrit matcher det originale design.

  6. Generelt glasarbejde: Disse skiver bruges også til almindelige glasarbejde, såsom slibning og formning af glas til forskellige funktionelle eller dekorative formål.

Sammenfattende er den 5" erstatningsdiamantkværn til Inland Twin Spin Grinder et alsidigt værktøj til at forme, slibe og forberede glas i forskellige glaskunst- og glasbearbejdningsapplikationer. Det er et værdifuldt tilbehør for kunstnere og håndværkere, der arbejder med glas for at opnå præcise og polerede resultater.


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Q: What is a 5" Diamond Twin Grinder Disk?

A: A 5" Diamond Twin Grinder Disk is a specialized grinding tool designed for use with angle grinders. It features two parallel diamond-coated grinding surfaces on opposite sides of the disk, allowing for efficient grinding and shaping of various materials.
Q: How does a 5" Diamond Twin Grinder Disk work?
A: The diamond-coated grinding surfaces of the disk grind away material from the workpiece, creating a smooth and even surface. The twin design of the disk allows for simultaneous grinding on two surfaces, increasing efficiency and productivity.
Q: What safety precautions should be taken when using a 5" Diamond Twin Grinder Disk?
A: Når du bruger en 5" Diamond Twin Grinder Disk, er det vigtigt at følge sikkerhedsforanstaltningerne for at forhindre ulykker og skader: Bær passende personlige værnemidler, herunder sikkerhedsbriller, handsker og høreværn. Sørg for, at kværnen er sikkert monteret, og at disken er korrekt installeret. Hold hænder og fingre væk fra slibefladerne, mens kværnen er i drift. Undgå for stort tryk på kværnen, da det kan få skiven til at binde sig eller kaste tilbage. Brug kværnen i et godt ventileret område for at minimere eksponeringen for støv og snavs. Følg producentens instruktioner og anbefalinger for sikker drift og vedligeholdelse af kværn og skive.
Q: Hvilke materialer kan slibes med en 5" Diamond Twin Grinder Disk?
A: 5" Diamond Twin Grinder Disk er velegnet til slibning af en lang række materialer, herunder beton, sten, murværk, keramik, fliser og andre hårde overflader. Den kan også bruges til at forme og udglatte kanter og overflader.
Q: Hvad er fordelene ved at bruge en 5" Diamond Twin Grinder Disk?
A: Some advantages of using a 5" Diamond Twin Grinder Disk include: Efficient grinding: The diamond-coated surfaces provide fast and effective material removal, reducing grinding time. Dual grinding surfaces: The twin design allows for simultaneous grinding on two surfaces, maximizing productivity. Versatility: The disk can be used with angle grinders for various grinding tasks on different materials. Longevity: Diamond-coated grinding surfaces are highly durable and resistant to wear, ensuring a longer lifespan compared to traditional grinding disks. Smooth finish: The diamond abrasives produce a smooth and even surface finish, ideal for finishing and polishing applications.
Q: Kan 5" Diamond Twin Grinder Disk bruges til vådslibning?
A: Ja, 5" Diamond Twin Grinder Disk kan bruges til vådslibning. Vådslibning hjælper med at reducere støv- og varmeopbygning, hvilket resulterer i jævnere slibning og længere skivelevetid. Det er dog vigtigt at bruge kværnen med passende vand eller kølevæskeforsyningssystemer for at sikre effektiv vådslibning og for at forhindre overophedning af skiven.
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