Vi specialiserer os i diamantværktøj af høj kvalitet og tilbyder banebrydende løsninger til behov for skæring, polering, boring og slibning
HANS, en førende producent af superabrasiver, er dedikeret til at levere avanceret teknologi og premium fleksible diamantprodukter til en bred vifte af industrier. Vores omfattende portefølje omfatter innovative løsninger til glas diamantværktøjer, lapidary værktøjer, diamant slibeværktøjer og diamant slibematerialer, der henvender sig til sektorer som Glas, Tekstil, Metal, Automobil, Lager, Luftfart, skæreværktøjer og ædelstensindustrier.
Specialiseret i præcisionsslibning og polering, betjener vi en bred vifte af applikationer på tværs af forskellige sektorer, herunder Lager, glas, sten, byggeri, kompositter, superhårdt belægning, porcelæn og hardware. Derudover er vi førende inden for banebrydende innovationer inden for bestik, olie og gas, overfladebehandling og træprodukter.
Som en omfattende leverandør af slibning, polering, skæring og boringsværktøjer omfatter vores brede sortiment over 10.000 omhyggeligt fremstillede produkter, der er kendt for deres exceptionelle kvalitet, overlegne ydeevne og konsekvente pålidelighed. Disse produkter lever op til de højeste standarder og henvender sig til et bredt spektrum af produktionsapplikationer.
Hos HANS er vores dedikation at levere skræddersyede løsninger, der er tilpasset dine unikke behov inden for slibning, polering, skæring og boring. Vores team af brancheeksperter er engageret i at levere effektive løsninger, mens vores kundeservicemedarbejdere er klar til at tilbyde personlig støtte.
Med årtiers erfaring og en global tilstedeværelse i flere lande og regioner har vi løbende forbedret vores produktkvalitet. Vores urokkelige engagement er at levere værktøjer, der giver vores værdsatte kunder mulighed for at opnå væsentlige fordele.
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What is the company Diamond Tool?
Diamond Tool is a full line contractor supply house. With a 20,000 square foot showroom, in-house repair department, large rental equipment fleet, knowledgeable inside and outside sales staff, and emphasis on safety service solutions, Diamond Tool brings something unique to contractors everyday.
Hvordan galvaniserer du diamantværktøj?
I diamantgalvaniseringsprocessen placeres værktøjslegemet (negativt ladet) i en tank, hvor diamantkornet (positiv ladning) "klæbes" til den udsatte overflade. Nikkel galvaniseres derefter for at styrke diamantkornets hold på kroppen.
How are diamond coated tools made?
Plated diamond tools: These tools are made by fixing the diamonds onto the tool's base via electroplating method or via CVD (Chemical Vapor Deposition) method. They can usually be made to good processing precision. Ceramic-bonded diamond tools: The tools' bonding material is usually glass and ceramic powder.
What are the benefits of diamond tools?
Værktøjer, der bruger diamanter, har højere slidstyrke, højere slibeeffektivitet og længere levetid. Diamantsave og bor vil være med til at sikre et snit af høj kvalitet til betonprojekter og vil reducere tid og kræfter. Syntetiske diamanter er en fast bestanddel i byggebranchen.
What are electroplated diamond tools?
Electroplated diamond tools have a monolayer of abrasive coating on a metal substrate. The individual diamond grits are bonded through an electroplated nickel layer. They project well out of the bond so that very open, easy cutting tools with exceptionally large chip spaces are created.
Hvilke typer processer kræver brug af diamantværktøj?
1. Geological Exploration and Mining. Diamond cutting tools are used in the oil/gas industry for drilling and mining bits. ... 2. Construction. ... 3. Stone Processing Applications. ... 4. IT and Home Appliances. ... 5. Engineering Ceramics Applications.
Hans Lapidary Tools are generally very good. I recently bought a set of diamond polishing compounds, and they work wonderfully on jade. My only critique is the packaging could be more secure to prevent spillage during shipping.
The 6"x2-1/2" Expandable Rubber Drum Wheel I purchased from Hans is excellent for my lapidary work. It fits perfectly on my machine and provides a smooth sanding experience. No complaints!
Hans' 6"x1-1/2" 280Grit Lapidary Diamond Hard Flat Grinding Wheel is sturdy and performs well for rough grinding tasks. It's a bit on the heavier side, but that's expected for its quality.
I’ve been using the 8"x3" 60Grit Diamond Resin Soft Abrasive Lapidary Sanding Belt, and it’s amazing. The finish it gives to my stone pieces is superb, and it’s lasted longer than other brands I’ve tried. Definitely a repeat customer.
Hans offers great value for their products. I bought several diamond burrs for my Dremel, and they are excellent for detailed engraving work. The only downside is that shipping took longer than expected.
The 10" Diamond Combination Rock Slab Cutting Saw from Hans is a game-changer. It cuts through thick slabs with ease and precision. It’s robust and well-built, making my cutting tasks much more efficient.
The 10" Diamond Combination Rock Slab Cutting Saw from Hans is a game-changer. It cuts through thick slabs with ease and precision. It’s robust and well-built, making my cutting tasks much more efficient.
I got the 6"x1.5" 325Grit Lapidary Polisher Diamond Resin Soft Grinding Wheel, and it’s perfect for the detailed polishing work I do. It’s a bit pricey, but the quality justifies the cost. Worth the investment for serious lapidary enthusiasts.
Hans' diamond sanding belts are fantastic! I use the 1200Grit belt for fine polishing, and it leaves a beautiful finish on my glass pieces. The belts are durable and provide consistent results every time.
The Hans 8"x3" Expandable Rubber Drum Wheel I bought works exceptionally well with my sanding belts. It’s durable and easy to use, though I wish it came with more detailed instructions for first-time users.