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Diamond hand polishing pads are a versatile and essential tool for any professional or DIY project. Our Diamond hand Polishing pads Block is designed using diamond flexible material to ensure the highest quality finish on a wide range of surfaces, including granite, marble, engineered stones, glass, ceramics, composites, and hard metals.Our diamond hand pads come in a range of grits, including 60 grit, 200 grit, and other grits to meet your specific Polishing needs. We also offer diamond hand pad sheets and sanding blocks for added convenience and flexibility.These diamond hand polishing pads are perfect for Polishing and grinding hard-to-reach areas that cannot be reached with traditional Polishing tools like wet grinder and polishers or angle grinders. They are ideal for Polishing corners, contoured surfaces, and joins of two bullnose surfaces, making them perfect for granite Polishing, concrete Polishing, marble Polishing, terrazzo Polishing, travertine Polishing, glass Polishing, and their restoration.Our diamond hand Polishing pads are also great for floor Polishing, countertop Polishing, and stone sculpture Polishing, making them a useful and cost-effective tool for small Polishing projects.Using diamond hand polishing pads can be time-consuming, but it is a necessary step to achieve a high-quality finish on your project. Our Flexible diamond hand pads are designed to make the process as easy and efficient as possible, ensuring that you get the best results every time.

Hand pads - Standard

80x50mm, 90 x 55mm and 120 x 60mm

Metal Grades        Resin Grades

-60-1200 grit        - 800-12000 grit

Metal Grades        Resin Grades

-60-1200 grit        - 800-12000 grit

Diamond Hand Polishing Pads


Diamond Hand Polishing Pad

Diamond hand polishing pads are a versatile and essential tool for any professional or DIY project. Our Diamond hand​ Polishing pads Block is designed using diamond flexible material to ensure the highest quality finish on a wide range of surfaces, including granite, marble, engineered stones, glass, ceramics, composites, and hard metals

Diamond Hand Polishing Pads


Diamond Hand Polishing Pad

Diamond hand polishing pads are a versatile and essential tool for any professional or DIY project. Our Diamond hand​ Polishing pads Block is designed using diamond flexible material to ensure the highest quality finish on a wide range of surfaces, including granite, marble, engineered stones, glass, ceramics, composites, and hard metals

Diamond Hand Polishing Pads


Diamond Hand Polishing Pad

Diamond hand polishing pads are a versatile and essential tool for any professional or DIY project. Our Diamond hand​ Polishing pads Block is designed using diamond flexible material to ensure the highest quality finish on a wide range of surfaces, including granite, marble, engineered stones, glass, ceramics, composites, and hard metals

Diamond Hand Polishing Pads


Diamond Hand Polishing Pad

Diamond hand polishing pads are a versatile and essential tool for any professional or DIY project. Our Diamond hand​ Polishing pads Block is designed using diamond flexible material to ensure the highest quality finish on a wide range of surfaces, including granite, marble, engineered stones, glass, ceramics, composites, and hard metals

Diamond Hand Polishing Pads


Diamond Hand Polishing Pad

Diamond hand polishing pads are a versatile and essential tool for any professional or DIY project. Our Diamond hand​ Polishing pads Block is designed using diamond flexible material to ensure the highest quality finish on a wide range of surfaces, including granite, marble, engineered stones, glass, ceramics, composites, and hard metals

Diamond Hand Polishing Pads


Diamond Hand Polishing Pad

Diamond hand polishing pads are a versatile and essential tool for any professional or DIY project. Our Diamond hand​ Polishing pads Block is designed using diamond flexible material to ensure the highest quality finish on a wide range of surfaces, including granite, marble, engineered stones, glass, ceramics, composites, and hard metals


  1. Kvaliteten af puden: Kvaliteten af selve håndpuden er afgørende. Puder af højere kvalitet er lavet med holdbare og fleksible bagsidematerialer, der kan modstå belastningen ved polering. De bør også have en ensartet fordeling af diamantpartikler over overfladen.

  2. Diamantkvalitet: Kvaliteten af de diamanter, der bruges på puden, spiller en væsentlig rolle i dens ydeevne. Diamanter af industriel kvalitet bruges typisk, men størrelsen og kvaliteten af disse diamanter kan variere. Diamanter af højere kvalitet vil give bedre skære- og poleringsydelse.

  3. Kornstørrelse: Diamanthåndpuder kommer i forskellige kornstørrelser, lige fra grove til fine. Den kornstørrelse, du vælger, bør matche dine specifikke poleringsbehov. Grovere korn bruges til indledende formning og slibning, mens finere korn bruges til polering og efterbehandling. Den passende kornstørrelse afhænger af det materiale, du arbejder på, og den ønskede finish.

  4. Materiale, der poleres: Den type materiale, der poleres, påvirker i høj grad ydeevnen af diamanthåndpuder . Blødere materialer som marmor og kalksten vil typisk polere hurtigere end hårdere materialer som granit eller beton. Derudover kan forskellige materialer kræve forskellige teknikker og pudevalg.

  5. Teknik: Korrekt teknik er afgørende for at opnå de bedste resultater med diamanthåndpuder . Brugere bør påføre konstant tryk, opretholde en stabil og jævn bevægelse og sikre, at hele overfladen er poleret ensartet. Ændring af vinkel eller tryk under polering kan resultere i ujævne finish.

  6. Brug af vand eller kølevæske: Mange diamanthåndpuder er designet til at blive brugt våde, med vand eller kølevæske. At holde puden og materialet våde hjælper med at reducere varme og friktion, hvilket kan forlænge pudens levetid og forbedre dens ydeevne. Det hjælper også med at skylle snavs og slibende partikler væk.

  7. Slid på puder og vedligeholdelse: Over tid vil diamanthåndpuder blive slidt op. Det er vigtigt at inspicere puden regelmæssigt for tegn på slid og udskifte den, når det er nødvendigt. Korrekt pleje og vedligeholdelse kan hjælpe med at forlænge pudens levetid og bevare dens ydeevne.

  8. Sikkerhed og personligt beskyttelsesudstyr: Prioriter altid sikkerhed, når du bruger diamanthåndpuder . Bær passende personligt beskyttelsesudstyr, såsom handsker og øjenbeskyttelse, for at beskytte dig selv mod potentielle farer som flyvende affald.

Grit Range

Diamond hand pads are available in a range of grit sizes to suit different polishing and grinding requirements. The grit range typically includes various options, each offering a different level of coarseness or fineness. These different grit sizes allow you to select the appropriate Diamond hand pads for your specific polishing and grinding needs. Coarse grits are suitable for initial material removal and shaping, while finer grits are used for achieving smooth and polished​

  1. Coarse Grits (60 to 120): Coarse grit Flexible Diamond products are used for aggressive material removal. They are suitable for tasks that involve shaping, grinding, and removing imperfections or burrs from surfaces. Common applications include initial surface preparation, deburring, and heavy stock removal.

  2. Medium Grits (240 to 400): Medium grit Flexible Diamond products strike a balance between material removal and surface finish. They are often used for tasks that require moderate stock removal and smoothing. Applications include refining rough surfaces, blending welds, and preparing surfaces for further finishing.

  3. Fine Grits (600 to 1200): Fine grit Flexible Diamond products are primarily used for finishing and polishing applications. They are suitable for achieving smooth, refined surfaces and removing finer imperfections. Typical uses include achieving a polished finish on metals, wood, and other materials.

  4. Very Fine Grits (1500 to 1800): Very fine grit Flexible Diamond products are reserved for high-precision polishing tasks. They are ideal for achieving a mirror-like finish on surfaces and eliminating even the smallest imperfections. Applications include final polishing of metals, glass, ceramics, and stone.

finishes. The choice of grit size depends on the material you are working on and the desired surface finish.


  1. 80 x 50mm

  2. 90 x 55mm

  3. 120 x 60mm

Customized:customized to meet specific size requirements based on your particular needs and applications. Customized sizes offer the flexibility to adapt to various projects and surfaces. Whether you require smaller sheets for precision work or larger sheets for more extensive tasks, Our factory can often accommodate your requests for diamond sandpaper sheets in the size that best suits your requirements. When ordering customized sizes, be sure to provide the dimensions and quantity needed to ensure you receive the tailored product you require.

How to Buy

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Q: How do I maintain and clean my diamond hand pad?

Efter brug skylles diamanthåndpuden med rent vand for at fjerne snavs og rester. Dup det forsigtigt tørt eller lad det lufttørre. Korrekt vedligeholdelse kan forlænge pudens levetid.

Q: What are some common applications for diamond hand pads?

Wear safety goggles, a dust mask, and gloves to protect yourself from dust and debris. Additionally, work in a well-ventilated area or wear a respirator if working with fine dust particles.

Q: Can diamond hand pads be used on curved or irregular surfaces?

Yes, diamond hand pads are versatile and can be used on flat, curved, or irregular surfaces. Their flexibility allows for contouring and shaping of various workpieces.

Spørgsmål: Kan jeg opnå en højpoleret finish med en diamanthåndpude?

Ja, med den rigtige teknik og progression gennem finere korn, kan du opnå en højpoleret finish på forskellige materialer ved hjælp af diamanthåndpuder. De fineste korn bruges typisk til poleringsfasen.

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