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6x6 Lapidary rustfrit stål dorn

6x6 Whees Stainless Steel Arbor

Our 6X6 Stainless Steel Arbor, a high-quality machine designed for the delicate and precise cutting of brittle materials such as glass, ceramics, crystals, and super-hard materials. Constructed entirely from 304 grade Stainless steel , this machine boasts exceptional durability and longevity, with 3/4" Stainless steel shafts and ball bearings ensuring smooth and reliable operation.
Featuring a rear mounting plate and motor hood, our 6X6 Stainless steel Arbor also comes with an adjustable drip water system with 6 valves for each
wheel, mounted on the back of the machine . This system ensures consistent cooling and lubrication during cutting, reducing the risk of damage to your materials and enhancing the precision of your work.
The machine is also equipped with a front drain valve and accepts a range of cutting
wheels , including silicon carbide or diamond wheels and rubber expandable drums. The shaft is tapped for a ¼-20 spin-on polish head at both ends, with the machine supplied with only a right-hand spin-on head.
In terms of price, motor power, quality, workspace, and accessories, our 6X6 Stainless Steel Arbor compares favorably to other leading brands such as Hi-Tech, Lortone, Star Diamond Trim Saw, and Diamond Pacific. With its robust construction, precise cutting capabilities, and versatile range of cutting options, our 6X6 Stainless Steel Arbor is the perfect choice for professionals in the glass, ceramics, crystals, and super-hard materials industries.


Ydeevnen af 6"x6" rustfrit stål lapidær maskine kan evalueres baseret på dens funktionalitet, holdbarhed og brugervenlighed. Her er de vigtigste præstationsaspekter:

  1. Funktionalitet: Maskinen er designet til lapidære opgaver, herunder skæring, formning, slibning og polering af ædelsten og mineraler. Den udfører disse funktioner effektivt med de medfølgende diamantslibeskiver og omgange. De mange forskellige korn giver brugerne mulighed for at opnå forskellige niveauer af overfladefinish og præcision.

  2. Holdbarhed: Konstruktion af rustfrit stål forbedrer maskinens holdbarhed og modstandsdygtighed over for korrosion. Denne holdbarhed sikrer, at maskinen kan modstå belastningen ved lapidært arbejde og bevare sin ydeevne over tid.

  3. Alsidighed: Maskinens kompatibilitet med forskellige spændingsmuligheder (220/240/110V) gør den alsidig og velegnet til forskellige strømkilder. Det medfølgende tilbehør, såsom afstandsstykker, flanger og motorremskive, bidrager til dens alsidighed.

  4. Brugervenlighed: Maskinens kompakte dimensioner gør den nem at sætte op i et arbejdsområde. Den inkluderer en drypvandsbeholder til køling og smøring, og den medfølgende vandpumpe sikrer en ensartet vandforsyning. Tilstedeværelsen af en motor med en centrifugalkontakt forenkler driften.

  5. Tilbehør: Inkluderingen af diamantslibeskiver , laps og en forpoleringspude som tilbehør forbedrer maskinens ydeevne. Disse værktøjer er afgørende for at opnå ønskede former, glathed og finish på ædelstene.

  6. Garanti: 1 års garanti på både maskine og motor giver sikkerhed for kvalitet og ydeevne.

  7. Støjniveau: Maskinens motorstøjniveau på mindre end 62 dB bidrager til et mere støjsvagt arbejdsmiljø, hvilket øger brugerkomforten.

  8. Kompatibilitet: 5/8" akslerne i rustfrit stål og de beskyttede kuglelejer med en 1" aluminiums akselbøsning giver mulighed for kompatibilitet med en række forskellige 1" aksler , hvilket udvider dens anvendelighed.

  9. Ædelstenskvalitet: Maskinens ydeevne bedømmes i sidste ende ud fra dens evne til at producere ædelstensudskæringer, former og finish af høj kvalitet. Brugere bør opnå resultater af professionel kvalitet med korrekt teknik og de medfølgende diamantslibemidler.


The 6"x6" stainless steel machine comes with various features and components suitable for lapidary work. Here's a summary of its features:

  1. Stainless steel Construction: The machine is constructed from durable stainless steel , ensuring longevity and resistance to corrosion.

  2. Shafts and Bearings: It features 3/4" stainless steel shafts with protected ball bearings, providing smooth and reliable operation.

  3. Voltage Options: You have the option to choose from voltage options of 220/240/110V, making it versatile for different power sources.

  4. Compact Dimensions: The machine has compact dimensions, measuring 660mm in width, 330mm in length, and 215mm in height, making it suitable for various workspaces.

  5. Warranty: It comes with a 1-year warranty on both the machine and the motor (motor may ship separately), offering peace of mind for your investment.

  6. Weight: The weight of the machine without the motor and the weight of the motor with a centrifugal switch are specified.

  7. Drip Water Tank: A drip water tank is included to provide a water source for cooling and lubrication during lapidary work.

  8. Accessories: The machine includes spacers, flanges (12 pieces each), and a motor pulley, which are essential components for operation.

  9. Diamond Grinding wheels: The machine comes with a set of 6"x1.5" diamond soft grinding wheels in different grits (280, 600, 1200, 3000) and an 6"x1.5" diamond hard grinding wheel (80, 220). These diamond wheels are essential for shaping and grinding gemstones.

  10. Diamond Standard Faceting Lap: A 6"x1/2" 360-grit diamond standard faceting lap is included for precision faceting work.

  11. Prepolishing Pad: A 6" 14000-grit diamond prepolishing pad is provided to achieve a high-quality surface finish on gemstones.

How to Buy

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Q: Hvad er en 6x6 hjuls Lapidary rustfrit stål dorn?

A 6x6 wheel lapidary stainless steel arbor is a specific arbor (shaft) designed for use with lapidary grinding wheels that have a 6-inch diameter and a 6-inch width. It's typically made from stainless steel for durability and resistance to rust.
Q: What are the Advantages of a Stainless Steel Arbor?
Durability: Stainless steel is a strong and long-lasting material, well-suited for the stresses of lapidary work. Rust Resistance: Stainless steel resists rust and corrosion, which is important for tools that come into contact with water during lapidary grinding.
Q: Er en 6x6 hjul lapidær dorn i rustfrit stål det rigtige for mig?
Hvis du har en lapidær slibemaskine, der bruger slibeskiver med en diameter på 6 tommer med en bredde på 6 tommer og kræver en dorn i rustfrit stål, så ville dette være et passende valg. Her er nogle yderligere faktorer at overveje: Arbor Størrelse: Dobbelttjek arborens skaftdiameter (f.eks. 1/2" eller 5/8") for at sikre, at den passer til din kværn. Antal hjul: Hvis du planlægger at bruge flere slibeskiver, har du muligvis brug for yderligere slibeskiver.
Q: Hvad er Lapidary slibeskiver?
Lapidary grinding wheels are abrasive wheels used for shaping, grinding, and polishing gemstones, rocks, minerals, and other hard materials. They come in various grits (levels of coarseness) to achieve different stages of grinding and polishing.
Spørgsmål: Hvad er nogle ting at overveje, når du bruger en 6x6 hjul lapidær dorn i rustfrit stål?
Compatibility: Ensure the arbor's diameter and width (likely 1/2" or 5/8") are compatible with your lapidary grinder and the grinding wheels you plan to use. Safety: Always wear appropriate safety gear such as eye protection, gloves, and a respirator when using lapidary equipment. Mounting: Make sure the grinding wheel is securely mounted on the arbor following the manufacturer's instructions. Water Flow: Depending on your lapidary setup, you might need a water flow to cool the grinding wheel and workpiece during operation.
Q: Where can I find a 6x6 wheel lapidary stainless steel arbor?
Disse lysthuse kan findes hos forskellige leverandører af lapidærudstyr, træbearbejdningsbutikker eller
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