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Diamond Lafer Emery Cloth Tape

Our Diamond Emery Strip, Cloth, and Tapes are designed to provide a superior sueding experience for the textile industry. With precise diamond pellet placement and concentration, our products offer the best swarf removal and cool performance. The single layer strip resists heat and prevents stretching, ensuring a longer lifespan for your machinery.
Our LAFER Diamond Emery Paper and Seamless Diamond strip s are specifically designed for Fabric Sueding Machines, such as LAFER, CARU, and UNITECH. With our diamond abrasive strip s and paper, you can eliminate breakage at the seam, allowing for continuous production without interruption for strip replacement. Our strips will completely wear before needing replacement, resulting in increased, predictable performance and production.
Our products are suitable for all horizontal, vertical, or tambour diamond peaching machines. They are able to peach woven, knitted, and warp-knitted fabrics from 80 – 500 gsm. Wet Emerizing Single Trapezoid, Double Trapezoid is available, with standard widths of 1900 or 2800 mm.
Our Diamond Emery Machine is capable of producing a soft nap on the surface of a skin, resulting in a soft garment leather known as "suede". It reduces downtime, increases throughput, and produces a perfect finish while eliminating fiber strain from build-up. Our machine is compatible with any vertical, horizontal, or drum sueding industry machines.
We offer a wide range of machinery types for which we can fit our diamond sueding abrasives, including Broma, Comet Unitec, Curtin-Hebert, Danti Paolo, Haining, HAS Lafer-Turk, Lafer, Lamperti, Lisa, Mario Crosta, MCS, Memnum, Sanwa, Sperotto, Sucker Muller, and Xetma.
In summary, our Diamond Emery strip , Cloth, and Tapes, along with our LAFER Diamond Emery Paper and Seamless Diamond strip s, offer the best in swarf removal and cool performance for the textile industry. Our products are compatible with a wide range of machinery types and are designed to reduce downtime and increase throughput while producing a perfect finish.

Lafer Diamond Emery Cloth


Seamless Diamond Strips for Textile Sueding

Our LAFER Diamond Emery Paper and Seamless Diamond strip s are specifically designed for Fabric Sueding Machines, such as LAFER, CARU, and UNITECH. With our diamond abrasive strip s and paper, you can eliminate breakage at the seam, allowing for continuous production without interruption for strip replacement. Our strips will completely wear before needing replacement, resulting in increased, predictable performance and production.

Lafer Diamond Emery Cloth


Seamless Diamond Strips for Textile Sueding

Our LAFER Diamond Emery Paper and Seamless Diamond strip s are specifically designed for Fabric Sueding Machines, such as LAFER, CARU, and UNITECH. With our diamond abrasive strip s and paper, you can eliminate breakage at the seam, allowing for continuous production without interruption for strip replacement. Our strips will completely wear before needing replacement, resulting in increased, predictable performance and production.

Lafer Diamond Emery Cloth


Seamless Diamond Strips for Textile Sueding

Our LAFER Diamond Emery Paper and Seamless Diamond strip s are specifically designed for Fabric Sueding Machines, such as LAFER, CARU, and UNITECH. With our diamond abrasive strip s and paper, you can eliminate breakage at the seam, allowing for continuous production without interruption for strip replacement. Our strips will completely wear before needing replacement, resulting in increased, predictable performance and production.

Lafer Diamond Emery Cloth


Seamless Diamond Strips for Textile Sueding

Our LAFER Diamond Emery Paper and Seamless Diamond strip s are specifically designed for Fabric Sueding Machines, such as LAFER, CARU, and UNITECH. With our diamond abrasive strip s and paper, you can eliminate breakage at the seam, allowing for continuous production without interruption for strip replacement. Our strips will completely wear before needing replacement, resulting in increased, predictable performance and production.

Lafer Diamond Emery Cloth


Seamless Diamond Strips for Textile Sueding

Our LAFER Diamond Emery Paper and Seamless Diamond strip s are specifically designed for Fabric Sueding Machines, such as LAFER, CARU, and UNITECH. With our diamond abrasive strip s and paper, you can eliminate breakage at the seam, allowing for continuous production without interruption for strip replacement. Our strips will completely wear before needing replacement, resulting in increased, predictable performance and production.

Lafer Diamond Emery Cloth


Seamless Diamond Strips for Textile Sueding

Our LAFER Diamond Emery Paper and Seamless Diamond strip s are specifically designed for Fabric Sueding Machines, such as LAFER, CARU, and UNITECH. With our diamond abrasive strip s and paper, you can eliminate breakage at the seam, allowing for continuous production without interruption for strip replacement. Our strips will completely wear before needing replacement, resulting in increased, predictable performance and production.

Lafer Diamond Emery Cloth


Seamless Diamond Strips for Textile Sueding

Our LAFER Diamond Emery Paper and Seamless Diamond strip s are specifically designed for Fabric Sueding Machines, such as LAFER, CARU, and UNITECH. With our diamond abrasive strip s and paper, you can eliminate breakage at the seam, allowing for continuous production without interruption for strip replacement. Our strips will completely wear before needing replacement, resulting in increased, predictable performance and production.

Lafer Diamond Emery Cloth


Seamless Diamond Strips for Textile Sueding

Our LAFER Diamond Emery Paper and Seamless Diamond strip s are specifically designed for Fabric Sueding Machines, such as LAFER, CARU, and UNITECH. With our diamond abrasive strip s and paper, you can eliminate breakage at the seam, allowing for continuous production without interruption for strip replacement. Our strips will completely wear before needing replacement, resulting in increased, predictable performance and production.

Lafer Diamond Emery Cloth


Seamless Diamond Strips for Textile Sueding

Our LAFER Diamond Emery Paper and Seamless Diamond strip s are specifically designed for Fabric Sueding Machines, such as LAFER, CARU, and UNITECH. With our diamond abrasive strip s and paper, you can eliminate breakage at the seam, allowing for continuous production without interruption for strip replacement. Our strips will completely wear before needing replacement, resulting in increased, predictable performance and production.

Lafer Diamond Emery Cloth


Seamless Diamond Strips for Textile Sueding

Our LAFER Diamond Emery Paper and Seamless Diamond strip s are specifically designed for Fabric Sueding Machines, such as LAFER, CARU, and UNITECH. With our diamond abrasive strip s and paper, you can eliminate breakage at the seam, allowing for continuous production without interruption for strip replacement. Our strips will completely wear before needing replacement, resulting in increased, predictable performance and production.

Lafer Diamond Emery Cloth


Seamless Diamond Strips for Textile Sueding

Our LAFER Diamond Emery Paper and Seamless Diamond strip s are specifically designed for Fabric Sueding Machines, such as LAFER, CARU, and UNITECH. With our diamond abrasive strip s and paper, you can eliminate breakage at the seam, allowing for continuous production without interruption for strip replacement. Our strips will completely wear before needing replacement, resulting in increased, predictable performance and production.


  1. Fjernelse af spåner: Disse produkter har præcis placering og koncentration af diamantpellets, hvilket sikrer effektiv fjernelse af spåner (stoffuzz) under sagsøgsprocessen. Dette resulterer i en renere og mere præcis ruskindsfinish på tekstiler.

  2. Cool ydeevne: Enkeltlagsstrimmeldesignet modstår varmeopbygning, forhindrer strækning og forbedrer maskinens levetid. Denne cool ydeevne sikrer en vedvarende og ensartet ruskindsfinish over længere produktionsperioder.

  3. Sømløs ydeevne: Diamond Emery Paper og Seamless Diamond Strips er specielt udformet til at eliminere sømbrud under sagsøgsoperationer. Dette betyder uafbrudt produktion uden hyppig udskiftning af strimler, hvilket fører til forudsigelig ydeevne og øget produktionsoutput.

  4. Kompatibilitet: Disse diamantslibeprodukter er kompatible med en bred vifte af sagsøgsmaskiner, herunder Broma, Comet Unitec, Curtin-Hebert, Danti Paolo, Haining, HAS Lafer-Turk, Lafer, Lamperti, Lisa, Mario Crosta, MCS, Memnum, Sanwa , Sperotto, Sucker Muller og Xetma.

  5. Slibende materiale: Diamantsmargeltape er belagt med industrielle syntetiske diamanter, som er ekstremt hårde og holdbare. Dette gør dem yderst effektive til slibende applikationer.

  6. Fleksibel base: Disse tape har typisk et fleksibelt bagsidemateriale (ofte polyester eller stof), der gør det muligt for dem at tilpasse sig forskellige former og overflader, hvilket gør dem alsidige til tekstilapplikationer.

  7. Kornstørrelse: Diamantsmargelbånd kommer i forskellige kornstørrelser, hvilket giver mulighed for tilpasning baseret på det specifikke tekstilmateriale og det ønskede slidniveau.

  8. Lang levetid: Diamanter er kendt for deres enestående holdbarhed. Diamantsmargeltape har en længere levetid sammenlignet med traditionelle slibende materialer som sandpapir eller smergelklud.

  9. Præcision: De giver præcis og ensartet slid, hvilket er afgørende i tekstilindustrien for at opnå den ønskede tekstur, finish eller overfladebehandling.

  10. Velblandet Emery Paper for ensartet ydeevne.

  11. Enestående holdbarhed og lang levetid.

  12. Minimerer maskinens nedetid, hvilket resulterer i øget effektivitet.

  13. Størrelser, der kan tilpasses til dine specifikke behov.

  14. Fås i forskellige størrelser til at rumme forskellige suede maskiner.

  15. Kompatibel med både våde og tørre suede processer.

  16. Velegnet til brug med lodrette, vandrette eller tromlesudemaskiner.

Grit Range

Diamond Emery Strips, Diamond Emery Cloth og Diamond Emery T apes er konstrueret til overlegen sagsøg i tekstilindustrien. De er specielt designet til at forbedre ydeevnen af stofsuedningsmaskiner som LAFER, CARU og UNITECH. Disse diamantslibeprodukter udmærker sig ved at give en ensartet og højkvalitets ruskindsfinish på stoffer, hvilket gør dem velegnede til forskellige typer tekstiler, herunder vævede, strikkede og kædestrikkede stoffer inden for området 80 til 500 gsm (gram pr. kvadratmeter). ).

  1. De tilgængelige kornstørrelser for Diamond Emery Strip inkluderer korn 220, 400 korn og 600 korn. Standardstørrelserne er som følger

How to Buy

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Q: How do you use a diamond pad?

A diamond hand pad is a handheld abrasive tool with a flexible surface coated with diamond particles. It is used for grinding, smoothing, and polishing various materials, including stone, concrete, glass, and metal.

Q: Hvordan vælger jeg den rigtige kornstørrelse til mit projekt?

Select the grit size based on the initial condition of your workpiece and the desired level of surface finish. Coarse grits are suitable for rough grinding, while finer grits are used for smoothing and polishing.

Q: Hvilke sikkerhedsforanstaltninger skal jeg tage, når jeg bruger diamanthåndpuder?

Bær beskyttelsesbriller, støvmaske og handsker for at beskytte dig mod støv og snavs. Arbejd desuden i et godt ventileret område eller brug åndedrætsværn, hvis du arbejder med fine støvpartikler.

Q: Hvordan vedligeholder og rengør jeg min diamanthåndpude?

Efter brug skylles diamanthåndpuden med rent vand for at fjerne snavs og rester. Dup det forsigtigt tørt eller lad det lufttørre. Korrekt vedligeholdelse kan forlænge pudens levetid.

Spørgsmål: Hvad er nogle almindelige anvendelser for håndpuder med diamanter?

Wear safety goggles, a dust mask, and gloves to protect yourself from dust and debris. Additionally, work in a well-ventilated area or wear a respirator if working with fine dust particles.

Q: Hvad er de almindelige kornstørrelser for håndpuder med diamanter?

Diamond hand pads come in a range of grit sizes, from coarse (e.g., 50 grit) to fine (e.g., 3000 grit). The choice of grit depends on the specific task, with coarser grits used for material removal and finer grits for polishing.

Q: Do I need to use water or lubricant with a diamond hand pad?

Yes, using water or a specific lubricant is often necessary. It helps keep the surface cool, prevents overheating, and improves the effectiveness of the diamond particles in grinding and polishing. Some materials require dry grinding, so it's essential to check the manufacturer's recommendations.

Q: Kan jeg bruge en diamanthåndpude til tørslibning og vådslibning?

Egnetheden af en diamanthåndpude til tør- eller vådslibning afhænger af materialet og selve puden. Nogle diamanthåndpuder er designet til våd brug, mens andre er velegnede til tørslibning. Tjek producentens specifikationer for vejledning.

Q: Can diamond hand pads be used on curved or irregular surfaces?

Yes, diamond hand pads are versatile and can be used on flat, curved, or irregular surfaces. Their flexibility allows for contouring and shaping of various workpieces.

Q: Can I achieve a high-polish finish with a diamond hand pad?

Yes, with the right technique and progression through finer grits, you can achieve a high-polish finish on various materials using diamond hand pads. The finest grits are typically used for the polishing stage.

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