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Diamond Dresser Wheel The fastest, easiest way to dress a grinding wheel! Avoid all of the inaccuracies and difficulties of single point dressing tools! This nickel-plated dresser has long lasting, 46-grit diamond chips for fast resurfacing or shaping. Unlike single point dressing tools, it has a dressing surface area that is 1/2" wide and 1-3/4" long. Uniform reconditioning of your wheels is as simple as placing the dresser on your tool rest and contacting the wheel. No more frustration from futile attempts to accurately guide a single point, diamond tip across the face of your grinding wheel. Overall tool length is 4-5/8".
1.Nickel-plated, diamond tip wheel dresser
2.46-grit diamond chips for fast resurfacing or shaping
3.Dressing surface area is 1/2" wide x 1-3/4" long
4.Overall tool length 4-5/8"
5.Fast, easy way to dress grinding wheels

  • True the wheel by knocking abrasive particles from the wheel's surface and making the wheel concentric. This minimizes vibration and improves surface finish, eliminating the vibration of the out-of-balance wheel across the workpiece's surface.

  • Dislodge these abrasive particles, which also has the effect of exposing fresh abrasive from the wheel's surface. Each abrasive grain is a small cutting tool; a worn grain has its edges dulled and loses its effectiveness. Exposing the fresh grains is thus a sharpening process. Glazing of the wheel is evidence of rounded grains and is noticeable by a reflective surface on the spinning wheel.

  • Clean the wheel. If a workpiece is softer than the grade for which the wheel is designed, the abrasive particles will not be dislodged in time to present fresh, sharp grains. The wheel therefore appears to lose its edge especially as the pores between grains fill with fragments of the workpiece. The wheel is then said to be loaded and is one reason why the selection of wheel is extremely important.

Key features and functions of a diamond dresser wheel include:

  1. Diamond Tip: The working part of the dresser is a small, single-point or multi-point diamond mounted on the tool's shank. The diamond tip is made of industrial-grade diamond material, which is one of the hardest substances on Earth, ensuring its durability and long-lasting performance.

  2. Shaping and Truing: Diamond dresser wheels are primarily used for shaping and truing grinding wheels. Shaping involves forming the grinding wheel into a specific profile or contour, while truing is the process of restoring the grinding wheel's flatness and concentricity.

  3. Removing Glazing: Over time, grinding wheels can become glazed or loaded with debris, reducing their cutting efficiency. Diamond dressers can remove this glazing and expose fresh abrasive grits, restoring the wheel's cutting ability.

  4. Precision Dressing: Diamond dressers allow for precise control over the shaping and truing process, ensuring the desired wheel geometry and surface finish are achieved.

  5. Single-Point and Multi-Point Dressers: Diamond dressers come in various designs, including single-point and multi-point dressers. Single-point dressers have one diamond tip and are often used for straight dressing operations, while multi-point dressers have multiple diamond tips for more complex wheel profiles.

Common applications and industries that use diamond dresser wheels include:

  • Metalworking: Diamond dressers are used in metalworking operations such as tool and cutter grinding, surface grinding, and cylindrical grinding.

  • Woodworking: In woodworking, diamond dressers are employed to maintain the shape and sharpness of abrasive wheels used for tasks like sharpening cutting tools and grinding wood.

  • Glass and Ceramic Industries: Diamond dressers are used in shaping and truing abrasive wheels used for glass and ceramic processing.

  • Precision Machining: High-precision industries, such as aerospace and automotive, rely on diamond dressers to ensure the accuracy and quality of machined components.

When using a diamond dresser wheel, it's crucial to follow proper dressing techniques, including setting the dresser at the correct angle, using an appropriate dressing speed, and dressing the wheel gradually to avoid excessive wear on the diamond tip. Proper maintenance of the dresser and regular inspections of the grinding wheel's condition are also essential for achieving consistent and high-quality results in machining processes.


The performance of a diamond dresser wheel is crucial for achieving precise and effective dressing of grinding wheels. Here are key aspects that determine their performance:

  1. Diamond Quality: The quality of the diamond used in the dresser wheel significantly impacts its performance. High-quality diamonds ensure better cutting ability, durability, and precision during the dressing process.

  2. Abrasive Efficiency: Diamond dresser wheels should efficiently remove dull and worn-out abrasive grains from grinding wheels. Their ability to cut through the grinding wheel's surface and expose fresh abrasive grains is crucial for restoring the wheel's cutting ability.

  3. Consistency in Dressing: Consistent dressing across the entire surface of the grinding wheel is essential for maintaining uniformity in wheel shape and sharpness. A well-performing dresser wheel will achieve consistent truing and shaping throughout the wheel's profile.

  4. Precision in Profiling: Dresser wheels need to accurately profile grinding wheels to the desired shape and geometry. Precision is vital for achieving specific angles, radii, or contours required for various grinding operations.

  5. Durability and Longevity: A high-quality diamond dresser wheel should maintain its cutting efficiency and shape over extended periods of use. Durability ensures consistent performance and longer tool life, reducing the frequency of replacement.

  6. Heat Dissipation: During the dressing process, heat can build up due to friction between the dresser wheel and the grinding wheel. Efficient heat dissipation properties in the dresser wheel prevent damage to both wheels and maintain the dressing accuracy.

  7. Surface Finish: The dresser wheel's performance influences the surface finish achieved on the workpiece after grinding. A well-dressed grinding wheel produces smoother surfaces, improving the quality of finished products.

  8. Compatibility: The dresser wheel should be compatible with the material and grit size of the grinding wheel. Different materials and grit sizes require specific dresser wheels to achieve optimal performance.

Regular maintenance, proper handling, and using dresser wheels within recommended parameters are essential to optimize their performance and extend their lifespan. Additionally, selecting the right dresser wheel for specific grinding applications contributes to achieving superior grinding results and maintaining efficiency in machining operations.


Diamantkommodehjul er kritiske værktøjer, der bruges til at bearbejde og forme slibeskiver, der bruges i forskellige industrier. Deres applikationer omfatter:

  1. Trimning og afpudsning af slibeskiver: Diamantslibeskiver bruges primært til trimning og afpudsning af konventionelle slibeskiver. De fjerner slidte slibekorn og omformer hjulets overflade for at genoprette dets skæreevne og geometriske nøjagtighed.

  2. Præcisionsslibning: Ved præcisionsslibeoperationer, især i industrier som rumfart, bilindustrien og værktøjsfremstilling, sikrer diamantslibeskiver præcis profilering og geometri af slibeskiven. Dette er afgørende for at opretholde dimensionsnøjagtighed og overfladefinish af emnet.

  3. Forbedring af overfladefinish: Disse kommodehjul hjælper med at opnå den ønskede overfladefinish på emnet ved at dresse slibeskiven til den ønskede profil og skarphed. Dette er afgørende for at opnå glatte og nøjagtige overflader, især i applikationer, hvor overfladekvaliteten er kritisk.

  4. Slibning og istandsættelse: De bruges til slibning og istandsættelse af værktøjer, såsom skær, fræsere, boremaskiner og andre præcisionsværktøjer, der bruger slibeskiver til deres vedligeholdelse.

  5. Fremstilling og værktøj: I fremstillingsmiljøer anvendes diamantskærerhjul til formning og profilering af slibeskiver, der bruges i forskellige bearbejdningsprocesser. De spiller en afgørende rolle for at sikre nøjagtigheden og effektiviteten af bearbejdningsoperationer.

  6. Brugerdefinerede profiler og former: Disse kommodehjul kan skabe brugerdefinerede profiler og komplekse former på slibeskiver, hvilket giver mulighed for specifikke slibekrav i specialiserede applikationer, såsom gearfremstilling, lejeproduktion og bearbejdning af turbineblade.

  7. Renovering af hjul: De bruges til at renovere eller renovere slidte slibeskiver, forlænge deres levetid og bevare deres effektivitet.

Diamantskæreskiver er afgørende for at opretholde effektiviteten og nøjagtigheden af slibeoperationer på tværs af industrier ved at sikre, at slibeskiver forbliver skarpe, sande og i stand til at producere færdige produkter af høj kvalitet. De er vitale værktøjer i præcisionsfremstillings- og bearbejdningsprocesser, hvor kvaliteten af overfladefinish og dimensionsnøjagtighed er afgørende.

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Q: What is a diamond grinding wheel dresser?

En diamantkommode er et værktøj, der har en eller flere diamant(er) monteret på et skaft ved sintring. Det er vant til at sande og "klæde" slibeskiver. Dens hårde og skarpe skærekant bruges til at omforme en slibesten til at være flad og til at konturere dens porøsitet for at påvirke forskellige skæreaggressioner fra hjulet.
Q: Can a diamond grinding wheel be dressed?
Til producenter af hårdmetalskær bruger Haas regelmæssigt diamantslibeskiver, der skal slibes (en let trimningsproces for at bringe et værktøj i korrekt geometrisk form) for at sikre sliberesultater.
Q: What are the grades of diamond dressers?
Disse tilbydes i tre kvaliteter - A, B og C - til diamantstørrelser fra 0,25 til 5,00 karat størrelse. Der skal udvises stor omhu ved montering af diamantkommoden på plads. Diamanter er følsomme over for stød og varme. Kommoden skal spændes stift på plads for at undgå vibrationer, når forbindingen begynder.
Spørgsmål: Hvad er fordelene ved kommode med diamantspidser?
Single-Point Diamond Dressers They are quite versatile and are made using raw diamonds placed in holders using unique bonding. Single point diamond dressers can be used in getting rid of worn-out abrasive grains and they return the grinding wheel to its exact shape.
Q: What does a grinding wheel dresser do?
Slibekommoder bruges til at bringe en skive tilbage til dens oprindelige runde form (for at rette den op), til at eksponere friske korn for fornyet skærevirkning (inklusive rensning af tilstoppede områder) eller til at lave en anden profil (tværsnitsform) på hjulets kant.
Q: Hvad er den typiske monteringsvinkel for en diamantkommode?
Grinding performance is influenced by the conditions of dressing and trueing. If the rigidity of dresser is small and the dresser is incorrectly mounted, correct dressing is impossible. The diamond dresser is usually tilted to 15°of angle.
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