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8 inch Lapidary Cabbing Grinder

Our 8" Lapidary Cabochon Cabbing Grinder, a high-quality machine designed for use in the glass, ceramic, crystal, and superhard material industries. This cabbing machine boasts a 1" stainless steel shaft with ball bearings, 7pcs aluminum spacers and flanges, and a locknut for secure operation. The thermal protected ball bearing motor is 3/4HP and provides reliable power for all your grinding and polishing needs. The hood is made of durable 304 stainless steel for long-lasting use.
One of the standout features of this cabbing machine is the adjustable drip water system with 8 shut off valves for each wheel. This system ensures that your wheels stay cool and lubricated during use, resulting in smoother, more efficient grinding and
polishing . The shaft is tapped for a ¼-20 spin-on polish head on the right end and a 1/2" aluminum lap or diamond facet laps on the left end, providing versatility for a range of applications. The machine accepts silicon carbide or diamond wheels or rubber expandable drums, making it suitable for a variety of materials.
Compared to other lapidary cabbing machines on the market, such as the Cab King Lapidary, EZ Cab machine , Lortone Cabbing Machine, and Diamond Pacific Cabbing Machine, our 8" Lapidary Cabochon Cabbing Grinder offers several advantages. Firstly, our machine features a larger work space, allowing for more efficient processing of larger pieces. Additionally, the 3/4HP motor provides more power than some comparable models, while the adjustable drip water system ensures consistent cooling and lubrication. Finally, our machine is competitively priced and offers exceptional value for the quality and features it provides.
In summary, our 8 Lapidary Cabochon Cabbing Grinder is a versatile and reliable machines that is ideal for use in a range of industries. With its sturdy construction, powerful motor, and adjustable drip water system, it is a top choice for professionals and hobbyists alike.


  1. Motoreffekt og RPM : Kværnens motoreffekt og RPM (Revolutions Per Minute) bestemmer maskinens slibehastighed og drejningsmoment. Højere effekt og justerbart omdrejningstal giver mulighed for effektiv materialefjernelse og præcis formgivning.

  2. Hjulvarianter: Forskellige typer slibeskiver - såsom diamant-, siliciumcarbid- eller harpiksbundne skiver - giver forskellige niveauer af slibeevne til skæring, formning og polering af sten.

  3. Hjulkvalitet: Kvaliteten af slibeskiver påvirker deres holdbarhed og kvaliteten af cabochonfinishen. Højkvalitetshjul giver ensartet ydeevne og holdbarhed ved længere tids brug.

  4. Kølesystem: Et effektivt vandkølingssystem hjælper med at kontrollere støv, forhindrer overophedning af stenen og forlænger slibeskivenes levetid.

  5. Variabel hastighed og kontrol: Maskiner med variable hastighedsindstillinger gør det muligt for brugerne at justere slibehastigheden , hvilket giver mulighed for præcis kontrol over form- og poleringsprocessen .

  6. Nøjagtighed og præcision: Kværnens evne til at forme sten nøjagtigt efter ønskede design og dimensioner definerer dens ydeevne. Konsekvent slibning og præcis kontrol forbedrer den endelige cabochons kvalitet.

  7. Brugervenlighed: Ergonomisk design og brugervenlig betjening bidrager til en jævnere og mere effektiv slibeproces . Dette inkluderer nemme hjulskift, justerbare værktøjsstøtter og tilgængelige vandreservoirer.

  8. Holdbarhed og vedligeholdelse: Maskinens holdbarhed, dens komponenter og nem vedligeholdelse bidrager til langsigtet ydeevne. Robust konstruktion og let udskiftelige dele sikrer ensartet kvalitetsoutput.

  9. Alsidighed: En højtydende kabinesliber kan rumme en bred vifte af stentyper, hårdhed og størrelser, hvilket sikrer alsidighed i lapidært arbejde.

En velfungerende Lapidary Cabochon Cabbing Grinder kombinerer effektivt disse aspekter, hvilket gør det muligt for lapidarister at forvandle ru ædelsten til polerede cabochons med præcision, detaljer og en finish af høj kvalitet.


The 8-inch Lapidary Cabbing Grinder comes with several features and components that make it suitable for lapidary work.

  1. Durable Motor: It is equipped with a direct drive 3/4HP motor capable of running at 1500 and 1800 RPM. This motor provides reliable power for grinding and polishing tasks.

  2. Voltage Options: The grinder offers voltage options of 220/240/110V, providing flexibility for various power sources.

  3. Cooling System: The independently controlled drip water cooling system helps keep the grinding and polishing wheels and the material being worked on cool during operation.

  4. Stainless Steel Hood: The grinder features a stainless steel, removable hood that helps contain debris and water splash, making it durable and easy to clean.

  5. Drip Pans: The grinder includes rust-free drip pans that can be set up for forward or rear drainage, helping to keep your workspace clean.

  6. Water Pump: It comes with a separate, mute submersible water pump to supply water for cooling and lubrication.

  7. Water Drainage System: An efficient water drainage system is designed to eliminate the need for constantly draining drip pans, enhancing convenience during use.

  8. Splash Guards: Two hood splash guards and four wheel splash guards are included to protect the user from debris and water spray.

  9. Accessories: The grinder comes with various accessories, including plastic stone boxes, a waterproof pinafore, a hand rest, a water pipe, and an LED lamp to facilitate your lapidary work.

  10. Shaft and Bearings: It features 1" shafts and ball bearings.

  11. Diamond Grinding Wheels: The grinder includes a set of 8"x1.5" diamond soft grinding wheels in different grits (280, 600, 1200, 3000), an 8"x1.5" diamond hard grinding wheel (80, 220), and an 8"x1/2" 360-grit diamond standard faceting lap. These diamond wheels and laps are essential for grinding and polishing gemstones.

  12. Prepolishing Pad: A 14000-grit diamond prepolishing pad is included for achieving a high-quality surface finish on your gemstones.

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Q: How do I set up my Cabbing machine?

The 6″ Cabbing can be set up by one person in less than 30 minutes; however, we recommend two people. The 8″ Cabbing requires two people and also takes approximately 30 minutes to set up. You will need a sturdy table or stable surface that is well lit. Instruction manuals are shipped with every machine to assist you in the set-up process.
Q: What are the specifications of the Cabbing motors?
Machine Size: The 8-inch cabbing machine requires significantly more power (wattage) compared to the 6-inch machine, regardless of voltage. This is likely because the larger machine has a more powerful motor to handle the bigger grinding wheels. Voltage: The wattage remains the same (352W for 6-inch and 880W for 8-inch) for both voltage options (110V and 220V). However, the amperage (current draw) is halved when using the higher voltage (220V) compared to the lower voltage (110V) for the same machine. This is because the formula for power (watts) is P = V x I (where P is power, V is voltage, and I is current). So, if the voltage is doubled, the amperage can be halved to achieve the same wattage.
Q: Kan jeg opsætte vandsystemet som et recirkulerende system?
Introduktion af vores Single-Pass vandsystem Hos Cabbing forstår vi vigtigheden af at levere rent, frisk vand til dine hjul for at opnå de bedste resultater. Det er derfor, vi har designet vores single-pass vandsystem til at levere netop det. Dette innovative system sikrer, at dine hjul får en konstant tilførsel af rent vand, fri for forurening. Forebyggelse af kontaminering I modsætning til traditionelle recirkulerende vandsystemer forhindrer vores single-pass vandsystem forurening i at opstå. Dette er især vigtigt for at opnå optimale resultater i dine træbearbejdningsprojekter. Vigtig note Bemærk venligst, at forsøg på at opsætte vores Cabbing-vandsystem som et recirkulerende system vil ugyldiggøre din garanti. Vi anbefaler at følge producentens instruktioner for korrekt installation og brug for at sikre dit vandsystems levetid og effektivitet.
Q: How much cleared space does my Cabbing machine need?
Cabbing 6" har brug for et 2' x 3' område; Cabbing 8" har brug for et 2' x 4' område.
Q: Are the Cabbing motors variable speed?
Begrænset hastighedskontrol: Disse maskiner mangler evnen til at justere motorhastigheden, så al slibning og polering vil blive udført ved konstante 1800 rpm. Forkerte hastighedskontrolmetoder: Det er vigtigt at undgå at bruge enheder som rheostater, routerhastighedsregulatorer eller spændingsbegrænsere til at styre motorhastigheden. Disse metoder kan: Overophede motoren: Disse enheder er muligvis ikke designet til at håndtere de specifikke motoregenskaber for førerhusmaskinen, hvilket fører til overophedning og potentiel skade. Ugyldig garanti: Brug af inkompatible metoder til at kontrollere hastigheden kan annullere producentens garanti på maskinen. Vær ineffektiv: Disse metoder giver muligvis ikke korrekt hastighedskontrol og kan beskadige maskinen eller ikke fungere efter hensigten.
Q: Hvor meget vand skubber Cabbing-vandpumpen ud?
Cooling and Lubrication: During cabbing, the grinding wheels generate friction and heat. A sufficient water flow helps: Cool down the grinding wheel and workpiece, preventing overheating and potential damage. Lubricate the cutting surface, improving cutting efficiency and extending wheel life. Debris Removal: The water flow also helps wash away debris and slurry created during the grinding process. This keeps the work area clean and improves visibility for better control. Potential Uses of the Flow Rate Information: Knowing the flow rate (2,300 L/h) can be helpful in a few ways: Reservoir Capacity: You can choose a water reservoir with a capacity that allows for continuous operation without needing frequent refilling based on the pump's flow rate. Water Flow Adjustment: Some cabbing machines might allow for adjusting the water flow rate. The 2,300 L/h specification can serve as a reference point for such adjustments. Additional Considerations: While 2,300 L/h is a good flow rate, it's important to consider the following factors as well: Material and Grinding Technique: Softer materials might require less water flow compared to harder stones. Some grinding techniques might also benefit from a more or less aggressive water flow. Machine Model: Consult your cabbing machine's manual for any specific recommendations or water flow limitations.
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