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Diamond Radius Spherical Grinding Wheel


Creative and Imaginative

Imagine being able to grind and polish spherical surfaces with ease and precision. Our Diamond Radius Spherical Grinding Wheel makes it possible, with its innovative diamond-coated surface and ergonomic design.The Diamond Radius and Spherical Surface Grinding Wheel is a high-quality product designed for a variety of applications. It is made with a lightweight wheel that features a seamless steel rim, providing durability and strength. The wheel has a 1" arbor with bushings to bush the arbor to 3/4", 5/8", and 1/2", making it versatile and easy to use with a variety of tools.This fantastic tool is perfect for both removing punty marks and carving designs and lenses into your work. When placed into a bench grinder, the Diamond Radius and Spherical Surface Grinding Wheel is limited only by your imagination with what it can accomplish for you. It provides high visibility at the point of contact and is excellent for the quick removal of punty marks.Whether you are a professional glassworker or a hobbyist, this tool is an essential addition to your workshop. With its exceptional quality and versatility, the Diamond Radius and Spherical Surface Grinding Wheel is sure to become a go-to tool for all your grinding needs.

Products Specification:

  1. Grinding Wheel Size: The grinding wheel  is 8 inches in diameter and 1.5 inches in width.

  2. Grinding Wheel Type: This is a specialized grinding wheel designed for grinding and shaping spherical surfaces and radius edges. It's well-suited for precision tasks.

  3. Diamond Mesh: The available diamond mesh sizes for this grinding wheel are 60, 80, 100, 180, 220, 280, 360, and 600. The choice of diamond mesh size allows you to select the level of coarseness or fineness appropriate for your specific grinding application.

  4. Bushing Sizes: The package includes bushings in three different sizes: 1/2 inch, 3/4 inch, and 5/8 inch. These bushings are included to adapt the grinding wheel  to fit different spindle sizes or machinery.

  5. Order Code: The order code for this specific grinding wheel  is "DSWC8+Diamond Mesh." This code is used to identify and purchase the specific product with the desired diamond mesh size.

  6. This specialized grinding wheel  is well-suited for tasks that require precision grinding on spherical surfaces and radius edges. The range of diamond mesh sizes and included bushings make it a versatile tool suitable for various applications and machinery.


Order Code

Grit Size

6" x1.5 Plastic Hub Diamond Spherical Grinding Wheels





8" x1.5 Plastic Hub Diamond Spherical Grinding Wheels





6" x1.5 Steel Hub Diamond Spherical Grinding Wheels





8" x1.5 Steel Hub Diamond Spherical Grinding Wheels





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Q: Hvad er en diamantradius sfærisk slibeskive?
A Diamond Radius Spherical Grinding Wheel is a specialized type of grinding wheel designed for precision grinding of spherical or curved surfaces, typically made of hard materials like ceramics, glass, and metals.
Spørgsmål: Hvad er anvendelsesområdet for Diamond Radius sfæriske slibeskiver?
Disse hjul bruges almindeligvis i industrier som optik, rumfart, bilindustrien og værktøjsfremstilling til slibning af sfæriske linser, lejer, forme og andre komponenter, der kræver præcise buede overflader.
Q: How do I choose the right Diamond Radius Spherical Grinding Wheel?
Faktorer, der skal tages i betragtning, omfatter emnets materiale, ønsket overfladefinish, påkrævet tolerance, hjulstørrelse og -form, kornstørrelse og maskinkompatibilitet. Rådgivning med en leverandør eller producent med viden om slibeskiver kan hjælpe med at bestemme den bedst egnede løsning til din applikation.
Q: Hvordan fungerer en diamantradius sfærisk slibeskive?
Hjulet bruger diamantslibende partikler bundet til dets overflade til at slibe og forme den ønskede krumning på emnet. Den fungerer ved at rotere mod overfladen af emnet og gradvist fjerne materiale for at opnå den ønskede form og finish.
Spørgsmål: Hvad er fordelene ved at bruge Diamond Radius sfæriske slibeskiver?
Precision: They provide high accuracy and repeatability in shaping spherical surfaces to tight tolerances. Efficiency: Diamond abrasives offer high cutting efficiency and long tool life, reducing the need for frequent wheel changes. Versatility: They can be used for grinding various materials, including hard and brittle ones like glass and ceramics. Surface finish: Diamond grinding wheels can achieve smooth and high-quality surface finishes on spherical components.
Q: Can these tools be used for both wet and dry grinding?
Disse hjul er velegnede til slibning af en lang række materialer, herunder optiske glas, kvarts, keramik, metaller (såsom wolframcarbid) og halvledere.
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