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Diamond Point Bur

Carve with precision and efficiency using our Drum Shape Diamond Carving Bur. This bur is designed for removing material quickly and efficiently, making it perfect for shaping and sculpting larger areas.

The drum-shaped diamond bur is a specialized tool used in various industries, including dentistry, jewelry making, and crafting. Its design features a cylindrical, drum-like head coated with industrial-grade diamonds.

This bur is employed in rotary tools such as dental handpieces or rotary machines to precisely grind, carve, or shape hard materials like metals, ceramics, stones, and composites. The drum shape allows for versatile use, particularly on curved or contoured surfaces, making it valuable for intricate work.

In dentistry, these burs are crucial for tasks like preparing teeth for crowns or veneers, adjusting fillings, or removing small amounts of enamel. They come in different sizes and grits, offering varying levels of coarseness for different applications, providing efficient and precise material removal.

  • Efficient Material Removal: Its drum shape allows for quick and efficient material removal, making it ideal for shaping and sculpting larger areas with ease.

  • Smooth Finishes: Despite its aggressive cutting action, this bur produces smooth finishes, reducing the need for extensive sanding or polishing after carving.

  • Versatile Application: The drum shape is versatile and suitable for a wide range of carving tasks, including shaping, sculpting, and detailing on various materials such as wood, metal, stone, and plastics.

  • Longevity: Constructed with high-quality diamond grit, this carving bur maintains its sharpness over extended periods of use, ensuring consistent and reliable performance.

  • Precision: The drum shape allows for precise control and maneuverability, enabling artisans to achieve intricate designs and details with accuracy.

  • Reduced Heat Buildup: The design of the drum shape minimizes heat buildup during carving, preventing potential damage to the material being worked on and prolonging the life of the bur.

Overall, the Drum Shape Diamond Carving Bur provides efficient material removal, smooth finishes, versatility, longevity, precision, and reduced heat buildup, making it an indispensable tool for artisans and craftsmen in various industries.

Diamond Drill Bits

Diamond Carving Bur

Drum Shape

The drum-shaped diamond bur is a specialized tool used in various industries, including dentistry, jewelry making, and crafting. Its design features a cylindrical, drum-like head coated with industrial-grade diamonds.

Diamond Drill Bits

Diamond Carving Bur

Tapered Cylinder Shape

The tapered cylinder end shape diamond bur is a specialized rotary tool with a cylindrical body that gradually tapers or narrows towards the end, creating a cone-like or tapered shape. Here's how this specific shape is beneficial for various tasks

Diamond Drill Bits

Diamond Carving Bur

Demo Shape

The diamond bur is a rotary tool used for cutting, grinding, or shaping hard materials. A demo shape diamond bur would likely refer to a diamond bur used specifically for demonstration purposes to showcase its capabilities and various shapes or profiles it can create.In a demonstration, a demo shape diamond bur might be used to illustrate:

Diamond Drill Bits

Diamond Carving Bur

Flame Shape

The flame-shaped diamond bur is a specialized rotary tool with a distinct flame or teardrop-like head coated or embedded with diamond particles. This shape offers specific advantages for various precision tasks

Diamond Drill Bits

Diamond Carving Bur

Taptered Cylinder Shape

Tapered cylinder flat-end shape diamond burs offer precision, controlled material removal, and the ability to access tight spaces, making them valuable tools for artisans, craftsmen, jewelers, and professionals requiring fine detailing and shaping

Diamond Drill Bits

Diamond Carving Bur

Tapered Inverted Shape

The tapered inverted shape diamond bur is a specialized rotary tool with a tapered, pointed head that narrows toward the tip and features an inverted (reversed) cone or pyramid-like shape. making them valuable tools for artisans, craftsmen, jewelers

Diamond Drill Bits

Diamond Carving Bur

Ball Shape

The ball-shaped diamond bur is a specialized rotary tool with a spherical or ball-shaped cutting head coated or embedded with diamond particles. This particular shape is designed for various precision tasks,

Diamond Drill Bits

Diamond Carving Bur

Point Shape

The point-shaped diamond bur is a specialized rotary tool with a sharp, conical or pointed head coated or embedded with diamond particles. This shape offers specific advantages for various precision tasks

Diamond Drill Bits

Diamond Carving Bur

Tapered Round Shape

The tapered round-end diamond bur is a specialized rotary tool with a rounded, cylindrical body that gradually tapers or narrows towards the end. Here's how this specific shape can be beneficial for various tasks

Diamond Drill Bits

Diamond Carving Bur

Cylinder Flat End Shape

The cylinder flat-end diamond bur is a specialized rotary tool with a cylindrical shape and a flat, square or rectangular end coated or embedded with diamond particles. This shape offers specific advantages for various precision tasks

Diamond Drill Bits

Diamond Carving Bur

Bullet Shape

The bullet-shaped diamond carving bur is a specialized rotary tool used for carving, shaping, and detailing hard materials. It features a tapered, bullet-like head that is coated or embedded with diamond particles, offering specific advantages for various applications

Diamond Drill Bits

Diamond Carving Bur

Flat Disc Shape

The flat disc-shaped diamond bur is a specialized rotary tool with a flat, circular or disc-shaped head coated or embedded with diamond particles. This shape offers specific advantages for various precision tasks

Lapidary diamond drill bits and diamond burs are essential tools for shaping, grinding, and finishing a wide range of materials with precision. These high-quality, long-wearing tools are made with diamond plated over steel, providing uniform cutting on a variety of materials. They are particularly useful for cutting and shaping brittle materials such as ceramics, glass, and crystal.
Diamond drill bits for glass, tile, steel, jewelry, granite, concrete, and finishing burs dental are just a few examples of the many applications for diamond burs. Electroplated diamond burs and Sintered Diamond burs are used for precise drilling and finishing, and for grinding where material removal is not a concern. diamond burs produce cleaner cuts and a higher polish than carbide burs.
When choosing a diamond burs, it is important to consider its grit. The diamond burs's grit determines the speed and type of polish. diamond burswith finer grits achieve a higher polish and finish, while ddiamond burs with coarser grits are suited for heavy material removal. diamond burs are available in both standard and disposable options. Standard diamond burs are reusable and should be sharpened and sterilized before use in another procedure. Disposable diamond burs are designed for single use and should not be reused in another procedure.
Our diamond burs head forming includes a wide range of shapes, including Electroplated Ball Diamond Bur, Electroplated Bullet Diamond Bur, Electroplated Cylinder Diamond Bur, Electroplated Diamond V-Wheels, Electroplated Flame Diamond Bur, Electroplated Flat Disc Diamond Bur, Electroplated Tapered Cylinder Diamond Bur, Electroplated Tapered Inverted Diamond Bur, Electroplated Tapered Inverted Cone Diamond Bur, Electroplated Tapered Inverted Cylinder Diamond Bur, Electroplated Tapered Rounded Cylinder Diamond Bur, Diamond Donut Burs Bit, Diamond Donut Burs Bit,Diamond Countersink Bits and Electroplated Pointed Diamond Bur. These tools are perfect for lapidary drill bit and other applications where precision and accuracy are essential.

Shapes and applications:

  1. Round (Ball) Bur: These burs have a spherical or round head and are often used for contouring, smoothing, and shaping various materials, including metals, ceramics, and plastics. They are also commonly used in dental procedures.

  2. Cylinder (Wheel) Bur: Cylinder-shaped diamond bur heads are used for flat or linear grinding and shaping tasks. They are suitable for edge bevelling, slotting, and creating flat surfaces.

  3. Conical Bur: Conical burs have a tapered head that allows for precision grinding and detailing. They are commonly used in dentistry for cavity preparation and tooth shaping.

  4. Flame Bur: Flame-shaped burs have a distinctive flame-like head and are used for creating concave surfaces and intricate details in jewelry making and metalworking.

  5. Inverted Cone Bur: These burs have a conical shape with the apex pointed upward, making them suitable for accessing tight spaces and contours. They are often used in dental and jewelry applications.

  6. Tapered Bur: Tapered burs have a gradual taper from the base to the tip, allowing for controlled material removal and detailing. They are used in various applications, including woodworking and metal engraving.

  7. Pear (Oval) Bur: Pear-shaped burs have a rounded head with a pointed end, making them versatile for a range of tasks, including engraving and shaping in jewelry and metalwork.

  8. Cross-Cut (Cross) Bur: Cross-cut burs have multiple diamond-coated edges in a crosshatch pattern. They are known for their efficient cutting and grinding capabilities and are used in a variety of applications.

  9. Diamond Disc Bur: These burs have a flat, circular head with a diamond-coated edge. They are commonly used for cutting, slicing, and grinding tasks.

  10. Needle Bur: Needle-shaped burs have a slender, pointed head and are ideal for fine detailing and precision work in jewelry making and dental procedures.



Diamantspidsbor er specialiserede roterende skæreværktøjer, der bruges i forskellige industrier til præcis og effektiv materialefjernelse. Her er en oversigt over deres præstationer:

  1. Materialefjernelse: Diamantspidsbor er yderst effektive til at fjerne materialer som metaller, keramik, glas, kompositter og endda hårde sten. Deres diamantbelagte hoveder er utroligt slibende, hvilket giver mulighed for hurtig materialefjernelse.

  2. Præcisionsskæring: Disse bor tilbyder præcise skære- og formningsmuligheder på grund af deres lille størrelse og fine diamantkorn. De bruges i indviklet arbejde, hvor præcision er afgørende, såsom i tandbehandlinger, smykkefremstilling og delikat håndværk.

  3. Holdbarhed: Diamantbelagte bor er kendt for deres holdbarhed. Diamantpartiklerne, der klæber til borets overflade, giver fremragende modstandsdygtighed over for slid og bevarer deres skæreevne over tid, hvilket gør dem velegnede til langvarig brug.

  4. Alsidighed: Disse bor kommer i forskellige former og størrelser, hvilket giver mulighed for alsidighed i deres applikationer. Forskellige former - såsom cylindre, kegler, kugler eller koniske former - gør dem i stand til at udføre en lang række opgaver, lige fra slibning og skæring til udglatning og formning.

  5. Glat finish: Diamantspidsbor giver glattere finish sammenlignet med nogle andre typer bor. De bruges til efterbehandling og opnåelse af en poleret overflade på materialer, der kræver høj præcision og en fin finish.

  6. Varmeafledning: Deres design og arten af diamantbelægning giver mulighed for bedre varmeafledning under skæring, hvilket reducerer risikoen for at beskadige emnet på grund af overdreven varmeopbygning.

  7. Anvendelser: Diamantspidsbor finder anvendelse på tværs af forskellige industrier, herunder tandpleje, smykkefremstilling, gravering, rumfart, bilindustrien, elektronik og fremstilling, hvor præcisionsskæring, formgivning eller fine detaljer er påkrævet.

  8. Brugervenlighed: De er generelt nemme at håndtere og betjene med roterende værktøjer, hvilket gør dem tilgængelige for forskellige fagfolk, håndværkere og hobbyfolk.

Deres ydeevne inden for materialefjernelse, præcisionsskæring, holdbarhed og alsidighed gør diamantspidsbor til et værdifuldt værktøj i industrier og applikationer, der kræver høj præcision og effektiv materialemanipulation.


Diamantspidsbor, med deres præcision og alsidighed, finder anvendelse på tværs af forskellige industrier og områder. Her er nogle af deres primære applikationer:

  1. Tandpleje: Inden for tandpleje bruges diamantspidsbor til forskellige procedurer såsom hulrumsforberedelse, formning, konturering og polering af dentale materialer som emalje, kompositharpikser og keramik. De tilbyder præcis skæring til tandrestaureringer og proteser.

  2. Smykkefremstilling: Juvelerer bruger diamantspidser til indviklede opgaver som at forme og detaljere ædle metaller (guld, sølv, platin) og ædelstene. Disse bor hjælper med at skabe indviklede designs, gravering og efterbehandling af smykker.

  3. Luftfarts- og bilindustrien: Diamantspidsbor bruges til fremstilling og reparationsopgaver inden for disse industrier. De bruges til præcisionsskæring, slibning og formning af materialer som kulfiber, titanium, aluminium og andre hårde legeringer, der bruges i rumfart og bilkomponenter.

  4. Elektronikfremstilling: Inden for elektronik bruges disse bor til præcis bearbejdning af materialer som keramik, printplader og endda siliciumwafers i halvlederfremstilling. De hjælper med præcisionsskæring og formgivning af elektroniske komponenter.

  5. Medicinske og kirurgiske instrumenter: Diamantspidsbor bruges til fremstilling og reparation af medicinske instrumenter, herunder kirurgiske værktøjer og implantater. De hjælper med at forme og modificere materialer som rustfrit stål og titanium, der bruges i medicinsk udstyr.

  6. Håndværk og hobbyanvendelser: Gør-det-selv-entusiaster, håndværkere og hobbyister bruger diamantspidsbor til forskellige håndværksopgaver, såsom træbearbejdning, skulptur, modelfremstilling og restaureringsarbejde. De tilbyder præcision i detaljeret formgivning og efterbehandling.

  7. Gravering og ætsning: Disse bor bruges til graverings- og ætsningsopgaver på materialer som glas, sten og metal. De hjælper med at skabe indviklede designs og mønstre med præcision.

Diamantspidsbors evne til at udføre fine, indviklede og præcise skære-, form- og detaljeringsopgaver gør dem uundværlige på tværs af flere industrier, hvor præcisionsbearbejdning og materialemanipulation er påkrævet. Deres alsidighed og holdbarhed giver mulighed for en bred vifte af anvendelser i professionelle omgivelser såvel som for hobbyfolk og håndværkere.

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Q: Hvad er en diamantbor?

Diamantbåndsavklinger er specialiserede skæreværktøjer, der bruges i forskellige industrier til skæring af hårde og skøre materialer såsom glas, keramik, sten og kompositter. De har en kontinuerlig sløjfe af industrielle diamantpartikler bundet til et fleksibelt stålbånd, hvilket giver høj skæreeffektivitet og præcision.
Q: How do Diamond Burs work?
Diamond Burs work by utilizing the abrasive properties of diamond particles embedded in their surface to grind away material. As the bur rotates at high speed, the diamond particles create precise cuts and smooth finishes on the workpiece, allowing for detailed and accurate shaping or finishing.
Q: Hvad er fordelene ved at bruge Diamond Burs?

Diamantbor tilbyder adskillige fordele i forhold til konventionelle skæreværktøjer, herunder overlegen skærepræcision, forlænget værktøjslevetid, minimal varmeudvikling, reduceret vibration og evnen til at opnå indviklede designs og fine finish. De er også alsidige og kan bruges til forskellige formål.

Q: What are Diamond Burs used for?
Diamond Burs are versatile tools commonly used in various industries, including dentistry, jewelry making, woodworking, metalworking, and crafts. They are employed for tasks such as sculpting, deburring, drilling, polishing, and etching intricate details on hard materials.
Q: Hvilke typer materialer kan der arbejdes på med Diamond Burs?
Diamond Burs are suitable for working on a wide range of hard materials, including metals (such as steel, aluminum, and titanium), stones (such as granite, marble, and quartz), glass, ceramics, composites, and hardened plastics. They are particularly effective for tasks that require precision and fine detail work.
Q: What shapes and sizes are available for Diamond Burs?
Diamond Burs come in a wide range of shapes and sizes to accommodate different applications and workpiece requirements. Common shapes include cylindrical, spherical, conical, flame, needle, and wheel, while sizes typically range from extra-fine to coarse grit.
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