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Diamond ID terningblade

Flange for Hubless Dicing Blades
Diamond Hub Dicing Blade

ID saw blades were initially used primarily for slicing germanium and silicon semiconductor materials. A majority of ID saw blades are still used to process these materials. Now a broader set of materials such as GGG, samarium-cobalt, sapphire, magnetic irons, gallium arsenide/phosphide, and quartz are sliced using ID saw technology.

  • Nifec I.D. blades are custom designed with a unique cutting edge specific to the customers needs.

  • We pay close attention to the needs of the customer with the material they are cropping/cutting and adjust parameters accordingly.

  • Parameters such as C (core thickness), K (kerf thickness), and D (diamond depth) are customer specific.


  • We source only the highest quality raw materials for our I.D. blades.

  • We employ some of the strictest tolerances in the industry to ensure a consistent product.

  • We supply all major sizes in the industry, including but not limited to these 

Key Characteristics:

  1. Diamond Abrasive: These blades are embedded with diamond particles along their cutting edge. Diamond is known for its exceptional hardness and abrasion resistance, making it suitable for cutting hard and brittle materials with high precision.

  2. Inner Diameter (ID): Unlike standard circular saw blades, Diamond ID Dicing Blades have an inner diameter design, meaning they have a hole in the center. This design allows them to be mounted on dicing saws or equipment with specialized arbors or spindles.

  3. Ultra-Thin Design: These blades are often ultra-thin, typically ranging from a fraction of a millimeter to a few millimeters in thickness. The thin profile minimizes material wastage and enhances cutting accuracy.

  4. High Precision: Diamond ID Dicing Blades are engineered for high-precision cutting with minimal chipping and kerf width. They are used in applications where precise dimensions and smooth surfaces are critical.

  5. Coolant Compatibility: When cutting semiconductor wafers and other materials, a coolant (usually deionized water or specialized cutting fluids) is often used to dissipate heat generated during the cutting process and to wash away debris.


  1. Semiconductor Manufacturing: Diamond ID Dicing Blades are widely used in the semiconductor industry for dicing silicon wafers into individual chips (dice). This is a critical step in the production of integrated circuits (ICs) and microchips.

  2. Electronics Manufacturing: These blades are used in electronics manufacturing to cut and separate electronic components, such as LED chips, MEMS devices, sensors, and more.

  3. Optical and Photonics: Diamond ID Dicing Blades are also utilized in the production of optical components, such as glass lenses, prisms, and optical fibers.

  4. Precision Cutting: They find applications in various industries that require high-precision cutting of brittle materials, including ceramics, glass, and even certain metals.

  5. Research and Development: Researchers and laboratories use these blades for cutting and preparing samples for various scientific and materials analysis purposes.

When using Diamond ID Dicing Blades, it's crucial to follow manufacturer guidelines and safety precautions. Proper blade selection, machine setup, and cutting parameters are essential for achieving precise and clean cuts. These specialized blades play a critical role in ensuring the quality and functionality of semiconductor devices and other precision components in the electronics and related industries.


Ydeevnen af Diamond ID skæreblade er afgørende i halvlederindustrien på grund af den præcision, der kræves til at skære halvlederwafers til individuelle chips. Flere faktorer bidrager til deres præstation:

  1. Skærepræcision: Bladene skal lave rene, nøjagtige og lige snit gennem halvlederwafermaterialet. Præcision er afgørende for at sikre, at hver produceret chip eller matrice opfylder nøjagtige specifikationer.

  2. Kantkvalitet: Kvaliteten af bladets skærkant er kritisk. En velholdt, skarp kant sikrer rene snit uden at forårsage skade eller afslag på de chips, der skæres i tern. Ensartet kantkvalitet er afgørende for ensartet spånkvalitet og udbytte.

  3. Materialekompatibilitet: Diamond ID-skæreblade er designet til at skære igennem hårde og skøre materialer, der bruges i halvlederfremstilling, såsom silicium, galliumarsenid og andre halvledersubstrater. Deres ydeevne afhænger af effektivt at skære gennem disse materialer uden at forårsage mikrorevner eller defekter i de skåret spåner.

  4. Holdbarhed og lang levetid: Disse klinger bør bevare deres skæreeffektivitet og præcision over længere perioder. De skal modstå skæreprocesserne med høj hastighed uden at miste deres skarphed eller hurtigt slides.

  5. Minimal afhugning og materialetab: Højtydende klinger minimerer afhugning og materialetab under terningsprocessen. Dette er afgørende for at maksimere udbyttet af brugbare chips fra hver halvlederwafer.

  6. Kompatibilitet med skæreudstyr: Bladene skal være kompatible med de skæremaskiner, der bruges i halvlederfremstilling. De skal passe sikkert og fungere problemfrit i disse maskiner for at sikre præcis skæring og effektiv produktion.

  7. Konsistens og udbytte: Ydeevnen af disse blade påvirker direkte det samlede udbytte og konsistens af halvlederchipproduktion. Konsekvent ydeevne sikrer ensartethed på tværs af alle terninger, minimerer defekter og maksimerer antallet af brugbare chips fra hver wafer.

Regelmæssig vedligeholdelse, korrekt håndtering og brug af knive inden for deres anbefalede driftsparametre er afgørende for at optimere deres ydeevne og levetid. Kvalitetskontrolforanstaltninger er også afgørende for at overvåge og sikre, at bladenes ydeevne stemmer overens med de ønskede standarder for fremstilling af halvlederchips.


Diamond ID dicing blades are highly specialized tools used in the semiconductor industry, particularly in the process of dicing semiconductor wafers into individual chips or die. Here's a breakdown of their application:

  1. Semiconductor Wafer Dicing: These blades are used in the dicing process, where semiconductor wafers (made of materials like silicon, gallium arsenide, or other substrates) are cut into individual chips or die. This process is critical in semiconductor manufacturing, as it separates the numerous integrated circuits on a wafer into individual units that can be assembled into electronic devices.

  2. Precision Cutting: Diamond ID dicing blades are known for their precision and accuracy. They cut through the wafer material with exceptional accuracy, creating clean and precise cuts to avoid damage to the chips and ensure minimal material loss during the dicing process.

  3. High-Speed Dicing Machines: These blades are used in high-speed dicing machines that precisely position and move the blades across the surface of the semiconductor wafer. The diamond blades, along with the machinery, facilitate rapid and efficient dicing without compromising on accuracy.

  4. Advanced Materials: Diamond ID dicing blades are specifically designed to cut through hard and brittle materials commonly used in semiconductor fabrication. Their durability and ability to maintain sharpness make them suitable for cutting materials that would dull or damage conventional cutting tools.

  5. Quality Control: The precise cutting ability of diamond ID dicing blades ensures that the individual chips or die produced from the semiconductor wafers meet stringent quality control standards in terms of size, shape, and integrity.

  6. Chip Packaging: Once diced, these chips are packaged and assembled into various electronic devices such as microchips, processors, memory modules, and integrated circuits used in computers, smartphones, and various electronic products.

Diamond ID dicing blades play a critical role in the semiconductor industry, contributing to the production of high-quality and high-performance electronic components by enabling efficient and precise dicing of semiconductor wafers.

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Sp.: Hvad er Diamond ID Dicing Blades?

Diamond ID skæreblade er specialiserede skæreværktøjer, der bruges i halvlederfremstilling til at opdele halvlederwafere til individuelle chips. De er designet med en cirkulær form og har en unik indvendig diameter (ID) konfiguration, der passer til specifikke terningssavmaskiner.
Q: How do Diamond ID Dicing Blades work?
Diamond ID skæreblade anvender diamantslibende partikler indlejret i en metal- eller harpiksmatrix for at opnå højpræcisionsskæring. Når klingen roterer, sliber diamantpartiklerne på dens kant gennem wafermaterialet, hvilket skaber smalle savsnit eller "skæringer" mellem spånerne, hvilket gør det nemt at adskille dem.
Q: What factors should be considered when selecting Diamond ID Dicing Blades?
When choosing dicing blades, factors such as blade diameter, thickness, grit size, bonding type (metal or resin), and cutting speed must be considered. The selection depends on the specific semiconductor material, desired kerf width, and cutting conditions.
Q: How can the performance of Diamond ID Dicing Blades be optimized?
For at optimere klingens ydeevne er det vigtigt at sikre korrekt justering og opsætning af skæresaven, tilstrækkelig afkøling og smøring under skæring, regelmæssig klingevedligeholdelse og overholdelse af anbefalede skæreparametre fra klingeproducenten.
Spørgsmål: Hvad bruges Diamond ID-terningsblade til?
These blades are primarily used for precision cutting of semiconductor wafers made from materials like silicon, gallium arsenide, and silicon carbide. They help in separating individual integrated circuit (IC) chips from the wafer during the semiconductor manufacturing process.
Spørgsmål: Hvilke typer halvlederwafere kan skæres i tern ved hjælp af Diamond ID-skiveblade?
Disse klinger er velegnede til at skære forskellige typer halvlederwafers i terninger, herunder siliciumwafers brugt i mikroelektronik og fotovoltaiske applikationer, galliumarsenid wafers brugt i optoelektronik og siliciumcarbid wafers brugt i kraftelektronik og højtemperaturapplikationer.
Spørgsmål: Hvad er fordelene ved at bruge Diamond ID Dicing Blades?
Diamond ID skæreblade tilbyder adskillige fordele, herunder høj skærepræcision, minimal afslag eller beskadigelse af waferens kanter, reduceret snitbredde for at maksimere spånudbyttet og forlænget knivlevetid sammenlignet med konventionelle terningsmetoder.
Q: Can Diamond ID Dicing Blades be reused?
Diamond ID skæreblade er typisk designet til engangsapplikationer på grund af den høje præcision, der kræves i halvlederfremstilling. Nogle knive kan dog være egnede til begrænset genbrug afhængigt af faktorer som knivens tilstand og skærekrav.
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